Modern Body Art
1st Tattoo advice If you have never been tattooed before then here is some advice for you;
* Make sure you eat before you come in, particularly breakfast. Low blood sugar invariably leads to light headedness which can lead to fainting.
* Wear something that gives easy access to the place to be tattooed or be prepared to take your clothes off. We can’t tattoo through clothing or while forcing clothes out of the way. Don’t wear anything that you will be upset if it gets inky!
* Please make sure you and your clothes are clean! No one likes being in the proximity of someone elses body odour. We are always sparkly clean for you, please pay us the same respect!
* For pain management tips, see the “does it hurt” question.
Does it hurt? Yes, a little bit. Sometimes you barely feel it, other times it hurts quite a bit but it is always bearable (otherwise no one would be extensively tattooed). Some places on the body hurt more than others but that varies from person to person (over bone doesn’t necessarily hurt more). Don’t pick a place based on where you think it’ll hurt less, just get it where you want it because the pain is temporary but the results aren’t.
Try to relax and not tense up (tensing makes it get very much worse quite quickly), and breathe as slow as possible (breathe out on any bad bits), the trick is to accept it hurts but not let it bother you. The people who work themselves up and decide it is going to be agony invariably find that it is!
Taking a painkiller (such as Ibroprofen) an hour or so before you get tattooed often takes the edge off a little bit.