Hey all,
Dno if you remember me or not! But for you who do, yes im still here, and nope iv not blown my self up with a 0.0000000001 ohm octo coil contraption
Infact, vaping wise iv had nothing to report the past um, 8 months or more? When ever the velocity RDA has come out, once that thing arrived, all iv done vape wise is make a new clapton wire coil once every 2 months, clean it once per week, and make a litre of juice per week.
But, its me birthday in few days, getting bored of carrying around a big heafty sigelei box mod, so iv asked for a IPV D2, 75w, small little mod for out and about. and ordered another velocity rda to go with it.
Packed in the mech mods and stuffs like that and making 8 coils per day since I got the velocity, its just so perfect, iv never had to bother or mess about trying to get a better vape tbh. I do miss wide open cloud chasing madness, but this thing chucks, it does the job, I guess I got bored of experimenting or im getting old
The only thing about vaping that's a issue for me still, is cleaning up the vapour off the windows, Tv, inside the pc, it gets everywhere, every surface gets a layer of VG all over it like iv just been showering the room in VG, it makes a right mess.