The United Britain of Great Kingdom

London nightlife
The crazy amount of different cultures represented
Not being a country dominated by religion
Chicken and Mushroom Pukka Pies
Our self-deprecating sense of humour
Bowler hats, our legal system, English church architecture, our stately homes, our sense of humour, our engineering prowess, our wonderful ability to still show pomp and ceremony able to bring tourists from all corners of the world to watch in awe.

This is my expurgated version, in deference to some moderator's blood pressure :)
Probably the lack of environmental risks. Some winter storms and the odd flood, but no hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, dust storms, major forest fires. Yes there was a severe heatwave, but compared to even France this was moderate and rare.
It's where I met my wife. And where my kids are growing up. It's relatively safe, open, free. It's close to the rest of Europe so easy to travel to other nice places.

It has some world class engineers and scientists which I am humbled to be able to work with.

It's relatively culturally diverse and it has a developing culture which is exciting. It's a changing country which makes it interesting.

British food is getting better now it has been educated from various expertise from across the globe.
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The the thing is, 90%of things people have posted have nothing unique to the UK but are shared with the rest of Europe, and indeed many of the things are downright not really true.
The OP's question wasn't what we do better than other countries, but simply what people's favourite thing about the UK is.
Oh and we also have that amazing 4 letter town beginning with R near to Wales that's a popular holiday destination
and how many buildings are destroyed snd lives loss?

The the thing is, 90%of things people have posted have nothing unique to the UK but are shared with the rest of Europe, and indeed many of the things are downright not really true.

Downright not really true :) Calm your anti British rhetoric, you're becoming garbled ;)
Downright not really true :) Calm your anti British rhetoric, you're becoming garbled ;)

Can you explain how the English, or Scottish, legal system is not only different but some how superior to the French, German or Spanish legal systems, and in particular how the differences between English and Scottish law interplay here?

We can the proceed to to the architecture of pur religious buildings, many of the best examples pre-exist the formation of the UK.
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