***The Vapers Lounge*** 3.0

It's fine. I use VG nic and freeze it. As long as you take it out of the freezer an hour before you plan to use it there will be no issues. If you mix by weight there's really no difference. VG nic is a pain when you're trying to use syringes to measure.

Cheers Rilot. I did wonder if it's more a pain when using syringes rather than when mixing by weight.

I have just ordered another 500ml bottle but this time the PG base so I'll have both to try :)

Just need to choose some flavours now and grab a set of digital scales. Looking forward to trying my own concoctions and see how they compare to the the premium brand juices.

I don't know how you guys feel about the Rejuiced juice, but I'm thinking it's a bit ****? The blue slush is nice but I'm struggling to finish the others. I don't understand why the big mamas milk is so popular. I'm finding it really boring after finishing the first 30ml bottle.
I'm having trouble with a digiflavour fuji son RTA that I bought. I'm wrapping plain 26ga SS at 3mm which comes out at 0.6 Ohms, the coil looks good, no hot legs, even glow from the center. I've tried wicking with Jap cotton and cotton bacon but anything over 35 watts and it instantly dry hits, I've tried less cotton and more cotton to no avail. I'm out of ideas how to get this vaping nicely; at 30 watts there is next to no flavour; anything higher and it burns. Any ideas?
Okay guys, looking for a VW mod that shows similar info as the Alien Smok mod. I like the alien mod but i can only really find the full kit for sale and dont want to overpay by buying stuff i dont want. I was thinking i might be able to get it for £35 if the kit is being sold for 45/50.

Any similar recommendations at £40 mark or less to go with my cleito 120?
I'm having trouble with a digiflavour fuji son RTA that I bought. I'm wrapping plain 26ga SS at 3mm which comes out at 0.6 Ohms, the coil looks good, no hot legs, even glow from the center. I've tried wicking with Jap cotton and cotton bacon but anything over 35 watts and it instantly dry hits, I've tried less cotton and more cotton to no avail. I'm out of ideas how to get this vaping nicely; at 30 watts there is next to no flavour; anything higher and it burns. Any ideas?

Sounds like too much wick or the wick is too tight in the coil, try combing out the wick tails first...
The Engine is a great RTA tbf...

Really depends on whether you're going to utilize 3 RTAs. The original Engine is the best when compared to it's direct siblings imo, so I'd stick with that over the Nano or the Mini.

Personally, I'd pick up the Kylin just too replace your 25 as a pocket carry (whilst I love the Griffin range, I hate wicking them). Had it 4 or 5 days now, re wicked it a dozen times using less and less wick. Not had a single leak as of yet aside from the usual condensation that comes with priming the coils.

Building on a postless deck might get a little getting used too, but it's easy enough once you get the hang of it, better imo!

Thanks for the response, I have 2 mods that I take with me everyday, battlestar with engine on it as my pocket carry, and eleaf ipower 80w with the griffin on it, that's sat in the car (securely propped up lol) if i fancy a flavour change during the day.

Got a Kylin coming from china, and picked up an avocado today at my local shop for a tenner, so the griffin is now officially retired, as I'm loving the rdta! Sure, not that secure for the pocket due to pretty loose top cap design, but taste is great, and won't leak through wicking alone.

Also got a Smoant Charon coming with the Kylin, love the battlestar, so don't think i can go wrong with that. As for postless deck design, 3 weeks ago I was new to everything RTA, coils, wicking etc, so it's just another thing to learn. University of Youtube here I come :p
Anyone had a look @ the Azeroth RTA?
3 coil deck seems interesting.

Gonna add it my list of tanks to buy.
So far:

Ammit RTA
Azeroth RTA

Had a quick play with a Therion DNA75 colour screen. The new chip is amaizing. Same control as the older chip but directly on the mod.

Tempted to get one, but have no real need for a 75W device. Can't wait for the 250 version.
^same, waiting for the 250 chip then pick up a dual 18650/20700 version, very tempted to get a 20700 mech too.

E: Just put dual 6 wrap, 3mm fused claptons (24*2/38), came in at 0.11, running at 120w in the ammit dual on my invader 3, lovely vape.

Will get some build pictures up soon, I've only just noticed that dropbox no longer allow me to hotlink my own images to forums so I'll have to figure out how google drive works.
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Yeah, ijoy have one, though it's a kit complete with RDA and a cell, so it's a no go to get from China for me, I think ecigone may have it, they do have the ijoy captain 234w (complete with a pair of 20700's) in stock for £60...

E: They have it up for pre-order: https://www.ecigone.co.uk/ijoy-wondervape-270-mech-mod-kit

£55 on a mech sounds a lot (for me) but it does come with an RDA and the 20700 cell, the ijoy ones got a good write up from mooch too.
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Ok Guys, need some advice/help.

I'm thinking about making my own e-liquid because this 10ml TPD shindig is not for me- its pushed up prices!!!

Ok so i LOVEEEE BumbleBee Nectorous e-liquid and lucky for me they offer concentrates.

I know its a 45/55 VG/PG mix and i know i like 6mg of nicotine in my mixes.
So far so good......

Now do i use a VG or PG based nicotine solution?
How much flavouring should i use?

Also, when buying VG and PG is there a particular type/brand or are they all the same.

My goal here is to recreate as close as possible (if not exactly the same!) BumbleBee's Nectorous e-liquid using they concentrate.
Ok Guys, need some advice/help.

I'm thinking about making my own e-liquid because this 10ml TPD shindig is not for me- its pushed up prices!!!

Ok so i LOVEEEE BumbleBee Nectorous e-liquid and lucky for me they offer concentrates.

I know its a 45/55 VG/PG mix and i know i like 6mg of nicotine in my mixes.
So far so good......

Now do i use a VG or PG based nicotine solution?
How much flavouring should i use?

Also, when buying VG and PG is there a particular type/brand or are they all the same.

My goal here is to recreate as close as possible (if not exactly the same!) BumbleBee's Nectorous e-liquid using they concentrate.

Will be watching this closely!

Want to recreate ANML Vapors Beast as close as possible, a nice and rich Banana and Custard :)
Hi All i am new to the whole Overclockers forum posting so sorry for any mistakes i make and ill just tell you how my situation is.

So me and a couple of friends have purchased TFV12s they come pre-installed with a T12 Coil so i am running my TFV12 on a Smok GX350 with 4 AWT 3.7V 2500MAH 35A IMR 18650s the mod runs my TFV8 and RDAs perfect but when i use my TFV12 on my mod it fails to produce a cloud that my friends can produce

for example my friend runs his TFV12 on a wismec RX200s with the T12 coil at 180 watts, he can produce a decently sized cloud which is thick.

Also my other friend has a RX300 with a TFV12 with the T12 coil installed, he runs it at 200 watts and can produce a decently sized cloud like my other friend.

And finally my other friend has TFV12 on a Ijoy Maxo with a T12 coil and runs it at about 180 watts, he produces a cloud the same as my other friends.

We have tried to swap battery's and our TFV12s and my TFV12 still fails to produce a decently sized cloud on any one of our mods i have tried wattage's ranging from 60 to 300 and it is still unable to produce a cloud of vape that i can look at and be proud of. The clouds are not thick and are lacking flavour i have tried multiple coils and i still have the same problems. Also the new T12 coil i have bought and installed i left over night after priming and filling the tank then it started to make the cotton orange inside and outside even though the liquid was brand new and the liquid is transparent.

Was just wondering if anyone else has had that problem or could give me some guidance on what i should do.
Hi All i am new to the whole Overclockers forum posting so sorry for any mistakes i make and ill just tell you how my situation is.

So me and a couple of friends have purchased TFV12s they come pre-installed with a T12 Coil so i am running my TFV12 on a Smok GX350 with 4 AWT 3.7V 2500MAH 35A IMR 18650s the mod runs my TFV8 and RDAs perfect but when i use my TFV12 on my mod it fails to produce a cloud that my friends can produce

for example my friend runs his TFV12 on a wismec RX200s with the T12 coil at 180 watts, he can produce a decently sized cloud which is thick.

Also my other friend has a RX300 with a TFV12 with the T12 coil installed, he runs it at 200 watts and can produce a decently sized cloud like my other friend.

And finally my other friend has TFV12 on a Ijoy Maxo with a T12 coil and runs it at about 180 watts, he produces a cloud the same as my other friends.

We have tried to swap battery's and our TFV12s and my TFV12 still fails to produce a decently sized cloud on any one of our mods i have tried wattage's ranging from 60 to 300 and it is still unable to produce a cloud of vape that i can look at and be proud of. The clouds are not thick and are lacking flavour i have tried multiple coils and i still have the same problems. Also the new T12 coil i have bought and installed i left over night after priming and filling the tank then it started to make the cotton orange inside and outside even though the liquid was brand new and the liquid is transparent.

Was just wondering if anyone else has had that problem or could give me some guidance on what i should do.

Have you tried using your tank on a friends mod to see if it can produce the same clouds as theirs?
Ok Guys, need some advice/help.

I'm thinking about making my own e-liquid because this 10ml TPD shindig is not for me- its pushed up prices!!!

Ok so i LOVEEEE BumbleBee Nectorous e-liquid and lucky for me they offer concentrates.

I know its a 45/55 VG/PG mix and i know i like 6mg of nicotine in my mixes.
So far so good......

Now do i use a VG or PG based nicotine solution?
How much flavouring should i use?

Also, when buying VG and PG is there a particular type/brand or are they all the same.

My goal here is to recreate as close as possible (if not exactly the same!) BumbleBee's Nectorous e-liquid using they concentrate.

DIY guide in post #1

the concentrait manufacturer should say what percentage to mix at.
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