I think Brundle's grid walks are still the same. It might be better if he had more time. Pick up some of the early arrivers on the grid when it's less congested and I'd like them to, just occasionally, go a bit further down than 8th on the grid. There are some interesting people, stories and info further back too.
To be fair though, DC was terrible the first year so we have to give sky a chance in the off season to work out what they did right and wrong. They certainly need to look at different pundits. As said, Hill is a bit dull and doesn't work terribly well with Lazenby who is quite stuck for words sometimes.
Also it's no good having an extra 30 mins coverage before and after the race if you have nothing to say. They need to use Ted a bit more as he's good on the technical analysis and I think they have to go out and film some extra drop in bits like do some driver, team, race or track histories, behind the scenes at a team, follow what happens in testing, spend a weekend with the roadie crew to see what the logistics are, set up some big interviews with the team bosses, Bernie, drivers, the best known F1 photographer/journo etc, get some classic F1 cars and show the design evolution (similar to what Brundle did a few years back on the BBC but more in depth). Plenty they could do because they have all the time in the world to fill.
I do find myself fast forwarding some of the pre and post race stuff because they're not really saying a lot or talking to many people.