The Touchpad Android thread

I fancy buyin a tab, is this worth buying over the iPad 1 16gb? prices for touchpad 16gb are around 140 and i m sure i can grab a iPad 1 for around same price.How does the touchpad compare?

The touch pad has better specs from what I can see (duel core ect)

Remember the Android is alpha still and there are apps and games that dont work on it from what I have tested and read on the web (NBA Jam being one of them which really annoyed me)

Personally after having my friends Ipad for a week I prefer the touch pad with android the widgets and flash in the browser are what makes it better for me (although the ipad music player is better)
The touch pad has better specs from what I can see (duel core ect)

Remember the Android is alpha still and there are apps and games that dont work on it from what I have tested and read on the web (NBA Jam being one of them which really annoyed me)

Personally after having my friends Ipad for a week I prefer the touch pad with android the widgets and flash in the browser are what makes it better for me (although the ipad music player is better)

Thanks, I know what you mean about android, I have a sgs2 with cm9 and its a joy to use.
Mhh, im swaying for the touchpad, although iPad app store is a nice place to be..
Thanks, I know what you mean about android, I have a sgs2 with cm9 and its a joy to use.
Mhh, im swaying for the touchpad, although iPad app store is a nice place to be..

you should consider that all of your paid apps on your sgs2, other than those that arent compatible, would be available on an android tablet as well. ie you wouldn't have to buy them again unlike you would if you bought something with a different OS.
you should consider that all of your paid apps on your sgs2, other than those that arent compatible, would be available on an android tablet as well. ie you wouldn't have to buy them again unlike you would if you bought something with a different OS.

Valid point, I very much like android anyway, ive had it since the hero/nexus one days, rooting im familier with, I want something cheap n chearfull for my 1st tab to try...anybody know of a well priced touchpad 16gb :p I have cash..
I've been using the nightly builds for a few months and I've not had any wifi problems anymore. With those old Alpha releases I would have to normally restart wifi when I woke up the Touchpad.
^^ Thanks, I am downloading latest nightley (from link in the video- 20120522).

Also in current CM9 alpha 2 My gapps afre from december 2011, I want to install newest verion- on the video it is 17.03.2012- is it latest atm? is it ok install just from recovery mode?
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Hey, already updated from link I posted but used latest nigtley- all successfully installed.

First thing what I noticed is that AVI files play. Yuppi.
Can't comment on more as didn't have enough time to play around.

Latest gapps are also in my link.
^^ Is it Ok to install latest Gapps over existing? Do I have to clear any cache/ etc. after installing? Thanks
I started using the nightlies recently as the WiFi driver got an awesome update. :D Well worth it. Less battery drain, more reliable usage and ad-hoc mode.

Also got myself a TouchStone and Official Case (Finally). The TouchStone is an AWESOME piece of kit and is tiny! :eek:

Looks MUCH larger in photos online but it is positively diminutive :D A proper dock mode with clock/alarm now, I got SICK of plugging in the USB lead every night.
I started using the nightlies recently as the WiFi driver got an awesome update. :D Well worth it. Less battery drain, more reliable usage and ad-hoc mode.

Also got myself a TouchStone and Official Case (Finally). The TouchStone is an AWESOME piece of kit and is tiny! :eek:

Looks MUCH larger in photos online but it is positively diminutive :D A proper dock mode with clock/alarm now, I got SICK of plugging in the USB lead every night.

Wi-Fi update is really awesome, before it took ages to connect and only when router near, now wi-fi works even on floor above!
Another big improvement on Video playback- especially AVI files on BS Bplayer.
Mine won't turn off... :( Well holding the power button doesn't bring up the options to shut down etc. Is there any way to do a shut it down or restart it another way? Using the latest nightly by the way.
Mine won't turn off... :( Well holding the power button doesn't bring up the options to shut down etc. Is there any way to do a shut it down or restart it another way? Using the latest nightly by the way.

Press and hold power button and home button for about 30 seconds.
Guys, still have random restarts, does anybody know how to solve it?

I noticed most of the time after I boot system on, and if I won't press anything for first couple minutes it will restart automatically!

Also, I see there is new nigtly almost every day: last was on 30May, now checked on 1st of july. Should I update all the time or there is no big difference?
That's the whole idea of nightlies. A server builds one every night with all the latest code that has been merged unless there is a problem with a patch.

Nightlies don't come with change logs. You can still check the changes if you search through the Gerrit Review of Git logs, but I suspect that will be useless for most

Usually there is no major difference between these, but it depends on when the developers upload there code...
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