Just got a Smok TF4V Mini Not built my own coils before have bought an extra RBA are they easy to make?
Have you tried giving the 510 centre pin a wiggle with a very small screw driver like we used to have to do on the fixed centre pin of the 20w version, just to see if it jolts something, if it is juice making a contact, that might clear it?
Tried all that, even took the outer casing apart.
Ended up going postal on it out of frustration. Ahh well, just an excuse to upgrade to the 60W for a new 'backup'
Forget the isticks, anything past the 30w have proven dodgy from reports, for similar size and better performance try the IPV D2, seams a good bet based off reports, many on here lol
This is odd. I just wicked the RBA deck of the Kanger sub tank mini, and there's a 5 wrap coil already pre-installed. Screwed it onto my mod and nothing, it says check atomiser. Mod just shows my wattage but 0 ohms and 0 voltage.
The two screws holding the coil are tight and the coil terminals are as they should be, caught under the screws. I could bin the coil and make another but can't see what's wrong with this one.
You sure the 510 in the mod isn't shorting? Pretty common thing that causes that. Try screwing the subtank out a bit and see if it stops, if it does it normally means the oring in the mods 510 pin is being swished and shorting on the sides.
Ive had that, the RBA deck on some subtanks has a shorter positive pin so does not make good contact with the base 510, if you can unscrew the rba a little, then push the base 510 centre pin up into the base a little, then screw the rba back down and try it.