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I've switched exclusively to SS now. I ditched all my titanium and nickel.
What I love about SS is that I can use it on any mod I like. No TC? No problem, just run in power mode. Got a DNA, VTC, or SX-J? No problem, run in TC mode.

Love the stuff.

Ive noticed on both the DNA200 and SXJ chips, if you set the power too high for the temp your running then the temp reading goes nutts... makes me think 317l might not be the best choice so i need to get some 304SS as i hear it has a better TFR curve for TC.
Just tried a single 24awg 304SS build in the Aromamizer. Came in @ 0.71ohms, TC is just as wacky with 304 for me as it was with 317L. Although it might be because I'm doing contact coils.

Just about to try spaced
Merlin, i would avoid the Koopor Plus based on the fact it is Koopor, they released the mini with the promise if a firmware update only to tell customers that in order to update they need to send to a vendor at their own cost or build a custom jig of their own so they could Try the update?!?
The stock FM was terrible, battery life was terrible and the chips efficiency was not good, there were inconsistencies between mods too... so whats to say the same bad customer service and quality dont pass on to its bigger brother???

There are alternatives, the IPV 3 and 4, the IPV D2 & 3, the Evic VT and VTC Mini, and several DNA200 mods...

Ah well, that's a pity. It's just such a bargain for a 200w mod plus TC at under £30. I don't even really care about firmware, I just wanted something cheap and cheerful and over 100w that I could power higher to make better use of the TFV4.
Ah well, that's a pity. It's just such a bargain for a 200w mod plus TC at under £30. I don't even really care about firmware, I just wanted something cheap and cheerful and over 100w that I could power higher to make better use of the TFV4.

If that's what you're looking for grab the ipv3Li or ipv4s, both can be had pretty cheap, the xcube2 and sigelei 150tc is worth a mention too.

Escape2vapor have UK stock of the obs crius v3 (velocity deck) in all colours for £21.99...
How big is the crius velocity deck. in relation to say a goblin or the like. Im after a tank with a bigger deck, getting sick of the cramped build areas and 2.3mm coils. Anything bigger starts to restrict airflow.
How big is the crius velocity deck. in relation to say a goblin or the like. Im after a tank with a bigger deck, getting sick of the cramped build areas and 2.3mm coils. Anything bigger starts to restrict airflow.

Guessing based on the standard deck I have on a v1, it won't be massive, probably about average for an rta, I had no problem building dual 26g 5 wrap 2mm coils on the v1, I'd guess 24g 2.5mm should be easily done on the v3.

The deck was the one draw back to what is a really good performing and well built tank, now they've sorted that out it should easy be classed as one of the best rtas on the market :)

Plus, at £21.99, what have you got to loose? Besides £20...:D
Ive managed to fit two 2.5mm 25awg contact coils in my Crius, so thought its not a massive deck, there is room so i imagine the Velocity deck will cope fine with 2.5mm 24awg easy enough.
Brand new cells or been in use a while, sounds a little a low side, although you are running soft cut higher than I am. Would expect 27-28WH

Been charged / discharged twice maybe .. so as good as new.

3 bought at the same time, only used in this mod.

Is it worth trying to run it again? Takes quite a while so a bit reluctant!
Can I get some tank recommendations please. Been using a kangertech for a while and its always leaked a bit but since they introduced the vertical coils it leaks constantly. Doesn't matter the wattage or how soft or hard I pull. Tried building my own with the RBA but can't get it to work.
Just tried a single 24awg 304SS build in the Aromamizer. Came in @ 0.71ohms, TC is just as wacky with 304 for me as it was with 317L. Although it might be because I'm doing contact coils.

Just about to try spaced

Let me know how Spaced SS coils go, i might go back to spaced or even TI as ive now got 50ft of the 26awg LOL

I just find that with SS, if you put too much power in the temp control goes nutts, using Escribe Device Monitor is the easiest way to see it, with my Smok i have dual 25awg 317l contact coils.

If i set the power to say 45w (60w pre heat and 190c) on the DNA200 and fire, i see a nice rise in the temp till it hits 190 and then the power backs down a little.. if i raise the w to 55 or more, that gentle curve becomes an erratic mess, the lines are up and down and all over the place, like pulse signal but on the temp line Not the power?

On the SXJ, i had to hold up a hand mirror so i could see the screen (in reverse), and again, at 40w i see the temp rise as i would expect, but set the mod to 50w and the temp jumps about... 100C, 85c, 150c, 50c, 100c, 190c, 100c... its wonky as heck, never seen NI or TI do that.
Spaced didn't work any better, I get a mice steady curve during ramp up but it overshoots by a good 50F them when TC starts to pull power temp is all over the place. Im going to stick with Ti
Hey Rilot, speaking of TC, I'm thinking of buying the Koopor Plus in red. FT has authentic ones in red, silver and white for just $42/ £27. It's 200w, has TC, and can do TC with Stainless Steel. Has an absolute ton of options, more than I'll use and looks very nice.
What do you reckon, shall I get it? I know people have had issues with the mini. But perhaps the plus is better. It's a lot of mod though for peanuts really.

I wouldn't buy another Koopor mod after the debacle of the Mini. Get an eVic VTC Mini.

Just tried a single 24awg 304SS build in the Aromamizer. Came in @ 0.71ohms, TC is just as wacky with 304 for me as it was with 317L. Although it might be because I'm doing contact coils.

Just about to try spaced

Spaced didn't work any better, I get a mice steady curve during ramp up but it overshoots by a good 50F them when TC starts to pull power temp is all over the place. Im going to stick with Ti

It overshoots if you have your power set too high. Spaced does work better than contact but will still overshoot. It's because of the very small TCR for SS, the mods have trouble predicting.
If you vape exclusively in TC then titanium is still the best IMO. I vape on all sorts of mods so SS is best for me.
Yeah the TCR on SS is tiny compared to NI or TI, as i said, you jut have to dial down the power a bit to stop the overshoot and it vapes fine.

AS i have so much TI, ill be mostly using it, but i do like that i can do higher ohms with the SS, so may use it for builds to use on single battery mods like the SXJ and for my 900mAh Hotcig DX200, get better battery life that way.
Only had it set to 40w as it was a 0.7ohm coil so that's all the board could give me with 6 volts. I wasn't like it was ramping instantly and overshooting, it would take a good 2-3 toot to get it up that high
anyone made clapton coils from ss? Any good for tc?

I'm thinking of getting 430 ss as it has the highest tcr. They don't do 26 awg at vape mesh co but 25 is the closest, and I might get 32 awg ss too for clapton coils.
Thanks for all the 316L talk fellas, decided to give this flatwire another go, 2x 10 wrap coils @ .2 ohm, vaping like a complete champ in TC mode on the DNA200, grabbed the csv from steamengine for the wire type.
I just tried a dual twisted 26awg Coil setup in the OBS Crius, bother twisted wires wrapped around a 2.5mm bit, fitted on the deck and came out around 0.1ohms and fired sweet, then i tried to put on the tank and oops.... coils too big and hit the inner tank chamber :(
So ive put in another standard contact dual 317L build and back to square one, should have done 24awg TI instead..
I just tried a dual twisted 26awg Coil setup in the OBS Crius, bother twisted wires wrapped around a 2.5mm bit, fitted on the deck and came out around 0.1ohms and fired sweet, then i tried to put on the tank and oops.... coils too big and hit the inner tank chamber :(
So ive put in another standard contact dual 317L build and back to square one, should have done 24awg TI instead..

I said a couple week ago that 2mm for twisted was the limit and 2.5 for non twisted :p They mentioned on UKV that OBS will also sell the velocity deck on it's own, so if it is priced right I will buy two, otherwise I will just get the velocity styled one as long as it can take 3mm+ clapton styled coils.
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