I can set 1810mhz 1250mhz which hits around 1760mhz and pulled around 360w

(620w reading at the wall plug to measure total system wattage from my memory). It was scary high. It got through a couple benches at 1810/1120 about a year ago, but did have an issue where I thought they card went bang lol. That’s the main reason why I never ever push it past 1750mhz now, it scared the crap outta me haha. I didn’t go round posting to much or putting up the bench score as I didn’t want others to try it and have the same issues or possibly blowing the gpu.
I went back through my videos to try and find one with an overlay. Got this one but I don’t think the voltage was recording correct readings via hwinfo back then.
EDIT. Actually Dave, looking at that video again, looks like core was hitting 1780mhz at times but I’m sure I was in a competition with ltmatt then to see who could hit a higher core, I might have tried 1830mhz or something stupid haha.