***The Vapers Lounge*** 2.0

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Your sample arrived today Merlin, thank you so much! I'm going to let it steep for a week or two and will give it a go :-) I'll send you some of my apple pie & custard, and 'the milkmon', hopefully you'll like one of them!

Managed to make an 'alien' coil tonight, takes a lot of persistence and wasted wire! Even then, only had enough success to make the one coil, and it was only 2 cores instead of 3 (just can't seem to nail 3 cores at all across any build). Have bunged it in the indestructible.

It's 34AWG n80 around 26AWG kanthal cores, vaping like a champ and came out at .45 ohms.

Now I can do it, further attempts should be better :D


Hey guys, been a while since I've posted, we had our first baby 5 weeks ago and ive not had chance to visit here lol.

Got a question regarding dna200 resistance and my ohm meter.
Right so this will be easy,kanthal build atty reads 1.31 on the dna200 but on my ohm meter it's 1.39..now it's little but with this small difference I do believe it's my issue with temp control not working as well, if anyone remembers my troubles a few weeks back.

So with that I'm thinking the internal resistance of the dna200 is having an effect on this, its set to.0.006 or something like that from the efusion dna200 settings I downloaded from the dna200 forums, but im at a loss as to how to figure out if j need to change it.

Apologies for any mistakes, typing on phone these days due to no access to my desktop computer.

I trust my DNA200 device over an ohm reader. What issues we're you having with temp control?
I've got the mini volt today... and it's quite meh...
The fire button seems to be large but the trigger area of the button is small..
there seems to be a delay in firing
keeps going into standby
it's too small to hold.. lol

The issues seems common with the people I've spoken to about it..

but for £25 pounds it does the job.. and it's as cute as a button :)

I think I'll get the Doge V3 in black and baby blue next... the logo on that rocks!!


I also won a drip tip from lime light... :) I was tempted to buy the mod that goes with it.. lol
I've not noticed any delay in firing with mine.

Going in to standby does my ****ing head in though.

I'm getting ready to buy a 'cane or a VG Mini, at this rate I might have to remove myself from SV. Oh and I've finally ordered a 22mm 510 for my custom DNA133, only taken me about 3 months lol
Do you have any recepis for the 'shake and go' liquids? I'm lazy :p

From what I've read just about all of vampire vapes concentrates are shake and vape, though quite a few of their flavors can be an acquired taste, so suggest making some small batches first if using them. I only really buy pinkman from them, 20-25% seems to be the sweet spot, using a VG base, some flavors will require more/less though.

I mainly use Vapours Oven, mix at 20%, leave for a week or so with regular shakes and its ready, or ready enough to enjoy anyhow, absolutely hooked on their 'man flu' frozen forest and lemon and lime aren't too shabby either :)

I'm still relatively new to mixing my own too, this will only be my second batch, so I'm open to suggestions on other concentrates to try too :D
I've not noticed any delay in firing with mine.

Going in to standby does my ****ing head in though.

I'm getting ready to buy a 'cane or a VG Mini, at this rate I might have to remove myself from SV. Oh and I've finally ordered a 22mm 510 for my custom DNA133, only taken me about 3 months lol

I think it's cos I have it in power mode.. I would rather have the hana one for £40 than the mini volt for £25.. But I have both :)

Get the VG mini.. The cane doesn't impress me one bit, thou I've only tried other people's builds.. I suspect the heron v2 is a better vape than the cane..

It's expensive in SV.. I sold a load of stuff to a vape reviewer and I have money burning in my PayPal at the moment.. Lol
It does the job as a small pocket friendly regulated mod, between that, my Dual 18650 DNA200 and the MCR101 I have all bases covered really.

I've didn't notice any difference between soft/standard/power mode on it.
Ive tried my friends Velocity which is what drew me to order one, and ive wonted to try squonking for a while and the Steam Crave is cheap but good reviews, so as the Velocity has the BF pin i though, why not lol

I really need to stop buying vape gear!
I've decided to break my 2016 vape resolution to try squonking.
I realised that I just have far too much vape gear already when a mate I haven't seen for a while went in to my man-cave at the weekend and observed that he though I had a problem after seeing all the mods, atties, and juice bottles lined up on the desk.
Well the Velocity was from FT so cheap as chips and the Steam Crave is a 60w TC (NI200) single 18650 mod and cost £59 inc Del.

I have now also ordered a mini volt :(
I trust my DNA200 device over an ohm reader. What issues we're you having with temp control?

Just odd tasting compared to kanthal, for example I was using titanium wire and with 2 different profiles I couldn't get it vaping nicely, it was either nasty or weak at any temp and watts... Kanthal works perfectly but with my dna200 being the only mod I have now, an ohm reader is handy for building my other atties.

I guess the real question is, in escribe how do I get the correct internal mod resistance, so it works with temp control perfectly.. It has the efusion dna200 settings uploaded with their internal resistance set, but maybe it's not right for mine.. And will that affect the resistance shown on the mod and account for the difference between the 200 and ohm reader.
Just odd tasting compared to kanthal, for example I was using titanium wire and with 2 different profiles I couldn't get it vaping nicely, it was either nasty or weak at any temp and watts... Kanthal works perfectly but with my dna200 being the only mod I have now, an ohm reader is handy for building my other atties.

I guess the real question is, in escribe how do I get the correct internal mod resistance, so it works with temp control perfectly.. It has the efusion dna200 settings uploaded with their internal resistance set, but maybe it's not right for mine.. And will that affect the resistance shown on the mod and account for the difference between the 200 and ohm reader.

Mod resistance could be the issue, however I never bothered to measure or set it on my custom DNA200 and I've never had any issue with a weak vape.

Have you ran the case analyser as that did have quite an affect on TC for me
Just odd tasting compared to kanthal, for example I was using titanium wire and with 2 different profiles I couldn't get it vaping nicely, it was either nasty or weak at any temp and watts... Kanthal works perfectly but with my dna200 being the only mod I have now, an ohm reader is handy for building my other atties.

I guess the real question is, in escribe how do I get the correct internal mod resistance, so it works with temp control perfectly.. It has the efusion dna200 settings uploaded with their internal resistance set, but maybe it's not right for mine.. And will that affect the resistance shown on the mod and account for the difference between the 200 and ohm reader.

There's a couple of ways, neither of which I've actually tried, but theoretically should work.

1) open up escribe, and set the internal resistance to 0. Open up the 'atomizer analyzer' (as it has a greater precision than the mod itself), and short the 510 pin, using whatever you have, lower resistance the better, but it doesn't really matter with that short of a distance. The reading on the atomizer analyzer should then be your internal resistance.

2) this is from what I've gleaned using a mechanical mod, and you'll need a multimeter - attach an RTA or RDA with a kanthal coil that you know the resistance of, without the tank/cap. Set your device to a voltage, say 4v. Hold the probes on the multimeter (in volts mode) to the poles on the atty, and fire it. The reading should be a little less than 4v. If you take (4v - v multimeter)*(res coil)/(v multimeter) that should give you the internal resistance. This may not work with the DNA200 because it's too clever for it's own good and might raise the voltage to make sure the displayed wattage is the *actual* wattage hitting the coil :p
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Spending way to much money on liquid atm since using RDA's and experimenting with various builds/high wattage's etc.

I'm wanting to make my own liquid's but at the moment nothing complex just simple 1/2 flavors for example 100ML of Raspberry, 100ML of Strawberry and Cream etc at 3MG Nicotine ratio/VG Heavy that i can drip away and not worry how much it's costing me :D

Would someone be able to point me in the right direction as to where the best place to purchase PG/VG and Nicotine from also the instruments required?

From my own research I came across this for £37 does it seem like a good deal?

1 x 100ml of 72mg/ml Nicotine Base in VG
1 x 100ml Propylene Glycol (PG)
1 x 100ml Aqueous Vegetable Glycerin (VG)
2 x 10ml Capella Flavour Concentrate (you choose the flavours)
1 syringe pack containing a 10ml & 5ml syringe & 2 x 14g needles
2 x 50ml Empty Dripper Bottle
2 x 30ml Empty Dripper Bottle
5 x 10ml Empty Dripper Bottle
2 X 5ml Empty Dripper Bottle
Chefs Vapour tend to be my first port of call for DIY stuff. They aren't the cheapest for nic/vg/pg but I like the convenience of placing one order
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