The Tesla Thread

A quick question about using USB for music as I’m getting conflicting information from googling.

1) Using a single USB flash drive for both TeslaCam/Sentry/Track Mode, and Music, doable on a single partition or only when split into two?

2) FAT32 vs EXT4, is Ext4 even supported officially? For both partitions or just for TeslaCam? I’ve read reports that the TeslaCam partition appears to corrupt a lot, moreso if formatting using third-party tools.

3) Would I be best off using two drives and a hub?
@paradigm you can use the menu in-car to format the car. I believe by default it’s not FAT32, but couldn’t confirm if it’s ext4.

I’ve got a USB-C stick in the centre console for boombox. I think you’d have more luck doing the same and leaving the glovebox drive to purely record the dashcam/sentry footage.
Black does look the best
But I bet it looked dirty before he'd even finished washing it:cry:.

Don't people recommend an ssd rather than a stick for the dashcam/sentry due to all the read/write cycles (also usb drives tend to be a lot slower, and I read due to this saving a file means that it won't record for some time).
As I haven't checked for a while I thought I'd load Scan My Tesla to see how the battery capacity is doing.

SR+ 2.5 years with 24K miles. 99% home charging.

New: 52.4 kwh
Current: 50.1 kwh

Saw my first UK Model Y today as well.
What are people charging their cars to at home? I've left mine at the default 90% and there's lots of conflicting info about.
80% and I have an LFP car.

Pretty much as above, I don’t usually use it to commute so I don’t leave it pegged at 100% as there is still some ageing at high SOC.

I probably 100% it once a month when I need the full range.
The 100% thing on LFP is about BMS calibration and the guidance assumes you are using the car daily. The LFP pack has a very small voltage drop between full and empty which is why the BMS wants to know where to top of the pack is regularly.

The guidance is to charge it up once a week to 100% but it’s on the implication that you then use it. If you don’t use it daily, you really don’t want it pegged at 100% for a long period of time as there is still some battery ageing, it’s just not as bad as other chemistries.

I expect there is a huge margin of error on that once per week depending on your use case and it’s predicated on counteracting the general consensus that you don’t charge it to 100% unless you really need it per nearly every other model on the market.

My mileage is very sporadic and leaving it pegged at 100% for long periods isn’t a great idea. As long as it’s done in line with how you cycle the battery, it’s fine.
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For the first 3 months I charged it to 80% then would use it until about 50% but I found charging to the default 90% gave me another 2 days between charges.

I don't plug it in every day and think I've charged it to 100% about 3 times :p
I do 90% but then I'm having to charge twice a week, yesterday that was at about 20% charge since disconnecting on Saturday (some short journeys picking the kids up hammer the range, my commute is 16 miles each way at high speed.
I am on Intelligent Octopus now (Signed up a week ago) so I tend to plug it in most nights and charge to 90% (2021 LR).
I am working from home at the moment, so usage has dropped, so it normally only charges from around 79% back to up 90% ever day.
Doing it this way with IO means I get more 7.5p slots for cheaper electric.
As an example, I had 7.5p electric from 9pm last night until 0530am today.
As I don't tend to use more than 25% each day I've got in the habit of charging to between 40 - 70% but I will vary the charge limit every 2 or 3 days. Probably unnecessary overkill but my previous i3 lost 5% over 4 years and 40K miles. As posted above my SR+ has lost ~4% over 2.5 years. Minimal public charging though in both cases.
I am on Intelligent Octopus now (Signed up a week ago) so I tend to plug it in most nights and charge to 90% (2021 LR).
I am working from home at the moment, so usage has dropped, so it normally only charges from around 79% back to up 90% ever day.
Doing it this way with IO means I get more 7.5p slots for cheaper electric.
As an example, I had 7.5p electric from 9pm last night until 0530am today.
Similar situation, although I'm on Octopus Go and pay 5p per kWh.

I find that between the off-peak times of 00:30 and 04:30 I can charge from approx 45%-90% with no issues. Anything less than 45% and the charge will stop before it hits 90% due to the off-peak tariff schedule I've got in place.

Personally speaking I don't like dropping below the 50% level as you start getting warnings to charge the car and I'd rather the peace of mind.
I am on Intelligent Octopus now (Signed up a week ago) so I tend to plug it in most nights and charge to 90% (2021 LR).
I am working from home at the moment, so usage has dropped, so it normally only charges from around 79% back to up 90% ever day.
Doing it this way with IO means I get more 7.5p slots for cheaper electric.
As an example, I had 7.5p electric from 9pm last night until 0530am today.

I was told that the extra slots aren't available if the car isn't charging? ie. if the car has finished charging by 03h00 and there's an extra slot available at 06h00, you won't be eligible for it.
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