The Tesla Thread

@{SAS}TB} Are those floor mats you posted in the man jobs thread the Torque Alliance ones?

What are your thoughts on them?

No, they're the AE versions :D got some good feedback / reccomendations on the TMC forum

They're OK, like a plasticised foam kind of thing, so weatherproof not not sure on their overall longevity
Do any of you get pretty bad condensation in the Tesla? Granted it was -1*c this morning and then the sun came out, but my car's windows had a ton of condensation on them and the mrs' 3 series didn't have any. Both parked on the same driveway, same exposure to temperatures, sun, etc.

Checked to make sure that the car didnt have vent mode enabled, etc. - wondering if its a load of oily crap that you can tend to get on brand new car windows, that show the circles from the stickers/suction cups etc.
On the outside I assume?

Yes, lots of big water droplets from the due on mine but it rolls off once I am moving. Nothing on the inside.

I’ve only washed it once though. It’s with a detailer at the moment getting a ceramic coating on the body so that may change things. I plan to do the glass myself in time.
Had the virtual consult today. Going to book a test drive. Likely going for the basic model.

Any things you wish you knew before owning one?
The salesman said the charger is a type 2. Fair to assume most electric cars use type 2? In case we diversify later down the road.

Also re servicing. Our closest Tesla garage is 30 mins drive (not the end of the world). But what's the availability of your regular garages doing services on these? Assume it's run of the mill stuff - filters etc and you can go anywhere?
Nearly all EVs apart from old leafs are type 2 so nothing to worry about there.

My ‘local’ service centre is an hour away at best speed. I’m not worried about it, and they also have a mobile service for lots of things. You can change the filter yourself if you are so inclined, that’s the main service item to swap every 2 years. Normal garages should be able to deal with ‘normal’ things but it will be under warranty so there shouldn’t be any need to go down that route.

There wasn’t really anything I wish I knew before I bought it but then I did the research.

The ride is pretty firm and the auto dipping headlights aren’t great (slow to dip but headlights themselves are very good), other than that it’s a brilliant car.
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