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is this a good first time kit


What are the consumables? Liquid was obvious but are there any specifics that should be stocked up on?

As above a very good hassle free starter kit.

new daily vape found at last, just bog standard RY4 from vape escape.... dam nice juice!

Like my tobacco juices, do find the RY4 a bit sickly after a while. I love flue cure,but now mix my own Virginia & caramel, its the best in the world:p :D:D
Cigarillos is my all day vape.

Although I have something that may better it from the same company which is their El Toro Grande Virginia kit. Meant to be the closest thing thing to smoking a cigarette. They don't sell it directly on the HOL website as it contains tobacco leaves.

It is made by steeping premium quality organic Canadian Virginia Prime tobacco leaves in the base liquid. What that means is that the leaves haven't been contaminated with herbicides and pesticides, and that's an important consideration for liquids that are steeped.

The idea is that you steep the liquid yourself until it reaches the ideal state for you - then you decant it to the empty bottle via the funnel, using the filter material to catch any small particles.

Should be arriving tomorrow so looking forward to it.

I hope you like it, it really is a Marmite flavour the VP and I unfortunately don't like it, to me it tastes like some kind of milk pudding.

The new Minotaur liquid I have had the pleasure of testing for Georgio the last couple of months is a phenomenal juice. The smell in the bottle is divine, a beautiful, sweet, chocolatey, coconut aroma I get. The first time I smelt it Boba's Bounty came to mind, only more natural and intense fragrance. With the qualities you might expect from a fine spirit like a cognac. On vaping, for starters the quality cigar taste, that was not apparent in the aroma comes out, along with the flavours I was smelling in the bottle. I also get the tiniest hint of a menthol? and a boozy sensation.
It is a very complex vape, the most complex El-Toro I have tried and although not an all day one for me, I truly love it as a vape for special occasions.
I hope you like it, it really is a Marmite flavour the VP and I unfortunately don't like it, to me it tastes like some kind of milk pudding.

The new Minotaur liquid I have had the pleasure of testing for Georgio the last couple of months is a phenomenal juice. The smell in the bottle is divine, a beautiful, sweet, chocolatey, coconut aroma I get. The first time I smelt it Boba's Bounty came to mind, only more natural and intense fragrance. With the qualities you might expect from a fine spirit like a cognac. On vaping, for starters the quality cigar taste, that was not apparent in the aroma comes out, along with the flavours I was smelling in the bottle. I also get the tiniest hint of a menthol? and a boozy sensation.
It is a very complex vape, the most complex El-Toro I have tried and although not an all day one for me, I truly love it as a vape for special occasions.

Not sure when you last tried it but Georgio is using a new tobacco blend with the latest kit. It's different from the last version.

Looks good.

Although it still has not arrived yet and when it does I've got to wait 5/6 days for steeping! lol
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No it was the first version I tried, others sweared by it to me all I got was a grassy taste, with a sweet milk pudding flavour that nearly made me wretch. :D
Again I hope you like it, great fun all the steeping buisness.
Not sure when you last tried it but Georgio is using a new tobacco blend with the latest kit. It's different from the last version.

Looks good.

Although it still has not arrived yet and when it does I've got to wait 5/6 days for steeping! lol

Where can I buy this from? I like the look of the bottle. I've already spent a small fortune on Vape stuff no point stopping now.
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i too require to purchase this, where may i buy it? i have got some banana and some peach on the way from simon, should be waiting for me when i get in, can hardly wait. The banana one tastes like mcdonalds banana milkshake some have been saying.
Simon has new flavours you say!? Just the two you mention or....?

I need to order more Apple anyway, better email him.
He's sent me a couple of samples to try out too scorchisio - banana, peach and raspberry.

I can confirm the banana is a bit banana milkshake-y. Still very nice, quite mellow although a little on the 'thin' side. Definitely a possible day-to-day vape, although I was seriously enjoying his Apple Tart the other day too!
Got some new flavours into to try today from Capella. Hot cinnamon (no idea what % to try on this could smell it before opening the packages so thinking low) Lemon lime (going to try 15%) and sweet tangerine (15%ish too) Can't get mixing as I need to clean some bottles and my water is dirty from the building of the new school up the road. Not cleaning my bottles in brown water for sure.

I've been using an ego today for the first time in ages and every time it lights up I think something is wrong. So used to the vamo only lighting up on firing if there is an error.
Got some new flavours into to try today from Capella. Hot cinnamon (no idea what % to try on this could smell it before opening the packages so thinking low) Lemon lime (going to try 15%) and sweet tangerine (15%ish too) Can't get mixing as I need to clean some bottles and my water is dirty from the building of the new school up the road. Not cleaning my bottles in brown water for sure.

I have the Capella Lemon & lime, done mine at 20% and its lovely and hardly needs steeping, i just done it for 24hrs.
and i would also do the Sweet Tangerine @ 20% as well, some info for your perusal ;)
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The siegel looks good, looking on that site is there a difference between the 19 and the 19b?

Completely mechanical sounds good to me.

Is the charger on their site sufficient? This one - http://www.vapegear.co.uk/Trustfire_2_Port_Charger/p1826719_9109111.aspx

Would be easier to order from one place.

And any specific batteries that I should get? I read somewhere that protected batteries are required with a mechanical mod.

Afaik the only difference is that one has a flat top and the 'b' is the improved version, but check google to make sure.

Afaik Trustfire are a good make, but i am not well informed on batteries/chargers so maybe a more expierenced member can comment on this, same regarding the battery. (but i am nearly sure they should be protected batteries in a mech mod)
I have the Capella Lemon & lime, done mine at 20% and its lovely and hardly needs steeping, i just done it for 24hrs.
and i would also do the Sweet Tangerine @ 20% as well, some info for your perusal ;)

Thanks I didn't have that one book marked. I'd heard everything from 10-20% for both lemon lime and sweet tangerine so had picked 15% as a middle ground. I think the cinnamon I got might be new or not a much tried flavour as there isn't any info out there on % I get the feeling it will be too strong at normal % Going to try 10% and see, just a small batch of it.
Thanks I didn't have that one book marked. I'd heard everything from 10-20% for both lemon lime and sweet tangerine so had picked 15% as a middle ground. I think the cinnamon I got might be new or not a much tried flavour as there isn't any info out there on % I get the feeling it will be too strong at normal % Going to try 10% and see, just a small batch of it.

Its a members own research over on AAEC (Romelee) and he is one serious mixer lol so i tend to use it as a guide.
Never heard of the cinnamon either, just be carefull as i iirc some cinnamon flavours are tank crackers ;)
Its a members own research over on AAEC (Romelee) and he is one serious mixer lol so i tend to use it as a guide.
Never heard of the cinnamon either, just be carefull as i iirc some cinnamon flavours are tank crackers ;)

Pretty sure this would so only using it in my pyrex tanks. I use mostly Pyrex tanks now just so I don't need to care. I didn't fancy glass tanks for a long time worrying they would break too easy. Once I'd tried my first one and the cat knocking it over didn't break it and was happy to buy pyrex. Thanks for the warning, I might not have known.

I normally use the German vapers spreadsheet. If I can't find any info I try 10%.

The water board have said my water should clear now if I run my tap for an hour as the work has finished so should be able to get mixing soon.
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