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Lubrisolve stopped listing it in their online ebay shop some time ago and can only be ordered over the phone.

From memory last time i ordered 2 litres of Vg was £4, 2 litres of PG was £6 and a litre of 72% nicotine was £50 ish.

Thanks Greebo. I left them voicemail a couple of hours ago to call me but haven't heard back yet. Not sure how long ago you ordered but those prices seem remarkably cheap, I hope they're still the same! I want 1 litre of PG, 1 litre VG and 250 ml nic. Can't imagine getting all that for about £17.50.

I'm also looking for a replacement RDA. My IGO-W middle post keeps turning and ruining my coils so it's time to bin it. I've been googling a lot and there's a ton and a half of nice looking RDAs. Think I'm going to buy the Tobeco Velocity RDA clone for £16. Pity it has no etching or logo, but it seems to be a very good dripper.
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Well, I ordered over the phone from Lubrisolve. Very nice chap, gave me some very useful advice, in particular, that there won't be a restriction on buying up to 72mg nicotine after the new laws come in next year, and it won't be restricted to 10ml bottles. That's only for end users and retailers in B&M shops. So people don't need to stockpile litres of nic in their freezers. Maybe you all knew that anyway, I'm kind of behind the times :)

Well, I bought VG, PG and 7.2% nicotine. The nic is not the cheapest around but it's tested and certified so at least I know it'll be very good quality. But cheap as chips for VG and PG. £22.50 for 250ml of nic, £4.03 for 1 litre PG and.. only £2.86 for 1 litre of VG! £6.90 courier next day delivery which I'll actually get wednesday. So total £36.29.
Got your email and ive sent you the file, hope it works as well for you as it has for me, i run all my tanks with Ti coils at 220C using Rayon for the wick and not had a dry hit unless the resting resistance is wrong.

20w is noting for dual coils in the Armomamzier... if your TI TFR is set right then im surprised your even getting a vape at all, my single wire duals coils in the same tank take a good 30w Plus with 50w pre heat...

Cheers fella for that, it is slightly different in curve from the 2 that ive got.

The only thing is, with this profile i hit temp protection within 2 secs, where as on the other profile i can run it till the cut off in firing for the dna200 which is something silly like 20secs or so i think.
All of that is set to 390f with only 14W....lol im not a high power person i think, or it could be because im not getting it right, that high power is awful tasting.

Getting more and more confused, i sort of understood it with the DNA40, but the 200 has made my head spin.
Have you changed the Pre Heat as the default is 200w which will be way too much if your only firing at 14w, in fact for that low a power id turn off pre heat all together on the profile.

My typical TI coils are either dual 24awg or Dual twisted 26awg TI, and for single coil i do Twisted 26awg TI, all 2.5mm internal diameter and 4-5 Spaced wraps, i find contact coils hit TC limit way too fast and ruin the vape. All my coils take 35-60w with 50-80w pre heat respectively.
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Have you changed the Pre Heat as the default is 200w which will be way too much if your only firing at 14w, in fact for that low a power id turn off pre heat all together on the profile.

My typical TI coils are either dual 24awg or Dual twisted 26awg TI, and for single coil i do Twisted 26awg TI, all 2.5mm internal diameter and 4-5 Spaced wraps, i find contact coils hit TC limit way too fast and ruin the vape. All my coils take 35-60w with 50-80w pre heat respectively.

Yea i changed the preheat to 20w to give it a bit of a kick to life, none of my coils are twisted or anything fancy, standard 2.5mm spaced coils of 26awg Ti, ran the atomiser analyzer, and the ohms for my K4 are rock steady.
As with most things i must be missing something very easy as is always the case with me personally, with the DNA40 it was locking the resistance, but this 200 doesnt even need that as its way more accurate with the ohms and doesnt fluctuate at all.

The Ti wire has gone black, which i assume is correct and wicking slightly more loose compared to a micro coil.
Try and get your wicking so that its tight in the coils but thinner and fluffier in the tails..this seams to allow the juice to flow quicker to the wick in the coils and helps keep them cool longer on a draw and wick faster.

At 14w i would say you dont need Any pre heat at all.. its such low power, what ohms and how many wraps do you have?

Also, what wicking material are you using, most cotton is burn free from from 410F and below, so as long as your ohms are showing the correct Cold resistance, you can turn the TC limit up 20F...
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0.23ohm Cold resistance on the Kayfun V4, single strand coil, 2.5mm around 6 wraps, spaced evenly..on the Ti Profile you sent, it hits 390f within 2 secs and goes into protection, on the profile from steamengine and lostvape it goes on forever never reaching temp but tastes odd lol maxes out at 367f ....so i dunno whats going on here.

Ive left the K4 for an hour and reset it, still always reads the 0.23ohm.
Where did you get the TI from, is it Grade 1 from Stealthvape or The Crazywire Company or elsewhere?
Just that some places sell a custom TI wire claiming it is TI GR1 when its actually based on G2, and so uses a different curve.

Other than that i dunno, normaly hitting TC limit too fast is a sign of one or more of the following:

Incorrect cold resistance.
Too much power.
Wrong TFR.
Bad atomizer connection, too high a resistance in the actual tank throwing out the coil resistance and thus causing incorrect temp reading.
Very small chimney housing the coil, too small a chamber increases the heat and thus throws out miss readings.

Now there maybe more, this is just from my experiance vaping in TC for nearly a year now mainly on DNA40 devices but ive had one or two China chips, these tend to either need a higher Temp limit setting or altering the cold resistance, for example, my IPV D" always registers my cold res 0.02ohms.. Too low.. so i either have to run with a higher temp limit or my prefered method is to heat the coils slightly and lock the res at what I know they should be.. 0.02ohms roughly.. higher.

First off though, set your temp limit to 410F or 210C... it will make a slight difference in the vape but a big difference in how quick you hit it.
Its from Stealthvape Medical Grade1, i get all my wires from them, as ive had mixed experiences with vapemesh or whatever it is called these days.

Temp changed is the same result, think ive got to investigate more. Its odd because the profile from steam engine and the one bundled with the lost vape settings on the dna200 forum works, but its harsh and odd, the one you sent hits temp protection very fast and actually is very nice, even though it pushes 3w and no vapour, but can still taste it.

I appreciate you taking the time to help, just as you did with my DNA40 trouble, which i did eventually sort out (didnt lock resistance lol) Ive tried locking the resistance on this 200 and it doesnt make any difference.
It is very odd that your get different results from me, i found the Wire Wizards TFR curve was to harsh and resulted in hitting temp limit way too quick where as teh old TFR Calculator curve has been consistant for me and allows me to push upto 70w in the Aromamizer and over 80w on a dripper in TC mode, something i never thought i would manage from my DNA40 days.

Im still not sure the Kayfun 4 is the best choice of tank though, seen too many posts about it being wonky with TC, even with the upgraded springs etc..
Do you have any other tanks or atties to test with?
The only other thing i can think of is to dry fire the coil, double check is not got any hot spots or hot legs, but do it in a short pulse at Low watts, dont let it get past an orange glow.. in fact as soon as you see a hint of orange, stop firing..
Only got the Aromamizer but thats too much for me in dual coil mode with my juice ive got. Everything else i sold to buy the DNA200 hehe.
Just done another coil, 7/6 wrap 2.5mm Ti comes out at 0.27ohms just to see if my coil was out, again all spaced, 1.5mm off the airhole, leads wrapped around screws, and still the same sort of results, Ti profile from steam engine is harsh and odd tasting but doesnt hit temp protection, the one you use hits temp protection within a second..good lord why is it always me that runs into silly little things like this.
Uwell crown or Smok TFV4? Has anyone got experience of them both? Which do you prefer?

Smok XCube2; do these live upto the hype? It looks too big, but I suppose anything with 2x 18650 cells is going to be fairly large.

I have both, although my Sigelei only goes to 75w so..

The Crown is a better design and slightly lighter and smaller. I hate the design of the Smok with regards to how it fits together. You have to very very gently unscrew it and pull out the glass tank to get at the coil. The base doesn't unscrew like in every other tank. The swing top fill is good though.

Vape wise, the Crown is amazing at 60+w on both the 0.25 and 0.5 coils. The TFV4 needs power and lots of it. At 75w on the 0.20 triple coil the TFV4 has almost no flavour, vapour is ok though. Personally i would recommend the Crown over the TFV4. Your battery will last longer, your juice will last longer and it comes apart easier.

Obviously the TFV4 may be the best thing ever at 150w, but my experience with it so far doesn't make me want to rush out and buy a new mod to power it. Plus i'd be going through 30ml of juice a day...
My OBS Crius V2 is doing my head in, when i first got it, i put in a dual 317l SS coil and it ran for a whole week in TC mode, then i decided to try TI coils and since then i cannot get it to run in TC, ive put in dual 24awg, dual 26awg, dual twisted 26awg TI coils and then dual 25awg 317l SS again, ive tried it on all 3 DNA200 mods and 2 DNA40's, my IPV DS and The Hydrogen SX350J, on the odd occasion it has been detected as a TC coil but only for a few toots or till ive moved the atty on the 510, or it has hit TC limit instantly...

So now im running a new Dual 317l SS coil, 8 wraps each, spaced, 2.5mm dia, came out around .3ohms and running in Power mode at 55w... but have tried it at 70w, have to say, its not come close to a dry hit, im surprised how well this tank wicks and keeps up with the power.
And the flavour is great, i really do enjoy this tank, but the V2 leaks a little between the airflow and juice control rings if you move them and the two post deck is a bit naff compared to the Velocity style in the V3 which has not leaked once yet, but both give such a good vape.
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Chaps, do you keep your nicotine in glass or plastic bottles? I've got 250ml coming tomorrow which I'll keep on it's side in the fridge but don't know if it's really necessary to buy some glass bottles to decant into. Someone told me plastic can taint nicotine. I'm just a bit worried about the possibility of glass bottles smashing accidentally and then having poison everywhere in my fridge or on the kitchen floor.

Thanks Gee, I ordered two of those wide neck 480ml LDPE bottles from cream supplies last night for decanting PG and VG, and I also bought the Envy Digital Scale (500g x 0.01g) from them.

I also still want some syringes (1ml, 5ml and 10ml) but don't know which ones and which needles. I probably also need a wider needle to use with VG based nic in a 1ml syringe. At the moment I have a knackered 10ml luer lock syringe, a couple of luer lock needles and a bag of luer lock plastic tips.

I see syringes and needles are incredibly cheap on LTE Cigs.
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Chaps, do you keep your nicotine in glass or plastic bottles? I've got 250ml coming tomorrow which I'll keep on it's side in the fridge but don't know if it's really necessary to buy some glass bottles to decant into. Someone told me plastic can taint nicotine. I'm just a bit worried about the possibility of glass bottles smashing accidentally and then having poison everywhere in my fridge or on the kitchen floor.

Thanks Gee, I ordered two of those wide neck 480ml LDPE bottles from cream supplies last night for decanting PG and VG, and I also bought the Envy Digital Scale (500g x 0.01g) from them.

Ideally you want it in an Amber Glass bottle, refrigerated and out of sunlight.

As I've already mentioned, I decant 30ml into a small HDPE squeezy bottle and use that - when it's empty I'll refill it.

I've had it like that for about 6 months now and it smells exactly the same as how it did on the day I bought it.

EDIT: What do you need the syringes for?
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Thanks to UKDTweak for your time and the help you have given, but i cannot get TC to work for me using Ti at this time, so ive gone back to my trusty Kanthal and vaping away happily - i might try some Ni200 or NiFe30 over the week and ill try and get some SS too but so far my experience of TC is not good.
Ideally you want it in an Amber Glass bottle, refrigerated and out of sunlight.

As I've already mentioned, I decant 30ml into a small HDPE squeezy bottle and use that - when it's empty I'll refill it.

I've had it like that for about 6 months now and it smells exactly the same as how it did on the day I bought it.

EDIT: What do you need the syringes for?

Yeah, sorry, I don't need syringes. I seem to have syringes on the brain as though somehow I might still need them. :p

I thought I might need at least a 1ml syringe for taking nicotine from the bottle to whatever I'm mixing but yeah, I'll just pour from the bottle. Yeah, I'll use an old 30ml plastic bottle I have to decant the nicotine. No idea if it's HDPE or LDPE though or if it matters. If I get an amber glass bottle for the rest of the nic, how about this one? http://www.ampulla.co.uk/Shop-For-G...tle-&-28mm-White-Medilock-Cap/p-169-196-1095/

Other than that, I've got everything ordered now! Well, except my concentrates and a new RDA I'm still deciding on. Narrowed down to Aromamiser RDA (hexagonal shape) or Velocity clone.
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Can anyone recommend a decent supplier for VG and PG? Going to try and make my own juice up. Going to go nicotine free!

Search for Classikool on eBay.

Yeah, sorry, I don't need syringes. I seem to have syringes on the brain as though somehow I might still need them. :p

I thought I might need at least a 1ml syringe for taking nicotine from the bottle to whatever I'm mixing but yeah, I'll just pour from the bottle. Yeah, I'll use an old 30ml plastic bottle I have to decant the nicotine. No idea if it's HDPE or LDPE though or if it matters. If I get an amber glass bottle for the rest of the nic, how about this one? http://www.ampulla.co.uk/Shop-For-G...tle-&-28mm-White-Medilock-Cap/p-169-196-1095/

I wouldn't bother getting a separate glass bottle man. Surely if it's in your fridge, with the door closed it's going to be out of sunlight anyway?

If you REALLY want a needle/syringe combo - get one of these and a decent sized syringe (50ml?)
I wouldn't bother getting a separate glass bottle man. Surely if it's in your fridge, with the door closed it's going to be out of sunlight anyway?

Fine with me. You just saved me a bit more money, so I'm happy with that, Gee! :) I'm just being a bit over cautious. Apologies for being such a dimwit at this. :p
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