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Just ordered my first lot of concentrates and VG. no nicotine yet thought Id at least see if i can make something fairly tasty before splashing out.

but when i do get some wheres the cheapest for nic?
I find the pre-made Heisenberg has far too much menthol for me. Does the concentrate has loads of menthol too or is there a way to reduce the menthol?
Just ordered my first lot of concentrates and VG. no nicotine yet thought Id at least see if i can make something fairly tasty before splashing out.

but when i do get some wheres the cheapest for nic?

It's the concentrate that is the big cost when mixing your own, not the nic really.

Can't tell you where the cheapest place to buy is though. AAEC often have group buys for nic base, and I got 2L 2 years ago, so still have about 10 years worth left, lol.
Send me a trust Tommy and I'll make up a 10ml bottle of it for you at whatever VG/PG ratio you want and can customise it for you if you want with other flavours. :)

I'm dripping it in my Velocity Mini RDA. It's probably decent but frustration hits me again, I simply cannot taste a single eliquid properly, pre-made (triphammer, etc) or my DIY. I get sweetness and a sort of caramel taste at the back of my throat, but my mouth just doesn't sense creaminess or any flavours properly. It used to a long time ago. So once again, e-liquid that does nothing for me :(

Anyway, you'll be a better judge of my concoctions than me tbh. :D I think I'll make up another one for myself at 50/50 and do 15% apple pie and 2.5% Vanilla Custard V2.

Now then, at the same 10% apple pie and 5% Vanilla Custard as you, the smell is overwhelmingly the custard, quite pungent. Odd really, as I expected the apple pie to be the stronger smell. I can't taste the cinnamon so will add a couple drops more. I can't tell if I'm tasting any vanilla bourbon. Can't really taste apple pie, lol. But you might be able to pick these flavours out better than me. Tell me if you'd like me to add some drops of any other flavours. I've got a fantastic smelling almond, (not toasted), made by Dark Delights. I haven't used it yet, but if you like almond, I think this would be the concentrate to try. I reckon 2 or 3 drops would do it.

Also, pick any of these if you want me to add some.
Apple Fuji
Apple Pie
Custard Cream
Vienna Cream

Also Capella Sugar Cookie V2.

This is the recipe I made though. Cool name for it eh :D :


That sounds awesome dude, i'll send you a trust :D In my next mix I'll send you across a batch of what I brew up which to me tastes great so please be sure to reply with your address! :-)

As for your vaping experience, are you letting the liquid steep properly? What build have you got in the Velocity, have you tried another tank/RDA with the same build, and different builds? (We'll get to the bottom of it ;-))

Might be exclusively vaping a menthol heavy juice for a few days and then give it another go?
If it is vapours tongue, apparently coffee, using mouthwash, and menthol juices every now and again can help.
I never get vapours tongue, but drink coffee each day, and use mouthwash twice a day when brushing my teeth which probably helps with that.

For steeping, I normally go through the below process;

- Mix it all up
- Shake like hell
- Let it sit overnight in a kitchen cupboard
- Breath for 24hr (just take the lid/cap off), still in the kitchen cupboard
- Let it then sit for X amount of days (dependent on recipe)

Never had a problem to date, apart from accidentally letting juice breath for 2 weeks. Was still good but muted flavour! :p

Some decent vape mail arrived today (yes, my third vapemail of the week :p);

- 1ltr VG (another ltr is on the way too :D)
- 5x500ml bottles for mixing up big batches
- Geekvape 521 tab, quite excited to use it!

Noisy Cricket/Evic Mini on the way too :D

I feel like slinxy, but mine is on a much lower budget! :p

edit: Far to many emotes in this post, I apologise for behaving like an over excited 12 yo instragrammer. (:p)
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Tommy, you use Flavour Boss. What else do you recommend? I have loads of Rocket Girl left, but need another me thinks :D

Ive got the Milkmon sat waiting to be mixed at some point, have a small 30ml bottle but no idea if it's any good yet.

Looper is the other I've tried. If you can wait 2 months the flavour is AMAZING with the right build. I love it :D
Just got these in 0%

I just put up my Hydrogen SX350J on Ukv for sale...

Thanks for letting me know.. I've promised myself the gift of sight before getting another mod, so I've getting some new glasses this weekend. lol

but I think I'm going down the route of the wismec dna200 or the boxer.. it seems that the mod maker I was thinking of getting to do it is having some issues at the moment with the v2 chip and serial batteries..
Decided to try and make my own juice and what a mess I created.
I made a Sucker Punch and Bombies clone and the smell of the banana cream is so strong.

No way am I going down the syringe route, weighting next time. I love Element's Strawberry Whip but too expensive to keep buying and no recipe that I can find.
When mixing by weight, ejuicemeup is telling me that 1ml = 1gram across nic, pg/VG, concentrates.

Is this right?

I'm by no means a newbie to mixing, but a newbie to mixing by weight! Need to google around but at work atm.

VG weighs slightly more than PG so it's not strictly correct.
IIRC, VG = 1.2g / ml and PG = 1.05g / ml

Use the calculator here: http://e-liquid-recipes.com/
Select create recipe. It knows the weights of the different liquids.
When mixing by weight, ejuicemeup is telling me that 1ml = 1gram across nic, pg/VG, concentrates.

Is this right?

I'm by no means a newbie to mixing, but a newbie to mixing by weight! Need to google around but at work atm.
I'm trying to mix by weight too but I'm new to it. I've read VG is heavier and JuiceCalculator is saying its 1.249 grams per ml. I need to research more.

Looking for some advice on a vaporiser to buy.

It’d be for smoking nicotine-free juices – just when I’m having a drink with friends to ease the habit / fidgeting.

I’ve quit smoking rolling tobacco cold-turkey. Been here before and sober it’s not a problem, trouble is when I have a couple of drinks I tend to just go ‘*** *it’ and go to the shop for some baccy.

I bought a very cheap one off ‘the rainforest’ but considering I smoked rollies (filtered) it is very difficult to feel like I’m getting a drag out of it. The only way I can manage is to draw the vapour into my mouth without inhaling fully, slowly release it then quickly draw it into my lungs. Seems a bit daft really, and not satisfying.

I’ve seen people at the pubs blowing big clouds of smoke with all sorts of flash and weird looking gear. I just want something simple, efficient, but that I can get a proper draw out of. I’m not in it for the gadget love (you lot seem well into it! :p ) so don’t want to be messing about mixing and matching parts, just looking for something cheap and simple enough yet decent.

Any suggestions to look at?

It depends on your definition of cheap really.

For £34.99 you could do LOADS worse than one of these : http://myepack.co.uk/mods/kanger-subox-nano-kit.html

That'll give you the mod and tank. You'd need to add a battery (I like the 25R's http://myepack.co.uk/batteries/samsung-inr-18650-25r-2500mah-20a.html) and some juice (and coils as you go) but would be a decent place to start.

Juice will depend on what you like, so up to you entirely there, but at least myepack has a reasonable selection for you top start with. I'm a fan of Cosmic Fog Cola Gummy. And I would personally hold off on the coils initially. I bought a pack of 1.2 ohm and a pack of 0.5 ohm when I picked up my subtank mini, and I just dont like using the 1.2 ohm coils at all. You may be the opposite. You wont know until you have tried them though. And you get one of each with the kit (I believe), and they do last weeks, so you can spend some time with either before buying more.

EDIT: I assumed you need the whole kit rather than just the atomiser, but if it is just atomiser you need, the subtank mini with the 1.2 / 1.5 ohm coils is a great place to start. It will certainly give you the airflow you require, as well as being easy to use. http://myepack.co.uk/clearomizers/kanger-subtank-mini-v2.html

Of course, it's only an extra tenner with the mod, so I'd go that route anyway, as it will let you use lower ohm coils and stuff later if you want to.
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Rilot, just tried my Heisenberg (70/30 3mg) that I mixed 20% and its spot on. I've not tried the premixed but flavour isn't overpowering or muted and there is no harshness either. That's with an hours breathing and a little over 24 hours steeping
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