The Rangers Saga and Fallout Thread

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Young talent needs a few older heads. Look at the team Ferguson first built at man utd. Yes there was youth but there were plenty of experienced seniors.

Yeah cos McCulloch, Bocanegra, McGreggor, Papac et all are all teenagers, no wait 20 somethings, no wait....

Similar to the last article you linked to and claimed was a "good" article, which I disproved using only 1 "fact", which was written by someone not exactly impartial (Andrew Smith, former editor of The Celtic View), this article also can hardly be impartial, given the author "holds a candle to Celtic".

It is basically a piece straight out of a Celtic fanzine.
I thought it was a good article, maybe it does have to be someone with Celtic leanings to ask questions that dont get asked by the traditional Rangers minded media like the Daily Record, Traynor, Young etc.
You know something Mark, for someone who proclaims that whether Rangers are in the SPL or not doesn't materially affect your club, you don't half spend a lot of time reading and writing about the story.

A lesser man than myself might suggest you were mildly obsessed.

Its got nothing to do with St Mirren, its the biggest football story in Scotland ever, why wouldnt I be interested?
Oh dear.

The fact that its a big story and Im a St Mirren fan have absolutely nothing in common.

I didnt say it wouldnt be affected, but it wouldnt die.

You are correct, the fact you are a St. Mirren fan/ Rangers hater and it being a big story have nothing in common.

I just find it a bit hard to understand why someone who has admitted that the impact to his own club and Scottish football as a whole, would be the single biggest contributor to this particular discussion.

Anyway, welcome back to the forum after our little holiday. :p
Walter Smith lured away by big bucks in England? What???

He left Rangers when he failed to win 10 in a row. He left Rangers when the world was about to collapse from them, and incidentally hasn't worked since.

The only time Smith has been lured away was when he dumped Scotland to go back to Rangers.

Technically he announced his decision to leave around October '97, so the decision to leave was in no way affected by the failure to secure 10 in a row. He also decided to leave well in advance of May 2011 (Whyte's takeover) and in fact had to be convinced by McCoist and the rest of the staff to remain for 1 further season after winning the title in May 2010.

The poster who posted about him being "lured away" has already admitted to not being a big football fan.
Yeah cos McCulloch, Bocanegra, McGreggor, Papac et all are all teenagers, no wait 20 somethings, no wait....

And all who can leave for reduced fees which was known before the stupid made up on the spot sanction the
stupidly ####### amateur association dreamt up.

So it was a vindictive punishment.
You are correct, the fact you are a St. Mirren fan/ Rangers hater and it being a big story have nothing in common.

I just find it a bit hard to understand why someone who has admitted that the impact to his own club and Scottish football as a whole, would be the single biggest contributor to this particular discussion.

Anyway, welcome back to the forum after our little holiday. :p

Simply because I find it interesting, just like I find everything about the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space programs interesting and when Im interested in something I want to know everything about it, Ive read about 60 books on that subject because its interesting to me, apart from anything else, Ibrox is closer to St Mirren Park than any other stadium in the country, they are our closest neighbours, the old ground was im sure even closer to ibrox than ibrox is to parkhead.
And all who can leave for reduced fees which was known before the stupid made up on the spot sanction the
stupidly ####### amateur association dreamt up.

So it was a vindictive punishment.

How is it the SFA's fault for punishing a team that brought the game into disrepute, and it isn't the team itself s fault for putting in a completely stupid clause in players contracts? All the while to keep people like Neil Alexander there. How much is he on? 10k or something iirc? How many games has he played? Also kept Papac, a man out of contract in the summer. Should have been bye bye, you can join the list of creditors. Kyle Bartley, a loanee got to stay. Sone Aluko, well i suppose, he probably payed a few folks wages too. But you can see where this list going can't you? But yeah, it's the SFA's fault and not Rangers' fault.

The players don't have to leave, they can stay if they want/Rangers convince them. In fact, two of the mentioned are not affected by either the SFA ruling or the agreement by Duff and Phelps, as two of them are out of contract.

And see if Rangers fans had shown half as much interest as Mark has 24 months ago, you wouldn't be in this spot.

I've yet to hear or see someone from Rangers or even a support take responsibility for anything that has gone on, and TBH, that's probably one of the biggest thing to get folks backs up. It is always a big boy done it and ran away.
How is it the SFA's fault for punishing a team that brought the game into disrepute, and it isn't the team itself s fault for putting in a completely stupid clause in players contracts? All the while to keep people like Neil Alexander there. How much is he on? 10k or something iirc? How many games has he played? Also kept Papac, a man out of contract in the summer. Should have been bye bye, you can join the list of creditors. Kyle Bartley, a loanee got to stay. Sone Aluko, well i suppose, he probably payed a few folks wages too. But you can see where this list going can't you? But yeah, it's the SFA's fault and not Rangers' fault.

The players don't have to leave, they can stay if they want/Rangers convince them. In fact, two of the mentioned are not affected by either the SFA ruling or the agreement by Duff and Phelps, as two of them are out of contract.

And see if Rangers fans had shown half as much interest as Mark has 24 months ago, you wouldn't be in this spot.

I've yet to hear or see someone from Rangers or even a support take responsibility for anything that has gone on, and TBH, that's probably one of the biggest thing to get folks backs up. It is always a big boy done it and ran away.

No, but IT IS the SFA's fault for imposing an unlawful sanction on the club which seems to have been forgotten.

I think you will find that every single person from within Rangers accepts responsibility and that a punishment should be forthcoming. But they also realise, which most of you seem to be forgetting is that there were mitigating circumstances. The club was being run by a conman and a dictator. Anyone who spoke out against him was sacked (Martin Bain, Alistair Johnston, Donald McIntyre). How could anything the club or people from within the club have prevented anything that has occurred from occurring?

As far as your point about the interest shown by Mark, I think you are overstating the importance of the run of the mill fan. If Dermot Desmond decided to sell up tomorrow and some mysterious businessman made an acceptable offer, there is nothing the Celtic support could do or say to prevent that from happening. They could write blogs and on forums, or perhaps even demonstrate, but would be ultimately powerless, as were the Rangers support during Whyte's takeover. There WERE many dissenting voices on forums and on blogs... and even the then chairman Alistair Johnston spoke out against Whyte, but even he was powerless to prevent the deal from happening.
Again with the unlawful sanction schtick?
If Rangers hadn't gotten into this unholy mess over the years, there wouldn't have BEEN any sanctions. Unlawful or not.
I appreciate Craig Whyte had some very dodgy dealings but bear in mind the club has been on a slippery slope ever since Murray took over. It was on his watch that a (potential) tax bill of £75 million was built up. He saw an opportunity to offload this huge debt millstone onto someone else so I reckon the "due diligence" probably was anything but. Craig White was simply polishing an almighty turd.
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On one hand I can kinda see Rangers fans fault, its not their fault, they have just supported the team they always have, and you trust that the custodian of the club is looking out for its own interest, the last thing they will want is for it to go away, it means a lot to a lot of people.

On the other hand, the excuse that it was one or two guys is no excuse at all, anything done under the guise of Rangers is Rangers fault and they have to be punished. I do feel sympathy with some of the fans, I have no sympathy for others.
The RoyalBbank of Scotland. I can see it wasn't the people banked with it. The bank many who had used for years. Then it fell apart mainly down to the guidance of one man. Oh hang on it got bailed out and the one man stripped of his knighthood.
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