Yep, I know exactly the sound you mean, as far as I'm aware it's fine, about 75% of the Curve 2's all make that noise, mine included.
Well, my new VT60 very audibly whines and pulse-clicks if I so much as switch it on (although they very kindly told me it was perfectly normal in the manual), so I guess you're right!
Assuming you have a curve 2 then you have the CS air tank, I had the same one and had no problems with using it at 20w.
Egad, Holmes... your powers of deduction are incredible!!
Yes, I have the CS Air.
try screwing the airflow adjustment in further. This will give you a tighter draw, so inhalation will try to draw more juice into the coil to keep up with the faster vaporisation.
Ahhhhhh.... I thought I needed MORE airflow, to draw off the faster vapour production.
Certainly that's how it works with the VT60.
Will give that a go, as I suspect/hope it's more the cause than No 2...
some of the cotton in the coil is already burnt, so a higher wattage is making that more noticeable - try replacing the coil and washing your tank out (isopropyl alcohol is the best but water works just fine). And make sure to prime your coil well when you fit a fresh one - give it 5 or so drags without power, and 5 mins to absorb ideally, before vaping.
I've been through... (counts)... five coils now, all of which were properly primed, prepped and left to soak in (15 mins, I was told) before a gentle break-in over three full tanks at 6, 8 and 10w before going higher. Tanks have been washed and thoroughly dried.
Someone else suggested dumping the atties in a mug of boiling water for 10 mins, in case I have some gunk building up... Reckon that might help?
Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent Sub-Ohm Tank which supports Temp Control?
I just started with a VT60, which comes fitted with the eGo ONE Mega - As a vape-newb still, I have thus far found it pretty good.
Bump! Hoping to order some juices tonight but not wanting to throw money away on poor brands!
Savourea - Noisette is my absolute favourite so far and my current every-day vape. Tastes like the inside of a Ferrero Rocher, so chocolate and hazelnut. Works even better in TempCcontrol vapers, as it's all warm and yummy.
I'm not usually a fan of anything chocolatey, so I was quite surprised I even liked this.
Vampire Vape - Heisenberg is definitely one you should try. Blue like my watercooling fluid and tastes how I imagine it would, as well! Sort of a funky-weird berry/bubblegum/menthol cocktail. Very cool to have in a spare tank for a few occasional drags every now and then.
I was initially tickled by the Breaking Bad reference too.
Vampire Vape - Pinkman is a sort of pathetic, fruity Heisenberg-wannabe. In short, lots of mouth, but not so much trousers and another nice Breaking Bad reference. I personally found it too fruity, but still nicely done.
I'm not actually a Breaking Bad fan, incidentally... I just got the joke.
Vampire Vape - Blackjack basically tastes like those little black penny sweets we used to have. VERY heavy on the aniseed. I gave mine away, as it was just too much.
Vampire Vape - Batjuice is along the same lines as Blackjack, but far gentler and more palatable.
T-Juice - I've tried a number of their ones, lately... They taste nice enough on the B&M shop's little tester sticks, but in a proper vaper they seem very plasticky and have a rather icky aftertaste. Not wanting to waste money, I chucked in a good squirt of Batjuice just to help me get through them.
Very disappointing.