***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

The $6m Dan said:
I wanted to go into vacation mode this weekend, but didn't realise that buildings had to have finished building and fleet had to return before you could do that.
Returned this morning to find 140 battleships and 30 bombers all gone.
Didn't even get a moon from all that lot :(
So I'm going to hang up my space boots and call it a day.
I'm going to send some resource to a friend to help him get started, but I'll leave my planets there so you can all farm them. There will be a smallish defense to overcome first though.
Gah, unlucky mate. :(

If you've got a spare fleet anywhere (after you've sent the resources to others) - you could send it to attack me - I'll happily destroy it, take the debris, and with luck, get a moon \o/. :p


Davey - also unlucky. :/
I'm too far away to get the debris - hopefully someone else will get it for you.
I've not done that yet but am expecting to send it against someone with a massive fleet who will come and destroy me. If i do this it'll probably be first thing in a morning when I've not woke up properly.

I would send recyclers but I've only got 1 left that is out on a mission. Sorry
I know why I made the mistake. I was aiming for a planet with a very smiliar location, but I still had that location in my mind as I'd scanned him literally 2 mins previous. I then left the office so didn't bother looking again at where I sent the fleet. I'm not overly bothered about what I lost, it can be rebuilt again within a day or two's raiding, I'm more annoyed at myself for the mistake, and hoping I don't give someone a ton of res for free, which is why I want the debris field back :(
lol just got probed by the guy on planet 4:280:9

probed him back with 2 probes at level 9 expecting just resources

97% espionage thingy... 2 probes down ..... MEDIC !!!!

hes got over 1.2 million of each resource with just over 1000 power on the planet so its probably just used for storage... but by the looks of it he either has a nice fleet or he has some really good defences !!!

he's ranked in the low to mid 200's as well so abit out of our league at the mo :(
fRostiE said:
lol just got probed by the guy on planet 4:280:9

probed him back with 2 probes at level 9 expecting just resources

97% espionage thingy... 2 probes down ..... MEDIC !!!!

Is he alone? or in a big alliance?

BTW, what is the etiquette to scanning Stronger players than yourselfs? or scanning to see if they have a DF full of goodies and then sent recyclers to get all those res?
Raymond Lin said:
Is he alone? or in a big alliance?

BTW, what is the etiquette to scanning Stronger players than yourselfs? or scanning to see if they have a DF full of goodies and then sent recyclers to get all those res?
He's in an alliance that is ranked lower than ours, but only has 17 members (compared to our 36 members) - with an average 53k points for each member. :eek:

Personally, I'll scan anyone whose in an alliance that's a fair bit worse than ours (I check the average player score).
To be extra safe you could search the player name for that persons rank.

To see the size of a DF just leave your mouse over the "T" in the galaxy screen (the tool tip shows you what is there).
Anarchy said:
Gah, unlucky mate. :(

If you've got a spare fleet anywhere (after you've sent the resources to others) - you could send it to attack me - I'll happily destroy it, take the debris, and with luck, get a moon \o/. :p


Davey - also unlucky. :/
I'm too far away to get the debris - hopefully someone else will get it for you.

I can send 7 battleships and 2 cruisers over with level 8 weapons, level 9 shields, level 8 armour. I'm the Unquenchable in game so message me and let me know where you want them sending, though they're dotted around and it'll take a while to get them together.
I'm going to keep the cargos for a while, as I might log on once in a while and dish out some resource.
Always wanted to know, in the galazy screen, sometimes there is a number of minutes next to the green dot, what does that time mean?
Raymond Lin said:
Always wanted to know, in the galazy screen, sometimes there is a number of minutes next to the green dot, what does that time mean?

iirc its how long they have been inactive or logged off as it were it goes up to an hour or something and after that disappears so in that time frame you know they arent online and checking things i.e. while you know they are away you can get in, take out their fleet and nick their resources without fear of them moving the resources or fleet saving

all this is iirc :)
The $6m Dan said:
I can send 7 battleships and 2 cruisers over with level 8 weapons, level 9 shields, level 8 armour. I'm the Unquenchable in game so message me and let me know where you want them sending, though they're dotted around and it'll take a while to get them together.
I'm going to keep the cargos for a while, as I might log on once in a while and dish out some resource.
It'd be a 1% moon chance...
I'll let someone else take the attack, since I don't need the resources as much.
If no one offers before you want to stop entirely, then contact me in the game. :)

The debris field will be 96.000 Metal and 46.200 Crystal, if the defender takes no losses.
Raymond Lin said:
Always wanted to know, in the galazy screen, sometimes there is a number of minutes next to the green dot, what does that time mean?
It's like the '*' (Fleet maneuver or activity on planet).
The '*' is used when the it's up to 15 mins since the fleet activity (it doesn't say whether it's happened 1 second ago, or 14 minutes ago).
After 15 mins, it says the exact time - up to 60 mins.

Fleet activity could be an attack, a probe, a transport, or a deployment iirc.

Guinnezz said:
Signing up to this game (ogame.org) now,

home planet name : blanadium
ingame name : kurz0nguinnezz

Can I join TNG ? :)
If you're new (or your score is less than 7500), then sign up to T.N.G.A
Someone should supply you with a care package. :)

Once you have enough points, you'll be moved to T.N.G
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tng forums in maintenance mode, i want to read fizz's guide! anyone provide a summary or is it basic noob tips?
Well i'm a right prat..

I did Metal up to lvl4
Crystal to lvl2

But didnt buy a solar plant so quickly bought that after and now I have to wait to get enough to upgrade to lvl 2 solar :(

Anyone help a poor man out by giving him some metal please ??
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