The Rise of Lonely Single Straight Men

I do have pity on the modern young man looking for a lifetime mate. Back when I was in the mating game you could compliment a woman on her boobs, her backside, her coquettish smile, her clothes, pretty much anything. A well timed and meant slap on the backside usually elicited a smile, or at worst a mild telling off.

Now the youth of today have girls flashing silicone enhanced boobs to the point their nipples are barely covered, but woe betide any man who dares to let their eyes linger, or even worse, risks a comment. A slap on the arse would probably risk an appearance in court and a compliment would be weighed up by the harassment harpies, on line and with relish.

My dating days ended around the time I invited a good looking girl out I met in a supermarket. I went to pick her up and she came into her parent's lounge in a micro mini skirt with her whatsits hanging out, stinking of perfume, which I loathe. I just said "Sorry, you'll either have to change into something more modest or I am calling it off". She went hysterical ****** and jeffing and making it all too apparent what I nearly had on my hands.

Her father though quite surprised me. He stood there and said "I told you, you look like a bloody tramp, you finally manage to bring a decent seeming bloke to the house and he confirms what I have said for months, you look like some two bit tart". I could tell times were changing and the slapper had gained acceptance in society, and thought themselves the equal or better of a more modest girl.

I made a quick exit <LOL>
I'm not sure sitting around and waiting for it to get better because someone on the internet said so, is good advice.

Please. I didn't say that he would find the love of his life or anything like that. He will become more comfortable with himself and cease to worry about it. This will increase his internal happiness.
decent seeming bloke

So the two of you went to the pub instead, right? :)

It was probably on the cards, we seemed to be on the same wavelength :) I did once date a girl and she was so long getting ready her old man said "Let's go round the corner and get a beer, this is pitiful, she can walk over if she finally gets her face on". We got there and he'd no bloody money on him though...
so why not share the formula to be attractive to the internet women in the first place, cant speak for all.
But its hard enough to get the opportunity for a message, let alone asking them out this evening.

Good pictures, that just show you
A short bio with a question that they can engage with, but tells them something about you and is a bit cheeky. Mine was something like,

“Coming fourth in a pub quiz, laughter, flirting, cocktails, a kiss, whisky, more laughter, tequila. That’s date one done? What are we doing for date two?”

And, once someone matches with you then you suggest a drink basically straight away. “Oh, hi “name”. I see you’re three miles from me! Dog and Duck, 8pm? What am I buying you for the first drink?”.

You’ve matched with them. They’ve read your profile. They know you’re a drunk who wants to kiss them go and do it.

This isn’t hard. Don’t try and be that nice guy. You want a date. They want a date. SUGGEST GOING ON A DATE!

It’s not going to result in a date with them all, but they might just say “ok”. If you never ask, they’ll never have the chance to say “ok”. And if you’re talking about work, and what you’re having for dinner and other nonsense you’re definitely never going to go on a date.
you're doing it wrong then, unless you mean not that special in an emotional way?
I mean both emotionally and physically. Emotionally I actually think sex is bad because it messes with your head, I don't want my head messed with. Physically, I think I'm doing it right because the women have always enjoyed it, and there's only so many ways to skin a cat, I just think the physical sensation isn't that strong. Could be a circumcised vs not circumcised thing, no way to prove it. Condom makes a huge diff, it's borderline pointless with one on.

Probably worth elaborating on condoms. As a teenager I always assumed that normal penis = normal condom, with extra large reserved for extra large penis or showing off somehow. So initially I used normal condoms. Over time I learned that they're just way too tight, and the extra large condoms are actually for normal penis and the normal condoms are for small penis. A condom that's too tight defo impedes stimulation. So if you've never tried extra large give it a go.
Good pictures, that just show you
A short bio with a question that they can engage with, but tells them something about you and is a bit cheeky. Mine was something like,

“Coming fourth in a pub quiz, laughter, flirting, cocktails, a kiss, whisky, more laughter, tequila. That’s date one done? What are we doing for date two?”

And, once someone matches with you then you suggest a drink basically straight away. “Oh, hi “name”. I see you’re three miles from me! Dog and Duck, 8pm? What am I buying you for the first drink?”.

You’ve matched with them. They’ve read your profile. They know you’re a drunk who wants to kiss them go and do it.

This isn’t hard. Don’t try and be that nice guy. You want a date. They want a date. SUGGEST GOING ON A DATE!

It’s not going to result in a date with them all, but they might just say “ok”. If you never ask, they’ll never have the chance to say “ok”. And if you’re talking about work, and what you’re having for dinner and other nonsense you’re definitely never going to go on a date.

Add to that. Dance the, very thin line, between confidence and arrogance but also use some self-depreciating humour to show you are able to laugh at yourself.

'Nice guys' are often never very nice at all. Most women will see through that BS anyway
I mean both emotionally and physically. Emotionally I actually think sex is bad because it messes with your head, I don't want my head messed with. Physically, I think I'm doing it right because the women have always enjoyed it, and there's only so many ways to skin a cat, I just think the physical sensation isn't that strong. Could be a circumcised vs not circumcised thing, no way to prove it. Condom makes a huge diff, it's borderline pointless with one on.
You are over thinking it :D
I think, seriously think, that some blokes are now a bit reticent about asking some girl / woman out because at one time the worst that could happen is a smiling or even frowning "No", but now I believe some blokes think it might end up with acrimony and claims by the female of something untoward having been suggested, a claim that's perhaps hard to challenge with such blatant acceptance of women's claims of sexual impropriety in this litigious age.
You are a younger me. It gets better. You will get comfortable with yourself.
I agree with this. As a teenager and even into my 20's I was terribly shy. Socialising was very difficult and talking to women was even harder. But as I got older I got more confident and just got on with it. It really does get easier.

When you say better, in what way? If you mean socialising will get easier, or it won't be so overwhelming then I seem to be going in the opposite direction!

In my late teens, and 20's I had more energy and could cope with the exhaustion/recharge cycle. Once I reached my early 30's and now late 30's I just don't have the energy reserves to do that anymore. Even something as simple as texting friends and keeping a conversation flowing takes it out of me. I dread the inevitable "Hey, haven't heard from you in a while, how are things?" text coming through. Some friends understand, some not so much. On a purely selfish note, the lockdown was great for me as I had the perfect excuse!

Some of traits have eased with age though. I was terrible with different textures touching my skin as a child. Finding clothes/shoes to wear was a bloody nightmare, it was like torture to me! But back then my Mum had never heard of autism. Same with teachers in schools etc. All of my school reports all said the same thing about being withdrawn in lessons, but nothing was suggested to my Mom in those days.
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