Anything worth sharing? I've found I had to drop my volts because it was TOO satisfying and anything more than a few puffs would send my head spinning, and the throat hit was insane. 4-4.2V on a mega DC seems to work about right for me. 3.9V on the clearo is alright (virtually no TH though), but they seem to wick very poorly.
I was using a standard 3Ohm Boge carto at 4.5V and was feeling a bit light-headed after a few puffs as well. One thing I did notice was that I was having to refill the cartos after about 3 or 4 drags at that voltage.
I tried it with my Mini Nova on the 1.8Ohm head and anything over about 3.5V was just burning dry, so I don't see much point on using the LT over a standard battery with it. I might try it again when I try one of the other heads though.