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EVOD's are a good, cheaper alternative to the Protank if you dont mind the smaller tank. They use almost the same heads too, and can be interchanged (think you need to swap the posts?). though i haven't tried it.

Evods look better on an Ego too imo. :)
EVOD's are a good, cheaper alternative to the Protank if you dont mind the smaller tank. They use almost the same heads too, and can be interchanged (think you need to swap the posts?). though i haven't tried it.

Evods look better on an Ego too imo. :)

I've heard good things about them. I went for a protank since I use my vamo mostly and liked the bigger tank. Evods do indeed look better on egos. I'm amazed at how far bottom coils have come along. For years every bottom coil would leak / flood. I was a bit iffy about getting a bottom coil after all the bad ones I've tried. The new range of BCCs are great and better than top coils for sure.
I have one Evod, a black one. and i think some juices can taste better in it than the KPT, GVC for one, though the latest batch of VC is a lot nicer than the first bottle i got imo. That said, one wick less on the PT makes the difference between the Evod and Protank a lot less imo.

Yeah, I've seen good things about the BCC's, thats on my list to try..... :)
Well that's my first couple of hours into the world of vaping!

Apollo eGo battery and a kanger protank, really impressed at the moment, I like the throat kick and the flavour ain't to bad, I went for a tobacco flavoured one at first to wean me off and then move onto some different flavours, it's like a cigarette which is good butthere is a slight taste difference and a 'fake' taste but I guess that's just getting the right flavour. All in all not bad, hopefully be cutting the fags right out!

I'm going to be giving this one to my ma to try as I've got a Vamo coming, my ma can have the Apollo and a vivi nova and I'll keep the protank :D

Thanks for all the advice in here, much appreciated :)

Glad you're getting on well :) If you want a very authentic tobacco flavour then I would suggest El Toro El Cigarillos which is available from house of liquid. It's a bit pricey, but it really is fantastic and blows synthetic liquids out of the water. I tend to vape ry4 flavours when I feel like a tobacco juice, because the caramel overtones sort of mask the tobacco flavour.
I've tried quite a few of their Liqua juices and they're genuine. Don't know anything of their Dekang though.

They seems legit and is is made over there anyway. $5 delivered for 50ml is crazy pricing. Going to try a few different ones I think but for the life of me can't find Triple Menthol on there which is my normal vape.
That is pretty damn cheap! I know with their Hangsen flavours, they started with some Chinese flavours and extended the range, yet still don't do flavours like RY4. Could be a similar thing with their Dekang.

Just looked at their Dekang range. Nice selection but I'd probably err on the side of caution and order a couple to test first.
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Well I just ordered 50ml of Apple and 50ml of Mint. £7.34 delivered. Unreal pricing compared to what I have been paying which is around £15 for 50ml singles.
Glad you're getting on well :) If you want a very authentic tobacco flavour then I would suggest El Toro El Cigarillos which is available from house of liquid. It's a bit pricey, but it really is fantastic and blows synthetic liquids out of the water. I tend to vape ry4 flavours when I feel like a tobacco juice, because the caramel overtones sort of mask the tobacco flavour.


I've chucked the one I was using, it's rank, half filled it with an apple flavour but I can still taste it on the first few hits I've just had.

I have a ry4 I can try when this apple has gone :)
Can anyone suggest a cheapish good quality non vv mod that will take standard 18650 or similar battery?

Fed up of my cheap vv battery and ideally would like an itaste svd but don't really want to spend that much. Happy enough with the vape from standard ego battery but would like something a bit beefier to go with nova or kanger tank.
Like the Pro tank but after less than a days proper use, its broken :(

I crumbled and bought a Protank :o

Really enjoying the Mister E juices at the moment. I had to throw away the Vape Escape testers as they all tasted a bit pants :( Are there any other places that do really high quality juices that anyone can recommend? I'm a big fan of the sweeter juices if that helps.

Quite eager to try the Grants VC flavour but not sure where it can be had from.
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