The Show Off Your Tattoo Thread

One for the guys who have had a lot of work done to their sleeves. How did you lot come up with the designs? Was it a case of going to the artists with a bunch of ideas and letting him come up with something or did you design it all yourself? in which case how did you start it.

Genuine question that as well. :)
99% of the tattoos on here look so bad, if your going to get something for life pay some decent cash and get something worthwhile. Sorry for rant.

From now on everyone in the thread before you get a new tattoo, run it past Kraven to make sure he likes it.
One for the guys who have had a lot of work done to their sleeves. How did you lot come up with the designs? Was it a case of going to the artists with a bunch of ideas and letting him come up with something or did you design it all yourself? in which case how did you start it.

Genuine question that as well. :)

Can only speak for myself, because I believe it will change depending on the style of sleeve, but I took a load of stuff I liked into him and he has redrawn things up for me, we are going to start on my forearm first and then build up from there.

It's an old school sleeve and he won't be designing the whole thing per se, it will be building up into a sleeve.

I imagine things like Japanese full sleeves, they may design the whole thing from start to finish.
Cheers Dkore-DeX.

Something that has intrigued me as I am wanting to get something done to my inner forearm shortly but would also would like to maybe get a sleeve at some stage depending on thinking/finding a design I like and was unsure about combining the two.
I already have a tattoo on the outside edge of my arm, which isn't old school but he said we will just work around it and integrate it into the design.

Best bet is to go and talk to a tattooist with some drawings you like and see what they come up with :)
Aye, I have a college day soon up in 'the toon' so going to take all the bits and bobs I have so far and go see them during my lunch break and get something sorted.

Ta for the input is appreciated :)
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Heres my two Tattoos i had done monday, one after the after :)



Still using cream atm so they look a bit white, few more days and they should be healed.
Heres my two Tattoos i had done monday, one after the after :)

Still using cream atm so they look a bit white, few more days and they should be healed.

Just wondering, what's the reasoning behind getting mother and father written on your arms?
Heres my two Tattoos i had done monday, one after the after :)

Still using cream atm so they look a bit white, few more days and they should be healed.

Though the actual tattoo's look nice and the placement is cool, I joked to my Mum I was going to get Mum and Dad tattooed on my arms and she said "I think that is the stupidest thing you have ever said"
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