The rise of OnlyFans

Doubt there is a genuine source for it.

Its the same as any video you'll see across social media these days, nothing is true, everything is fabricated or exaggerated to more views/clout.

@413x Snap basically.

I've noticed a huge increase in the last 12 months. It's also getting harder to spot in videos. And when you can't tell, people just give up.

Fake images will really get to me as a lot of my social media time is looking at pics of places to visit for inspiration. And nature stuff too.
Obviously you know colours etc are enhanced m but it's getting to the point where you don't even know if it's real.

Not sure if others care. Especially kids. But for me? If I don't know it's real I just won't engage at all.

Older people are already duped. There's a number of funny FB groups where a stream of older people think these obviously AI gen images are "cute" or whatever.

Right now I can spot the fakes. But won't be long before I can't.
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If I don't know it's real I just won't engage at all.
As soon as I get a vibe of potentially false or exaggerated, I turn it off immediately as its pointless.
I am happy to watch genuine encounters and arguments etc etc

I could load up reddit and twitter right now and have 5 links in 5 mins of videos which are highly exaggerated or false. But has thousands of reviews from gullible people, like half those in this thread.

If you subscribe to an OF, according to others in here you have some problems etc etc.
But if you cannot identify a clearly false video or picture, we can claim ignorance

Right now I can spot the fakes. But won't be long before I can't.
Pictures will be difficult, videos will always be easy.
I just saw this story and thought of this thread.

The dangers of OF.

The DM Online page invariably has nothing but salacious content down the right hand side of the page you're reading. It's the height of tack.

Plus, I like the in-article advert of the girl "I lost all my friends and family by doing OF but I'm loaded and (pretend) I don't give a ****. :D
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Social media has gone down the absolute toilet in the past..... I'll say 12 months. For me anyway.
Generated Ai voices talking over irellivent Chinese videos and other alike garbage. Recycling content giving it a new fake narrative.
Its always been a case of it is what you make of it but its just gone mass production of fake garbage now to get ad revenue. Honestly feels like it's 50/50 now on fake to real anything.
It's become hard work to just waste 1h at lunch on YouTube :p
Facebook is worse. X is getting worse.... Can't wait till convincing AI is writing the script.....
I think she's "intense" and also picks the wrong types. Some of that is picking douches in past.. Ie, you could see a break up coming a mile off. and current one he's probably not right sort in a different way.

She strikes me as in a phase of wanting to settle down but also not wanting to settle down. And until she commits to one she's gonna struggle. If she still wants to go globe trotting you can't really have kids. And if you want kids you can't really go travelling. Those two lifestyles come with 2 very different people.
With the health issues and being mid 30s that settle down with own kid is becoming more of a challenge. Especially if she can't commit to either. I believe health issues are hereditary also.. Doesn't help. As a guy would be taking hers on, the kids on too.

I know I couldn't have a relationship with someone like that. Just be too difficult. But I would find her great as a friend.

I'm guessing this is only her side of the story though. I suspect we'd get a more fuller nuanced picture if we had some of her exes sides of the story.
They do but less so. The data shows that on average they are having more casual sex with a higher number of partners. So you would think if they were still being very careful we wouldn't have seen such an increase.
I'm not saying birth control is a bad thing, it absolutely isn't. However, it has changed and continues to change society.
I was specifically not speaking about birth control, but the numbers of dodgy blokes that they're shacking up with. The crime trends assert that such things are increasing suggests that they really do have to be careful, yet aren't.
Even if it is birth control that's seeing them attracted to such types, it's still on them to say No, to both the bloke and to themselves.

If a guy as no male friends, or is averse to having male friends, that is a red flag in my opinion.
What if, as with some women, the only options are scum?
If women have trouble finding decent men to shack up with, would it not follow that men might also have trouble finding decent men to hang out with?

For example, if we ASSume the OF daddy-daughter story above is true, then I'm suspicious of the bit about how his mates all directed him to this profile... Regardless of whether she was local or not, they were effectively enabling the bloke's "infidelity". More likely, I think they knew it was his daughter and sent him there for a laugh.
But either way, are these the sort of male friends you want as mates? To me, having those sorts of people in your life is more of a red flag than having none at all.

I don't understand though. Don't you see the person when you do OF? Wouldn't you see them and go... "Pass.. That's my daughter "
The article specifies that she wore a mask, and because the father had never seen her naked body in person, could not then readily identify her from that.
What if, as with some women, the only options are scum?
If women have trouble finding decent men to shack up with, would it not follow that men might also have trouble finding decent men to hang out with?
How would that practically work? Do these decent blokes have a cap on how many friends they are allowed to have.

The women one at least make sense since we are a monogamous culture.

I've seen the same story knocking around a couple of times, each being slightly different but both were screencaps without links.

One was of the Fesshole reddit, the other was an imageboard greentext.

While something like that happening isn't impossible, I suspect this instance is just fabricated rage bait.
How would that practically work? Do these decent blokes have a cap on how many friends they are allowed to have.
No, no cap, and by extension no lower limit either, but I don't see why either should be a red flag for someone.
As for how it works - Presumably if you grow up/live in an area with a high population of scum, dickheads, bell-ends and other dregs of society, the chances of you knowing decent blokes to be friends with will be lower than men in other situations.

The women one at least make sense since we are a monogamous culture.
A shortage of decent men would affect both aspects, surely?
No, no cap, and by extension no lower limit either, but I don't see why either should be a red flag for someone.
As for how it works - Presumably if you grow up/live in an area with a high population of scum, dickheads, bell-ends and other dregs of society, the chances of you knowing decent blokes to be friends with will be lower than men in other situations.
People are generally a product of their society. I have trouble believing that someone could grow up in such a society and be a “decent” person without outside influence. Now maybe those influences leave the area and people end up losing touch and this person is left alone.( I don’t think that’s what the other poster was referring to but I can’t speak on their behalf.)
But I don’t think someone could live alone surrounded by people who they cannot befriend due to being repulsed by their behaviour for very long.

A shortage of decent men would affect both aspects, surely?
Well at this point we need to define the traits that we are talking about when we say “decent”. There are traits that are not desirable in a relationship but are irrelevant in a friendship.
The curse of that desirability is certainly double edged.
tell her to get over her self already... her looks will be gone in about 5 years and no one will care.....

No one is that good looking... Unless you count liz hurley before she started to look like a man.
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People are generally a product of their society. I have trouble believing that someone could grow up in such a society and be a “decent” person without outside influence. Now maybe those influences leave the area and people end up losing touch and this person is left alone.( I don’t think that’s what the other poster was referring to but I can’t speak on their behalf.)
More often, I think, they start off with a few decent people as role models, but those decents leave or die. The latter a higher-than-average possibility if they do live in a nasty part of town, perhaps.
In other cases, the individual is teh one that moves, maybe for a job or college/uni, or some other reason, and they end up living in a scummy place... kinda how I ended up in Reading, but that's another story.
But either way, whether you grow up or end up in such a situation, finding people who are decent can be surprisingly hard.

But I don’t think someone could live alone surrounded by people who they cannot befriend due to being repulsed by their behaviour for very long.
Kids who get bullied all the way through school manage it... I managed to survive shared housing in London for about a decade... other people even make it all the way through marriage!!
But jesting aside, if you have no other choice of location/situation, but can choose to be alone and keep separate from what you don't like, it's perfectly possible. More so today, with the internet and places like OnlyFans to hang out.

Well at this point we need to define the traits that we are talking about when we say “decent”. There are traits that are not desirable in a relationship but are irrelevant in a friendship.
In general male terms, a guy who treats women in ways that most of them would like, doesn't behave in ways that most of them would despise or fear him, and does not allow his mates to perpetuate such toxic male behaviour either. Ideally one who actively steps in against it when he finds any of his peers behaving like that.
But in that regard and probably others, I'd argue the traits important in a relationship are similarly important in a friendship, and mostly for the same reasons - We're all people at the end of the day and (almost) no-one likes being treated like ****, especially those close to you.
What if, as with some women, the only options are scum?
If women have trouble finding decent men to shack up with, would it not follow that men might also have trouble finding decent men to hang out with?
The man (hopefully) isn't trying to have relations with you :eek:

I don't know what your male friendship circle at it's height was but most guys are prats. We accept general prat behaviour because we're generally prat'ish too.

Male-female relationships tend to be a roller coaster of emotions. Every move you make, every decision you decide is remembered, and judged.

Same gender friendships aren't as judgemental. They shouldn't be emotionally volatile. It's should be relaxing.

So if a guy can't relate to another guy he's going to be focusing his entire self on to the woman he's with. That isn't a male trait, and puts the guy in to potential emotional deep water if she wants to split up. The guy has no fall back plan. He's literally just left alone, and that tends to be a path to a dark place.

For example, if we ASSume the OF daddy-daughter story above is true, then I'm suspicious of the bit about how his mates all directed him to this profile... Regardless of whether she was local or not, they were effectively enabling the bloke's "infidelity". More likely, I think they knew it was his daughter and sent him there for a laugh.
But either way, are these the sort of male friends you want as mates? To me, having those sorts of people in your life is more of a red flag than having none at aall.

You're right about aiding fidelity, though maybe they didn't think he'd progress further.

It's difficult to know if they knew who she was as some women do wear disguises to protect their own identity. I've seen women wear a burka, or gimp masks.

They might have just noticed she was local to them.

I used to have lots of male friends and would go out twice a week, either clubbing, pubs, playing pool or darts, watching football on the big screen.

Being with male friends means you can relax and exchange notes on lifes problems. If there are some older well respected men in the group then if you're young you learn how to carry yourself to be respected too.

I think having male friends is an insurance policy so if other areas of life because depressing or volatile there is something to fall back on.
Agreed, "He was mildly shocked"
Not shocked enough to stop mid-fap? :D

Hah the Daily Mail is getting pretty close to being another Daily Sport these days.
The only way you can judge if something might be true or not is using commonsense.

Though in todays world it's in short supply.

It's funny that some people are more disgusted by a newspaper than porn.
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