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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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1 Apr 2014
I've just tried running Portal RTX. I'm not actually seeing RT options like DLSS selectable. And you have to run it at the display resolution of your monitor. I tried running it at 1080p on my 4k monitor and despite having Full Screen selected in the video options it just ran in a window.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I've just tried running Portal RTX. I'm not actually seeing RT options like DLSS selectable. And you have to run it at the display resolution of your monitor. I tried running it at 1080p on my 4k monitor and despite having Full Screen selected in the video options it just ran in a window.

You need to press alt+X or something like that to bring up Nvidia options dude.
28 Oct 2005
Ah, so that's what the illegible message that appears at the start says. The text is tiny on my 4k 27" display.
Had the same issue on my 4k 32" display, honestly it was no better in terms of text size :cry: Played through it, found it was a tad unstable at parts but I actually found frame generation to work super well. I wasn't actively looking for any flaws and it felt really nice. The game itself was stunning to play through again and such fun. Some of the RT effects were astounding. It's crazy to think how some RT effects can really make an old game shine again.
19 Feb 2007
Yeh, imma wait for the 5090 before playing this! :p

4090 is officially a trash tier GPU now, We should all make videos covering them in petrol and setting them alight !

Jokes aside I tried Portal RTX, I honestly don't get what the hype is about, It's Portal with some RT effects thrown in and some updated assets. I turned it off after 20 minutes and uninstalled it.
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4 Jun 2009
There are times where some scenes in portal almost looked photo realistic because of how the light is interacting with the environment and the way shadows are casted then the way the red tones etc. bounce. Using the cube to see how everything works is seriously impressive.

Quake, mario, minecraft obviously see somewhat similar uplifts with their RT treatment too but portal is a bit more modern so the benefits of RT stand out more.
1 Oct 2020
I'm honestly not seeing what everyone is raving over, It just doesn't look that good to me, Decent RT FX but nothing to make me go "Wooaaahhhhhh".
Agreed - the buy in is too steep for not enough uplift as things stand. Games may well end up going this way, but it is not yet a feasible "for the masses" feature. I said another two gens a while ago, before the 4000 series came out - I think it's another two gens from now.

A top level
card is having to guess (doing a good job, it must be said, but I want to try it before I'm convinced with regards to latency) at frames to get to a level that is good to play. And this is with a game which is what... 10,15 years old?

Everyones opinion will differ, but I value responsiveness and fluidity above all - if it looks beautiful, but is not smooth, you are so aware that it is a game and spend half the time wondering how to improve it that the immersion is broken.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Agreed - the buy in is too steep for not enough uplift as things stand. Games may well end up going this way, but it is not yet a feasible "for the masses" feature. I said another two gens a while ago, before the 4000 series came out - I think it's another two gens from now.

Think 2 gens away is optimistic myself, it's a long way away when you have to spend well over a grand to get half decent gameplay and nearly 2 grand for the 'best' experience in yet another ancient game.
4 Jun 2009
This is path tracing, it is pretty much the end of the road for where we are going with likes of control, cp 2077 etc. all being near the start of the RT journey, we aren't going to see this level of RT becoming the norm for new games for a good while yet, it is just a tech demo to show what is possible and in fact, it is actually more of a tech demo for Nvidias remix tool than it is RT tbh.

Portal RTX style is hopefully where all games will be in the future, how long that may be is impossible to say, could be 20 years or a reasonable time frame is 10 years imo (given the speed of RT uptake over just the last 1-2 years), ultimately as I have always said, it comes down to consoles.

Until then, we will probably see a fair amount of old games getting this treatment once nvidia release remix, obviously if you don't intend on playing old games then it won't be of any interest and I doubt I'll play many of the titles either. Checking out other dx 8 and 9, I would defo give these a go with RT:

- gta 3
- gta vice city
- alien vs predator
- batman arkham asylum, city and orgins
- bioshock 1 and 2
- borderlands 1 and 2 could be interesting with RT
- crysis 1, warhead and 2 (with more RT than what we saw with the remasters)

Time will tell how popular remix is.

Portal RTX is running well on my 3080 at 3440x1440 with dlss performance and maxed preset settings (looks far better than non rtx portal @ native 3440x1440), motion blur off, about 50-55 fps with very rare dips to 40s, which with gsync and oled, feels decent for a game of this style (it's slow paced to the point you can't even run), had it been those fps in something like cp 2077, metro etc. I would be dropping a setting or 2 to get the constant 60+ fps

I read a good article the other day on the different levels of RT support:

  • Level 0 – Legacy Solutions
  • Level 1 – Software on Traditional GPUs
  • Level 2 – Ray/Box and Ray/Tri Testers in Hardware
  • Level 3 – Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) Processing in Hardware
  • Level 4 – BVH Processing with Coherency Sorting in Hardware
  • Level 5 – Coherent BVH Processing with Scene Hierarchy Generator in Hardware
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1 Oct 2020
For CP 2077.......I would be dropping a setting or 2 to get the constant 60+ fps
This is a fair point when talking about portal, but also shows where opinions differ. I would be looking to get 60fps locked as a bare minimum, it's the whole reason I got into pc gaming rather than consoles. If I can't get portal running at 60fps, that's backwards to me.
4 Jun 2009
This is a fair point when talking about portal, but also shows where opinions differ. I would be looking to get 60fps locked as a bare minimum, it's the whole reason I got into pc gaming rather than consoles. If I can't get portal running at 60fps, that's backwards to me.

You can get portal running at 60 fps just fine, just use dlss performance and drop a setting or 2 if needs be, could probably even mess about with settings to get 60 fps with dlss quality if you wanted. Due to the style of the game and oled + gsync awesomeness, average fps of 50-55 is perfectly fine for this.

The thing I wonder about the most is how much potential is there for remix or/and portal performance to be improved as we have seen quake rtx etc. get massive performance uplifts recently, suspect this is something that will happen once modders get to play with remix and feedback to nvidia.
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