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It was the whole kit I was after yeah. I've gone for the Nautilus Mini Kit. I am slightly dubious about whether or not it will pack the hit I'm after but it's only for the occasional night out and will just slip in my pocket. Some alternatives are huge!

It's an upgrade on the existing one, regardless. Thanks for the pointers.
Can someone recommend a vendor that does packs of juices? I've not found one I can settle with yet so looking to buy a good amount of flavors to test and see what I like.
It was the whole kit I was after yeah. I've gone for the Nautilus Mini Kit. I am slightly dubious about whether or not it will pack the hit I'm after but it's only for the occasional night out and will just slip in my pocket. Some alternatives are huge!

It's an upgrade on the existing one, regardless. Thanks for the pointers.

Since you're after the 'hit', but without nicotine, if you find the liquids you have aren't quite there, look for something with more PG, it's not as 'smooth' as VG, might help you :)
What's all this sub-ohm stuff about? Am I missing out?

I've got an MVP2 with an Aspire ET-S. It does the trick for keeping me off the cigarettes but I've had it ages and think I should move on to something better. The coils are becoming expensive as well as I go through them quickly, but I can't find any tanks that offer cheap coils. I don't want to go down the route of building my own.

Any suggestions for a new mod/tank under £50? Ideally something a bit smaller than what I have. Must be easy to use - set it and forget it type thing. I have no patience for working out electronic values (watts, volts, ohms etc) and if i'm honest have no idea what any of it means
What's all this sub-ohm stuff about? Am I missing out?

I've got an MVP2 with an Aspire ET-S. It does the trick for keeping me off the cigarettes but I've had it ages and think I should move on to something better. The coils are becoming expensive as well as I go through them quickly, but I can't find any tanks that offer cheap coils. I don't want to go down the route of building my own.

Any suggestions for a new mod/tank under £50? Ideally something a bit smaller than what I have. Must be easy to use - set it and forget it type thing. I have no patience for working out electronic values (watts, volts, ohms etc) and if i'm honest have no idea what any of it means

I earlier linked to the Kanger subbox nano kit for £35 http://myepack.co.uk/mods/kanger-subox-nano-kit.html That will let you experience sub ohming. And I find the coils last me at least a couple weeks. And I only vape heavy VG juices.

But if you're happy with what you have, then why bother moving on? If coils are too expensive, make your own. It's not difficult. All you are doing is wrapping a bit of wire around a small screwdriver or similar. Once you have a resistance you like, with a particular size wire, it's pretty simple to replicate as it'll be the same number of turns every time (I usually do 5-6 turns around a 2.5mm outer diameter (OD) screwdriver).

On the other hand, if you have zero interest in learning about watts, ohm and resistance, then just buy the pre-made coils. They aint that expensive, and you can order genuine ones from China even cheaper.

So seen this available for my tank,

Never looked or tried building my own coil, but obviously I'm guessing its a much cheaper way to run things, just to start me off what else would I need with the above?

You'll need wire. And cotton. Depending on what resistance you vape at, the size of wire will matter. If you use relatively high resistance, like 1 ohm or over, then 0.32mm is what I use for such builds. If I'm going for a lower resistance, then I either twist the 0.32 or use 0.50mm wire. As for cotton, I am currently using Cotton Bacon V2.0 wick, and it is good. But you want organic cotton whool otherwise. I also have a bag of that, and the japanese cotton stuff, but it all lasts ages, so been using the Cotton Bacon exclusively for the last few months and you would barely know I'd opened the pack. So the extra quid or whatever it costs is no big deal.

You'll also need something to wrap the coil around. A precision screwdriver will do here, or a proper coil winder thing. They can be had cheap enough. I used to use a needle tip too at one point. A pair of tweezers is almost a necessity here too. And a wee blow torch helps. But can be done with a regular lighter. You get kits that have everything you could need, including a resistance checker (for when you go proper sub-ohm it is a must, otherwise you can usually just use a regulated mod). They are cheap enough from China. £15-20 should get you started easy.

I have just ordered one of these for all the different wire types : http://www.gearbest.com/accessories/pp_280020.html But then I'm not just starting out, so might be a bit overkill if you don't know if it'll be for you.

Here is some cotton : http://www.gearbest.com/electronic-cigarettes/pp_212070.html

Here is a basic, cheap kit to get started : http://www.gearbest.com/tools/pp_227619.html
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I have cotten, just really not sure what wire I'm supposed to go for lol, is their like a start one till entry others?
Sitting about 0.6ohms
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I have cotten, just really not sure what wire I'm supposed to go for lol, is their like a start one till entry others?

Did a fair bit of editing of my last post, lol.

If you just want something to start you off, this wire will work fine for both higher ohm builds and twisted for lower ohm builds : http://www.vape-atomizer-mesh.com/p...Micron-or--28-AWG----10-Metre-Spool-2439.html

That'll get you started at least. You could go for the 0.3mm instead mind. Wont really matter.

Saw your edit. The 0.32 twisted will give a lovely vape for you. Somewhere about 5-6 wraps round a 2.5mm screwdriver shaft should get you somewhere close to your desired ohms. I currently have a dual coil 0.32mm wire, 5 wraps around a 2.0 OD and it's measuring 0.52 ohms on my DNA40. I have this in a Kayfun V4 for reference.

Twisting the wire is easy. Just take twice as much as you need, fold it in half, take the ends in a vice / pliers, and put a pen through the hooped end and twist. Alternatively, an allen key in a drill and zap it. Twisted. Job jobbed.

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That's great mate, many thanks, went and ordered that. Never realised how much cheaper it is but only had the tank for a couple of months.

Also seen their videos on this particular deck on how to coil build.
No worries. If the resistance comes out too low with a 2.0mm ID then up it to 2.5mm or stick an extra wrap on next time.

Yes, it is substantially cheaper, and I find I get a better flavour over pre-made coils too. But be careful. Once you get started, you end up with a few RDA's, then all hell breaks loose, and you try loads of different stuff.
Yea, its been bad enough sorting and trying juices, but at least this makes the whole thing a cheap try and test procedure!.
Yes, well that's where an RDA proves it's worth. You need only a few drops on the wick to test a new flavour. No need to fill a tank or anything. And you can very quickly change the wick when changing flavours, or just blast through the old flavour on the same wick in 5-6 pulls.
Dug out a dripper last night (mx4 clone) and haven't put it down since, going in to town this morning now to buy a genuine mutation x :D

I think constantly trying different coils in rta's has given me a better appreciation for coil building, something I didn't have the last time I tried dripping.

I quite fancy a 22mm mech too, any advise on what to go for? My only options in town appear to be a genuine cov or cloned smpl so I think I'll be looking online...
Dug out a dripper last night (mx4 clone) and haven't put it down since, going in to town this morning now to buy a genuine mutation x :D

I think constantly trying different coils in rta's has given me a better appreciation for coil building, something I didn't have the last time I tried dripping.

I quite fancy a 22mm mech too, any advise on what to go for? My only options in town appear to be a genuine cov or cloned smpl so I think I'll be looking online...

How low do you want to build?

If you wanna go right down to the 0.2 region then Limitless/VCM/AV Able and some LG HB2.

if you don't plan going below 0.3-0.4 I can really recommend the MCR101. The switch and build quality are fantastic (Pair it with 25R/VTC5/HE4)
Vape mail. Ringmaster from Digbys.

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