The Samsung 30Q's have a nominal voltage of 3.6V * 3 = 10.8 so do you override that with 11.1?
This eScribe, as someone who has never used a DNA200 device before, is a bit of a nightmare.
I've put my mod in, got 2 long strands of .5 kanthal hooked into a dripper base, coming in at .75 ohms.
I want to run the battery analyser, using the w/h calculator I'm being told with the following setting, that I've got 27.75w/h;
Type: Lithium Polymer (I can't see a battery option, only LiPo, LiFePO4, and power supply
Wh: 3cell
Then selecting w/h calculator, it's telling me that with 3x 2500mAh 25R's (2500mAh + 11.1v), i've got 27.75 watt-hours, it seems far too high based on info in this thread.
It is safe. The hard cutoff (not configurable) is around that voltage to ensure safety. However, by setting it at that level you may not get meaningful soft cutoff.
With soft cutoff at 2.8V, when the battery gets very low/weak, instead of the DNA dialing down the power so you can extract the last 10% or so of battery life, it is just going to say Check Battery. And you will have to dial down the power manually.
It isn't what I'd do. But, to each their own. I'd make it at least 2.9V to get the battery-extending of the soft cutoff.
People often misunderstand the nature of soft cutoff. If you look at a battery discharge curve, with lines for 1C, 5C, 10C, etc., it isn't saying Check Battery at that voltage. Instead, you'll notice that the lines tend to crater in voltage at a particular mAh. What soft cutoff does is, when the battery is about to fall off at that voltage, it instead goes *horizontally* on that curve, to the right, toward lower C value curves that end at a higher mAh. The battery can't give full power at that point much longer, and if you try it's about empty, so soft cutoff kicks in and gives you a power level it can keep going on. For total battery life soft cutoff is your friend. [smile] Maybe we should have given it a better name...
Discharge curves for the 30Q and the 25R can both be downloaded here
30Q would 27.5WH
Cell type is Lipo
Cell count: 3
And finally WH for the 25R would be 27WH
The small difference between the Watt hours between the 25R and 30Q is because the battery analyser only drains to 3v and the extra capacity is below 3v, my figures also vary from the calculated figures as they are measured using the battery analyser. Setting the soft cell cut off to 2.85v is perfectly fine on an 18650 mod as they are all rated to at least 2.5v discharge alhough this will slightly reduce cell life span.
I've done the work so nobody else has to. I need to redo the HG2 for a third time though, I forgot to save the Discharge curve so the one in the link is actually a 25R curve
Welcome to the dark side Merlin. Its a slippery expensive slope from here on in.
Hey Rilot, speaking of TC, I'm thinking of buying the Koopor Plus in red. FT has authentic ones in red, silver and white for just $42/ £27. It's 200w, has TC, and can do TC with Stainless Steel. Has an absolute ton of options, more than I'll use and looks very nice.
What do you reckon, shall I get it? I know people have had issues with the mini. But perhaps the plus is better. It's a lot of mod though for peanuts really.
Anyway, today, I've bought 28, 26 and 24 AWG SS 317L, a JPL 7000 and a Coilmaster V3. Only £47 total, and I used some of a gift voucher on the rainforest for the Ultrasonic. So only £18 from my pocket.
200 pads of cotton labo is currently winging it's way but anywhere between next saturday and 21st december. Will order some glass drips and a dual coil RBA for the TFV4, from FT.
I remember saying to you nah, I don't need anything else. Well, you were right. And how wrong I was!![]()
Ha! We all thought that in the beginning. Only thing I've got my eyes on is the Efusion DNA133, pretty happy with everything I have at the moment, just need a backup DNA200 based device as the 75w Sigelei doesn't cut it anymore
I just looked on FT to see what that Efusion looks like but they don't have it, but in so doing, noticed a mod I've not seen before, a Vapecig VT200 in white and black and red and black. Expensive, but looks amazing!