The toy that never was

Scuzi said:

I wanted one so bad that when I was 4 I snuck out of the house one night and went round to my mates house, broke into his garden shed and stole his tractor. I never got one :(

You lil tee-leaf Scuzi :eek: :p
im going to admit i was pretty spoiled and i cant think of 1 thing i wanted which i didnt get at sometime...... ( not including when a advert came on .. " i want that" even tho i had no idea what it was )
Always wanted a Mr. Frosty and Mousetrap but I never got them and most of the time whenever watching an advert and some new Barbie doll would appear and I'd say I wanted it but only got a few of them. (Yes, I'm a girl before anyone asks. :p)
I cant believe i've missed this thread and i'm seeing a pattern. I always wanted a mr frosty, did anyone actually ever get one??
nealw said:
I do remember, I think, having one of those bikes which kind of had a talk box on it. Gonna have to speak to the folks about that one.

Took me a while to remember, but was it called the Street Wolf?

I had the Wild Cat (next one up), it had a sound generator on the front, with a thumb button that would play various different sounds (when the damn thing wasn't falling off!) as it would then start to clatter along the ground and hit the front wheel etc.

I wanted a Vektar, I entered a competition to win one, still waiting :(

Apart from that, the only toy I can remember wanting and not getting was a toy dog that would walk, bark then flip over. Dad said that it's not the sort of thing that a 7 year old would want. He also stopped me from having a bear dressed up like Biggles. I got myself one recently though!

Quackers said:
I cant believe i've missed this thread and i'm seeing a pattern. I always wanted a mr frosty, did anyone actually ever get one??

I did :D
I always wanted one of those original Space invaders arcade machines and am glad that they can still be purchased even though they are quite expensive for a low tech computer game. Space invaders and others have since been released in many different console formats but have never quite captured the originals like Asteroids, Centipede, Star Castle etc..

My cousin has a cool 70's toy in storage that I can't believe is still not around for little tykes to amuse themselves with. It's called a "Ricochet Racer". It's just pure fun!...kid's today may even love it.

Mr_L said:
There were another set of toys which were spaceships with magnets in. You could attach them to each other and all sorts of stuff. I can't remember what they are called now though.
This instantly jogged my memory (as I had them) and a bit of research has found they were called starcom!

These were awesome toys with loads of cool little features and if I remember correctly I still have the following ones up in the loft (found them a couple of year back) :cool:

That big spaceship might have been one of my favourite toys :)

Ah ha, here is the wild cat bike. I definately did have one of those, the face of the panther or whatever brought back all the memories in an instant.

Good times.
nealw said:

Ah ha, here is the wild cat bike. I definately did have one of those, the face of the panther or whatever brought back all the memories in an instant.

Good times.

:eek: I had one of those (damn hard to learn on iirc) but yes good times especially with the little computer thingy! :D
I actualy had a Mr Frosty when i was young, not these one shown in the pictures tho it was the older version, i can't seem to find a picture of it anywhere.

If i remember rightly the old version had a plastic shaped snowman but standing up with a normal body with a round hole in his stomach where the ice would fall out, you would take his hat off which also was a plunger for the ice and you would turn a crank on the back.

I can't really think of anything i really wanted and did'nt get apart from wanting a swiss army pen knife as a few of the kids i hang around with near me had them.

I was pretty well off toy wise while growing up, with a lot of the things being mention here, i actualy had. brings back great memories :(
So I read through all these posts and NOBODY wanted one of these??


Well I did! Even tried (and failed) to do the Blue Peter one.

Did have a stingray base toy theough ;)
Teifiterror said:
So I read through all these posts and NOBODY wanted one of these??


Well I did! Even tried (and failed) to do the Blue Peter one.

Did have a stingray base toy theough ;)

well I did so I made the blue peter one and it pwned! so there :p

I think for some reason the blue peter one was much better than that :confused:
cheets64 said:
Ghostbuster Tower

Always wanted that, my mate had it though.

Got this though one xmas, still got it in the loft but the motor and axel is borked.


It was a beast and it just pwned my mates RC cars, it could drive over the garden no problem, mud grass flowers you name it, it pwned it.

My dad got one of those, I was very jealous. I got a Celica instead :( Could hardly drive over my mates' RC cars in one of those.
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