In the Random Images thread (is it?) there's a picture of the back of an Airline Pilot's head where he tattoo'd a guy mowing the "lawn" - being his remaining hair. This is reported to have occurred after a drunken night in Vegas.
It's 2011... Tattoos are not a sign of low status. People of all class, working background, job, status, etc get them for various reasons.
Now... some tattoos are utter ****. Plain and simply, some idiots get **** tattoos because they think it's cool
However, do not tar everyone with this brush. Some of us get them because the thing we get means A LOT to us and we genuinely want that thing as part of our body forever.
It's not that big a deal.
FYI: I am a graduate in a professional, client-facing job in the Energy Industry and am an intelligent gent. The tattoo I have is music notes from an Opera that I love on the inside of my forearm and I never make any attempt to cover it and it doesn't affect my career of life in any negative way.
Damn some people in here are ignorant.