The Show Off Your Tattoo Thread

Got these done about 8 years ago, nothing original or special, but I like them


Anyway, I'm feeling like I want something on my other wrist/forearm, nothing to big.

Some ideas I've toyed with:

- Year of birth in Roman Numerlas : 1985 is MCMLXXXV

- Gemini symbol, I'm a Gemini and I feel I match the typical Gemini personality well, I also like that this will be quite small as well

- Something to do with my Dad, who unfortunately died 3 years, but I cannot think of anything. The ONLY thing I can think of is the words 'Heaven For Everyone', I'm not religious, but the song by Queen was played at his funeral and it took me a couple of years before I could listen to it again, but now I do and it always makes me think of him. Again, this could be quite small, in a nice font, and will be very personal to me. DO you think the fact I'm not religious and don't actually believe in heaven would make this a bit retarded?

Any thoughts?
Try and think of things which make you laugh when you think of him and see if you can get those in a tattoo?
I think that would work quite well and keep it more discrete. From what I've seen though you can still see the tattoo outline under normal light though which might look a bit odd.
Nah, I'd want a proper tat highlighted with UV, so it was properly visible during the day but looks AWESOME under UV light
Young and foolish lol

.........I watched the 1st Hellraiser film when I was young ('borrowed' it from my sisters boyfriend without him knowing about it) - I remember not sleeping for ages after seeing it, it really did control my life for such a long time until I was old enough to realise its only a film.


There was a light coming from the top of that box originally, but I didn't like it so tat guy tried shading it in (needs touching up still)
It's this script that I'd want, Tengwar:


Ideally all in one circle though (It's difficult to tattoo the other side of the skin like the one ring I imagine :D)
I've loved LOTR since I read it as a child, I've read and re-read it and it's associated works many, many times. I think the script is the nicest looking writing I've ever seen.

I'd like 'Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light' in Latin around the other wrist too.
I've loved LOTR since I read it as a child, I've read and re-read it and it's associated works many, many times. I think the script is the nicest looking writing I've ever seen.

I'd like 'Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light' in Latin around the other wrist too.

I have nothing against tattoos of any sort, be they decorative or mean something to the person. I just think to get that one is quite odd. It's pleasing to hear that you are such a passionate fan but I still don't like the thought of it.
As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder as I think the script is horrible!
It's your body obviously but I'd be cautious.

The second quote is much better though, it means something. Though, unless you were a decent Latin speaker I'd rather have it in English...
I've been debating getting the white tree of gondor with the winged crown and 7 stars done on my shoulder for ages. I love all of his books as well, so I get where you're coming from.

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