I changed from cigarettes to e-cigs over 3 years ago, I can't see me giving e-cigs up. I enjoy it way more than I ever did smoking.
My favourite mod at the moment is the Evic, with the Kir Fanis telescopic tube set. Works great with anything I stick on it.
Order of preference on atomisers is 306LR - Boge carto in a tank - Iclear 30.
Yeah thats a slight worry for me, but hey.. it's healthier than smoking!
Im still really new to the scene, I just have my Battery + Cartomizer .. Whats the different with a Boge Carto in a tank? Am I right in thinking the Boge is the Cartridge, Tank being the IClear where the liquid is held and the 306LR being the Atmoniser?
Is there any particular benefit over using a Tank system in comparasion with a Cartomizer?
Sorry for such a newbie set of questions to get my head around that.