Anyone got any opinions on the £1 eliquid range? Since getting the subtank mini I'm going through silly amounts of juice so could do with a cheap juice as its getting to be very expensive
Anyone got any opinions on the £1 eliquid range? Since getting the subtank mini I'm going through silly amounts of juice so could do with a cheap juice as its getting to be very expensive
It looks like my DNA200 board has a problem.
All was well last night, plugged it in today give it a battery top up earlier and it isn't charging.
USB current is showing very low at around 0.010A, Cells are LG HE4s showing 3.70/3.71v.
Is it trying to balance them before it does any charging or something more sinister a miss?
Check in Escribe under the Mod tab, is it set to Max puffs or max charge?
Max puffs will charge as fast as it can from the usb source, max charge will reduce the charge rate to give the batteries a longer life.
Maybe, ive not really used the usb for charging, though i guess every time i connect to escribe it will be, but i bought two pairs of 2800 Efests so always have a pair charged and ready to go in when i get the weak battery message.
Yeah. i only use USB as a last resort, if im out and forgotten my spares, which does not happen often.
I see that somebody on the evolv site has posted a wooden dual 18650 mod thats nice, but ive seen the Exact same one on ECF and also for sale on Ebay.... wondering if the box can be bought ready to just put in a chip so ive messaged the guy on the evolv site, either that or he's claiming for somebody else's work.
Welcome back Balky.
If you like temp control but find NI200 a pain as most do... then Titanium is the way forward at the moment, must easier to work with, less wraps needed to get the ohms and personally i think the flavour is better, but that is subjective.
Box mod wise, for Temp control... there are plenty out there from Sigelei, IPV, Kooper, Snow Wolf and many chinese variant mods, but the best are Yihi or DNA200 based.. you will pay more for a DNA200 mod though, but its performance and flexibility are second to none at the moment.
They're not bad at all for the price. Their cherry, whilst average is still better than all the cherry flavours from all the so called premium bands i've tried. The Pineapple flavour is actually quite nice. They're not that smooth though, i'm not sure how they'd hold up at 6mg in a sub ohm tank. I used the ones i bought in a Natilus Mini.
Cheers dude will look around. What do you recommend RTA wise? Cthulhu v2 and amomizer have caught my eye, want to be sure I'm not missing anything though.
Will definately be giving titanium a go. Trying to get a nickel build in my UTA is tight at the best of times.
The guy on the Evole forum replied, he bought the box from an italian maker... you just need to add in the chip, buttons, 510 and either 18650 sled or a lipo... 24 Euro's or 27 Euros if you want he 510 hole pre drilled out...!/Quadro/p/53352017/category=0
10 Euros for shipping, extra 5 Euros if you want a custom engraving..
So the standard box, no 510 or engraving works out at £24 delivered...