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@ Rilot I wonder if it is meant to be a two or four hole one as the spare. I've double checked and my spare in the box has two holes. I've not read around too much so don't know if it is you or I that got the strange spare :)

I will double check it when I get home. I may have just assumed it was a 4-hole.

Watch this space.
Bought 100ml of Underground Bae earlier.

A lovely creamy lychee yoghurt. Bought it off someone locally and I'm guessing it was sent to him as a sample as I cannot find it anywhere in the UK at the moment
Bought 100ml of Underground Bae earlier.

A lovely creamy lychee yoghurt. Bought it off someone locally and I'm guessing it was sent to him as a sample as I cannot find it anywhere in the UK at the moment

Looks like a USA eliquid so probably imported it and whilst talking of USA, my elquids have departed Miami :cool:

Edit - Changed since morning.
Your item departed a transfer airport in Heathrow, London, UNITED KINGDOM
:cool: :cool:
Three individual strands of kanthal wire twisted together to make one wider surface area wire, I believe this of often done with different gauges of wire.

I watched rip trippers make a build and he said the flavour in his Kayfun/Russian was nice and clean, so will have a go at that later and see if it is worth it.
Very nice A[L]C, very lucky, the VaporFlask is a nice bit of kit (I used to own one and still have a clone) and you can always build a nice single coil on the TFV4 RBA to run on the flask, though the size of the TFV4 will look odd on it lol
Had an offer to swap it for a 3 week old hcigar vt200... very tempted
Bought some liquid on vendors day... anyone tried any of these?

Spectrum Vaping

100ml Blush
100ml Green Monster
100ml Vanilla Custard Reloaded
100ml Nana Shake
100ml Custard Cream

The Yorkshire Vaper

30ml Banana Custard
30ml Custard Cream
30ml Snooker Loopy
30ml Raspberry Custard

Always been a fruit fan but thought it time to try some custards.... hopefully I'll like them lol
Spectrum Custard Cream is gorgeous. It's the best custard cream biscuit out there.
Yorkshire Vaper custard cream is also nice. Not as nice as Spectrum though.
A[L]C;28618072 said:
Bought some liquid on vendors day... anyone tried any of these?

Spectrum Vaping

100ml Blush
100ml Green Monster
100ml Vanilla Custard Reloaded
100ml Nana Shake
100ml Custard Cream

The Yorkshire Vaper

30ml Banana Custard
30ml Custard Cream
30ml Snooker Loopy
30ml Raspberry Custard

Always been a fruit fan but thought it time to try some custards.... hopefully I'll like them lol

Blush tasted very chemically to me, haven't tried the others though.

Heard good things about TYV from a guy at work.
A[L]C;28618053 said:
Had an offer to swap it for a 3 week old hcigar vt200... very tempted

Hmm tempting it would be... a DNA200 is some device and the TV200 looks nice, but Brass threads on the 510 and its a £119 mod vs the VF at over £200 new and £150+ second hand...
Impressed with the Uwell Crown so far.

RBA seems to flood like nobodies business though, but I'm guessing that's my fault more than anything

Ive not had any flooding in the RBA, in fact i have the opposite issue, i get dry hits if i chain vap, so i think we both have wicking issues lol

Its a bugger to wick so it does not leak...
Ive not had any flooding in the RBA, in fact i have the opposite issue, i get dry hits if i chain vap, so i think we both have wicking issues lol

Its a bugger to wick so it does not leak...

Mine was dry hit city the firm time I wicked it, with the Muji pad that came with it.

Rewicked it with Shake and Vape and it was flooding, just rewicked again and so far it seems to be fine, chain vaping it at 30w to the point I couldn't see my hand in front of my face and no a single hint of a dry hit.
I only tried Rayon, and its fine for a few pulls then started hitting temp protect unless i let it sit a minute, but my juice is very thick so could be part of it.. i used a kayfun/lemo style bunny ears wicking method but ive seen a S wick method that may work too, but bunny ears looks easier, as long as the juice holes are well covered or it leaks lol
Hmm tempting it would be... a DNA200 is some device and the TV200 looks nice, but Brass threads on the 510 and its a £119 mod vs the VF at over £200 new and £150+ second hand...

The vapor flask was going for £128 over the weekend with one of the vendors day codes :(
I only tried Rayon, and its fine for a few pulls then started hitting temp protect unless i let it sit a minute, but my juice is very thick so could be part of it.. i used a kayfun/lemo style bunny ears wicking method but ive seen a S wick method that may work too, but bunny ears looks easier, as long as the juice holes are well covered or it leaks lol

That's how I wicked mine as well, just using the preinstalled coil at the moment. I used the same method and trimmed it long enough this time to jam plenty into the juice holes

The first attempt didn't have enough cotton in the coil and the second didn't have enough down the sides where the juice holes are. Using some fairly thick 80VG in mine
Blush tasted very chemically to me, haven't tried the others though.

Heard good things about TYV from a guy at work.

Was just looking at blush amongst others at spectrum, do their liquids need steeping time?

The last blue slush liquid I tried (dominion) was rancid, tasted like cheap bubble gum, really sickly.
:eek:£128 :eek:

I only sold mine a few weeks ago and got about £150 for it, and i had it a good few months...
But to be honest, id probably swap, now i know how good the DNA200 chip is...
But battery life will not be anyway as good as the vaporflask.

Got to love the .5 SS coil head in the Uwell, currently had it as high as 260c and 50w pre heat and 40w normal... no dry hits and vaped the tank empty... it is a great tank, and just closed the airflow 1 click and the flavour got a little better and warmer... i Love this tank.
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