Actually if Rangers are voted back in then the 11-1 voting structure would remain unless Rangers voted against it. They have to get a vote of 11-1 to change that vote. Clever eh?? You have to wonder why these chairmen of the other clubs agreed to it in the first place. Oh yes they wanted the money.
I hope Rangers are using this as a bargaining tool to get back in however even if we dont I fully expect Celtic to be ****** over as whoever comes up will vote yes and Celtic will lose all their power. That will be an interesting vote. Especially if the 11 other club call a vote for shared gate receipts.
Probably why the Celtic chairman hasn't been at any of the meetings of the smaller clubs yet still invited? It's looking like an 8-4 vote required for the newco to be in the SPL but with the way things are going it's looking unlikely. The Old Firm had them over a barrel with the TV money and now the other clubs see their only chance of major change in the game.