just a heads up, i bought 20 bottles of nicotine from vape escape last night, £3.50 a bottle for 54mg stuff. They are having their final reductions before they close.
What size are the bottles? I'm getting low on nic base.
just a heads up, i bought 20 bottles of nicotine from vape escape last night, £3.50 a bottle for 54mg stuff. They are having their final reductions before they close.
What size are the bottles? I'm getting low on nic base.
I went into a local shop, dropped £70 on everything I needed last week to get me started and have been really enjoying vaping. I'm very pleasantly surprised.
The juice I was given at first was giving me headaches but the guy just said that would be because the strength was too high.
So I tried a few in the store and chose Njoy Dragon Scape and chose a 30ml bottle of that in the 6mg.
Just thought I'd post a newbie positive experience as reading through some of this thread is pretty confusing.
I think I'll try a 10ml bottle of another Njoy artist collection in 3mg soon. If I did buy it and wanted to switch it up can I just rinse out the tank I have and go ahead or do you guys have separate tanks for your juices?
Cheers and happy vaping![]()
Been enjoying my Subtank Mini with TI wire on temp control at 40J/235 degrees C, but starting to get a hankering for a bigger/better rebuildable - interested on people's recommendations, something in the £20-£30 price range?
My Mrs still uses these but her family keep telling her it's worse then smoking and there are more cancerous ingredients in these than a normal fag.
Who is right? Should she stop or is she safe?
I worked in a local shop that sells totallywicked products for the last 3 months or so, and I've picked up a lot of knowledge and experience of vapers as a result.
First off, the vast majority of your vapour is PG, propylene glycol, and VG, vegetable glycerin, both of which are used in foods, cosmetics, asthma inhalers, food-safe lubricants, PG is even used for some water insoluble drugs for IV injection. There is no doubt these are safe for inhalation. Tests with prolongued exposue (I believe it was 8 hours) of tobacco smoke, PG/VG and air with artifically grown lung cells showed no discernible difference in cell viability between air and PG vapour.
Nicotine itself is harmless in reasonable quantities. E-liquids should be kept away from children of course, because drinking a bottle could prove fatal, however the same can be said of countless household products, so I don't believe that should be a mark against vaping. Tons of people drink coffee, and the physiological pro's and con's aren't too dissimilar.
There may be some concern to be had with some of the flavourings. The famous example is 'popcorn lung', which sounds horrible but it's a term to describe the origin, not the symptoms thankfully. 8 workers in a buttered popcorn factory developed the respiratory problems after prolonged exposure to inhalation of diacetyl, a common "butter" flavour, deemed safe for ingestion but unknown to be damaging to the lungs. This is present in quite a few butters/custards/creams, but most companies are aware of this and have removed them from their repertoire. Acetoin, diketones, acetyl chloride and possibly others are also suspected as damaging, and again, manufacturers are seeking to, or have, removed them from their liquids.
Personally I DIY and seek flavours without these chemicals, I enjoy vaping, and even though I'm down to 1-2mg/ml, and could quit, it's a fun, and tasty hobby. The important thing is that *because* this practice has arisen out of a desire for harm reduction, tests are always being performed to determine, and remove any harmful chemicals. There might be one or two slightly damaging compounds (I say slightly or else there'd be tons of sick vapers, I haven't heard a single case yet), but time, and the endeavours of the scientific community will sort these out.
The main thing to take away from this is that vaping is several orders of magnitude safer than smoking, while retaining the same feel and nicotine hit that many have come to enjoy. It is very rewarding when you can help a little old lady pack in the fags, and save her a boatload of money in the process. For many the benefits are clear, no more cough, no more smell, and I've chatted to tons of people for whom vaping has changed their life. Those who stigmatize these people based on misconceptions and fear can go suck a cloud.
With that said I do believe there is an element of courtesy to be had. Just because I believe it safe, and for passive vaping to be a smaller risk than the pollutants already in the air, doesn't mean others think the same, so it's not fine or polite to go blowing it in people's faces, or filling an indoor area with fog, unless explicitly stated. If I'm walking down the street I'll purposefully exhale away from people. Last night I was having a few drinks with friends in a reasonably quiet bar. I exhaled downwards, and there was definitely no vapour near anybody else, but a bar member asked me to stop. Rather than get uppity and start giving lectures, I accepted it and went outside when I fancied a vape, no problem.
edit: One further point, one thing I have seen is teenagers picking up vaping because they think it's cool, not to quit smoking. This is a bad thing in my opinion, and detracts from the positive impact vaping has had. I refuse to sell to anyone under 18, or anyone looking to "just get into it". It's a safer smoking alternative, but it's still going to have some impact greater than simply breathing air, not to mention the addictive nature of nicotine.
Fresh pair of eyes and a fresh pair of hands and its done, surprisingly cooler than I expected but flavour is spot on, single coil 5 wraps @ .28 ohm firing at 50w.![]()
That is a truly beautiful coil , well done.
Surprised it works so well for you @ 50w , might have to have a go a making a pair myself.
I did buy some Clapton wire form the Crazy Wire Co , the dual twisted 24 gauge NiChrome , Claptonised with 32 gauge NiChrome.Very tough to build with , virtually had to wrestle a pair into my Twisted Messes RDA.These Ohmed out .12 ,really good vape @ 125w & not to hot.
Top job dude, the next step for us both is a stapled version (running cores inbetween the outer claptons).
Must be vaping like a champ![]()
Yip vaping beautifully, amazing how much flavour these exotic coils unlock, also amazing how much juice they drink but I suppose the two go hand in hand.
Really need to go ahead and order a dna200 device before I try any more complex builds. I have no interest in temp control, I really don't enjoy the vape half as much as straight kanthal and rarely get any dry hits so it isn't needed. The preheat will be nice though. I did have a better experience with a kanthal Claptond with ni200, vape was warmer but still lacked.
One question for the DNA40 people and TC, i had a brain wave last night, and wondered if i should be using the atty lock feature when using the TC side of things, something ive not been doing and probably is the reason why i cant get it working...im asking before i waste more wire lol and hair too![]()
My Mrs still uses these but her family keep telling her it's worse then smoking and there are more cancerous ingredients in these than a normal fag.
Who is right? Should she stop or is she safe?