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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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4 Jun 2009
As far as RT is concerned I share this opinion.

Can see his reasoning for his usage tbf and that would have been my thoughts at turing release/first year of RT but for me it's the opposite:

- 90% of the games I've played over the past 1-2 years or will be playing going forward has rt
- performance on the whole has been pretty good/acceptable especially if using dlss. Given gotham knights and darktide have been slammed for their poor performance (gotham knights last I checked has had its issues with performance and RT mostly fixed, I think darktide is also being worked on), even without RT, not exactly great examples tbh. People go on about portal running bad but it is fully path traced so of course it won't run at 100+ fps with no upscaling.....
- remix is going to transform some old games given what we are already seeing with people just dropping files into game folders
- amd and intel both delivering the RT goods in terms of their own tools and sponsored games having it (even if more limited than nvidia sponsored, still progress!)
- both sony and microsoft pushing rt in their consoles/games too
- rdna 3 getting its RT on par with ampere/3090 so means amd can push the RT a bit further in their sponsored titles now

If anything, 2022 has increased my excitement for the future of RT now but each to their own and all that.

On a separate note, witcher 3 looks like a different game with RT on in some parts :eek: That was my biggest complaint with the original game visuals, everything looked so cardboard like, now things look grounded and actually apart of the game world.



23 Apr 2014
Less than half the performance while looking somewhat worse.

Ray tracing the meme that keeps on giving

4 Jun 2009
Speaking of remix, some more updates:

Forget about getting games to work that were released after 2003/2004 - they pretty much all use programmable shaders

Unless they have some special compatibility graphic pipelines for older GPUs like Source which until a couple of years ago even supported DirectX 7 via the -dxlevel 70 command

Valve will have supplied Nvidia with an older Portal build to do just that, when you check in the settings menu in Portal RTX you will see that the game is running DX9 but the graphics feature level is limited to DX7

Allowing them to convert straight from DX9 to Vulkan and avoiding any sort of programmable shaders.

I have ripped HL2 from the original disk and it supports the -dxlevel 70 command, sadly it errors out with

"The shared memory map view could not be created (error code 8)!"

Should be easy to get Half-Life 2 running properly in the Portal RTX build tho since Portal was only ever a regular HL2 client running Portal as a mod with the "-game portal" parameter, or in the case of Portal RTX the "-game portal_rtx" parameter

If you launch the hl2.exe in the PortalRTX folder without a -game parameter it's basically just Half-Life 2, but missing assets will crash it among other things.

Swat 4 works well, so a lot of UE2 titles could work. UE1 as well, especially since there is a DX9 renderer plugin for UE1 but those games usually didnt have programmable shaders. Deus Ex should work fine, at least with a proper RTX remix release.

Been testing a number of games, just got Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield to work after removing the intro videos. Almost exactly like SWAT 4, including the same problems with sky boxes, etc.

Other games which I've got to work: Sniper Elite 1 (menu only), Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (Agent 47 is invisible besides a tie, really hit or miss), Ford Racing 3 (crashes almost instantly but gets in game). Also have seen folks saying Restaurant Empire 2 and Hitman: Blood Money work but I haven't tested those.

There's also a few odd games such as Garfield Saving Arlene and Petz Catz 2 which seem to completely ignore RTX Remix but still show textures normally in the RTX panel. Curious as to how that happens.
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4 Jun 2009
Just want Deus Ex RTX. That would make my day. Half Life 2 would be nice too.
Would be nice. Not sure I would play those again though. TR games were almost always a single play through type game for me. Though the last three I could play a couple of times.

Deus Ex I could play over and over every 3 years, like the pre Resident Evil 4 games:D

All being tweaked/messed about with :D Only a matter of time until they come with proper remix implementation, seriously more excited for these than all the new upcoming games now :cry: Probably will need a 4090 more for them (if portal is anything to go by) than those new upcoming games tbh, atomic heart what? :cry:



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
All being tweaked/messed about with :D Only a matter of time until they come with proper remix implementation, seriously more excited for these than all the new upcoming games now :cry: Probably will need a 4090 more for them (if portal is anything to go by) than those new upcoming games tbh, atomic heart what? :cry:

Was going to say, imagine how good the old Resident Evil games would look (you know the proper one's before RE4), then I remembered those are all pre-rendered backgrounds. Lol.
14 Aug 2009
Yes, sadly, but hopefully it will be an easy fix once we can dive into the ini, same as before.
Performance seems a bit mixed for the pre-release build, so maybe it's best to wait for the first big patch.

RT On/Off in different zones (vid below):

Zoom in through witcher senses vs normal view:

I think I've noticed something similar in CB as well. These "small" shadows have an incredible low casting distance (as in how close the camera should be). Is much better to lock these under a special menu and let the user increase the casting distance at his/hers discretion than having jarring situations like this...

Also, with textures on Ultra+ it stutters on my rtx2080, so I guess 8GB vRAM aren't enough even for older cards at 1080p!. :cry:
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