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The RX Vega 64 Owners Thread

@ " Vanilla" Ok heres a suggestion, up the memory to 1100 and set the voltage to 1100mv, that'll give you identical settings to me. Then run heaven benchmark using the settings outlined in "Kaapstad's" heaven benchmark thread in this forum. I'll do the same and we can compare scores.
@ " Vanilla" Ok heres a suggestion, up the memory to 1100 and set the voltage to 1100mv, that'll give you identical settings to me. Then run heaven benchmark using the settings outlined in "Kaapstad's" heaven benchmark thread in this forum. I'll do the same and we can compare scores.

Ah are mine not already at those levels? I'm confused?

Or you mean my settings are good and to run heaven?
Ah are mine not already at those levels? I'm confused?

Or you mean my settings are good and to run heaven?

Sorry, my bad, you've already set your memory to 1110mhz @ 1100mv so these are now identical settings to mine. Now run heaven using Kaapstad's settings for heaven and see what you get. Run it "windowed" so you can see what speeds/temps are in gpu-z 2.16.0

I've just done a quick run and got the following:

score: 2274
FPS 90.3

See what you get, should be something similar, also check what gpu speed you're getting in gpuz, should be about 1540mhz.
I reckon your cpu is ok, the i5 6600K isn't that bad a cpu.
Don't forget to ensure all heaven settings are the same as mine to ensure theres no variables, resolution, tesallation, etc.
Your power draw (gpu) should be about 240w ish as well .
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Ok, I'd say your virtually bang on performance wise and your score is slightly higher than mine, probably the 6600K playing a part here. NOW, up the P6 & P7 voltages to 1150mv, raise the P7 frequency 1697mhz, nothing else and re-run heaven. When finished, check your gpu speed in gpu-z, it should read about 1630mhz ish (thats the max boost clock quoted in the specs). Check your power draw too, it'll probs be around 280w.

Theres also summat else I'd advise doing to check game stability.
It's a Sapphire Nitro+

I think I did the right settings but again seems to have no effect. Maybe CPU is holding me back?



UserBenchmarks: Game 109%, Desk 89%, Work 60%
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K - 87.2%
GPU: AMD RX Vega 64 - 131.1%
SSD: Samsung PM961 NVMe PCIe M.2 128GB - 168.6%
SSD: Toshiba THNSNJ512GCSU 512GB - 101.5%
SSD: Fusion-io ioDrive2 1.205TB - 157.9%
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 4TB (2017) - 68.6%
HDD: Hitachi HUA721010KLA330 1TB - 37.6%
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3200 C16 2x8GB - 93.6%
MBD: Asus Z170-A

HBM is too high and results to lower core clocks. 1100Mhz HBM is ok.
Also change the Voltage under the HBM to 1000

Core. Set 1632Mhz the P7 state and lower the power of P6 to 1090
Hey folks, Vega 64 Strix owner here, anyone having their Vega throttle in bf5? Unfortunately noticed card having issues and down clocking, after using thermal laser saw some temps of 96c(near vrm)~, wanted to replace vrms with thermal grizzly, but was advised doing so means voiding warranty. I've opened an RMA, so will be sending card to get issue resolved
Hey folks, Vega 64 Strix owner here, anyone having their Vega throttle in bf5? Unfortunately noticed card having issues and down clocking, after using thermal laser saw some temps of 96c(near vrm)~, wanted to replace vrms with thermal grizzly, but was advised doing so means voiding warranty. I've opened an RMA, so will be sending card to get issue resolved

The reason why i went with vega 64 sapphire nitro is because i was told to avoid the asus strix vega 64 due to heat problems.
You initially said Nitro.

Gigabyte has the worse cooler of them all, even the reference unfortunately. That's why settings working for other V64s are not working for yours.

Your conviction about the Gigabyte card's cooler is debatable. Look at Tom's Hardware reviews of the Sapphire Nitro+ and the Gigabyte Vega Gaming OC. The Furmark Torture Loop test shows the Gigabyte handling heat and noise effectively. Tom's Hardware gave praise to Gigabyte's unique approach to direct touch front and back GPU cooling. The Gigabyte cooler fans are quieter than the Sapphire Nitro+ as well by about 2db in torture tests.

Why this card has become the ugly stepchild on this forum is just weird. There was one really bad Youtube review for the Gigabyte Vega 64 OC that came from someone comparing it only to the 1080TI and I dismissed it outright. I consider complaints about crashing under load equivalent amongst all the VEGA cards, especially with new users. I've benchmarked mine and compared to forum discussions, reviews and user benchmarking scores and believe this card is similar to or better than other air cooled Vega 64 cards. Overclocking and undervolting is a study and I want to thank those on this forum for helping me get my card running smoothly. RGB lighting and dual bios switch are a benefit with a few other cards but those items don't affect performance. I consider the ability to connect 6 displays on the Gigabyte as a bigger benefit than RGB lighting or dual bios.

Gigabyte tweaked the bios early after initial release and after most of the pro reviews were written in December 2017. Another early review from had benched these cards against NVidia and many games had not been optimized by AMD yet. An example was Grand Theft Auto V with reported FPS at 4K in the mid 30's=bad compared to even a GTX 1060. I am getting 70+fps at 4k resolution with this game on a 32" 4K monitor. I'm quite sure that is GTAV tuning their product and AMD tuning their drivers after the reviews. NVidia had a head start to work with vendors to get drivers tuned while AMD played catchup with the Vega line. A lot of trolling already exists against AMD unfortunately so it's hard to stomach complaints from fellow Vega owners that are against a particular brand.

It seems prices have increased quite a bit since the holidays for all of these cards. I bought my card for $475 new and now can hardly find anything new under $600 as of today. At $475, it's a great deal but any other these standard air cooled cards at $600 or greater would require a lot of thought.

Having said all that, I don't game much. I'm a photographer that needs a high end GPU that I can run various photo and video processing apps and occasional high end gaming. So I'm of the opinion the AMD Vega series provides a good balance between gaming and a pro choice for non-gaming heavy graphics/software. Add the advantages for crypto mining for those interested and the Vega is a good overall choice until the next best thing comes along. Freesync monitors are more affordable and if the market can keep these cards in stock and under $500, it's the best GPU choice for now.
I saw that youtube video about the gigabyte vega 64, it was "tech deals" totally wrong imho where he compared the Vega 64 to 1080ti 'cos at the time they were the same price, and totally ignored the fact the vega 64 performs as well as a 1080 which is generally considered to be its Nvidia counterpart.
Your conviction about the Gigabyte card's cooler is debatable. *snip*

just go back through the thread and see that most of people with issues have the gigabyte version. so its not bias or debatable, the proof is there just go look.

They are poorer than both Sapphire MSI and Asus.
Your conviction about the Gigabyte card's cooler is debatable.

As @zophiel said go through the discussion to see that Gigabyte cooler was an afterthought from other who had issues. Same issues you have with very high temps and very low clocks.

On reference card (with reference cooler), could get easily 1500+ core without much fuss or high temps. Ran an extensive big post with dozens of tests and different settings.
Observing max & avg speeds, temps, noise and performance.

If remember correctly only on power save mode could get sub 1450mhz, but at those speeds the card was running very cool at 35C with the reference heatsink.

(I have both Nitro & reference).

Update found the first of my posts with reference


as you see on just balanced mode the reference was running 1550Mhz without any other change.
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I have a sapphire Nitro Vega 64...
Bought it as a test because I thought my 1080gtx was dead.

Turns out I was wrong.

Now... I tested this Vega card, but it has horrible coil whine! The 1080gtx has some yes, but is pretty quiet Vs the Vega. Proper noisy.
Ofc if I was running air cooling I probably could ignore it. But I run water cooling.

Is this something that can warrant an RMA? Or should I just flog it on eBay?
As @zophiel said go through the discussion to see that Gigabyte cooler was an afterthought from other who had issues. Same issues you have with very high temps and very low clocks.

On reference card (with reference cooler), could get easily 1500+ core without much fuss or high temps. Ran an extensive big post with dozens of tests and different settings.
Observing max & avg speeds, temps, noise and performance.

If remember correctly only on power save mode could get sub 1450mhz, but at those speeds the card was running very cool at 35C with the reference heatsink.

(I have both Nitro & reference).

Update found the first of my posts with reference


as you see on just balanced mode the reference was running 1550Mhz without any other change.


I read up to the point you decided to mod the cooler on the Gigabyte reference card but didn't see anything negative in your comments about it with temps, scores or noise. You mentioned it was actually quieter than your other Nitro Vega. I wasn't sure in your above post if you were agreeing that Gigabyte is worse but it seems like you had a good experience with it.

Are you still using both? Is the Nitro performing better/more stable than the Gigabyte in you opinion? I'm using some of your recent Wattman settings recommendations on my Gigabyte OC version with good results. Thanks!
I still struggling to understand how to undervolt. Is there a simple guide please.

Checking back over the last 10 pages doesn't provide any settings or guides

Check back on the previous page, I posted some settings for "Vanilla" as He was having probs getting his card sorted, and theres loads of guides in this thread Panos said.

Theres also a guide posted a lot further back that uses the rottr dox demo along with wattman settings which I used to get mey Vega 64 running properly and it gave an insight into why various settings had the effect om temps, performance, etc. The issue appears to be users getting their heads around how the undervolting effects temps, power draw and throttling.
I'm temped to list those settings here as so many people seem to be having probs with this undervolting.
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