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I still have some Kanger T3's so i keep an eye on the possible tank crackers.
Just had a look on the list and i have some CCW Orange which is on the list lol but i am only using it as a mixer and not a single flavour.

I really like the Lemon & Lime, it s turned out to be my fav vape lately, really fresh and zingy. :)
I did try the Sweet Tangerine a potv member sent me, but it was quite subtle, still nice though, maybe worth adding 3-5% of this to the Lemon & Lime? u never know it may even make it better lol (do a 5ml sample first ;))
Afaik the only difference is that one has a flat top and the 'b' is the improved version, but check google to make sure.

Afaik Trustfire are a good make, but i am not well informed on batteries/chargers so maybe a more expierenced member can comment on this, same regarding the battery. (but i am nearly sure they should be protected batteries in a mech mod)

Cheers I did a bit of digging and I think the B was the flat top one, which I'd like to avoid as sometimes if one of my tanks is playing up, I use a basic clearomiser as they seem to be faultless.

I bought the 19, if it's not the updated one I've read up on modding it and it won't be a problem!

I got the trustfire charger and a 18350 and 18650 protected battery to get me started.

Ordered late last night so should come tomorrow, I'll update when I get it.

Thanks for the heads up
I'd heard good things about lemon and lime and have tried a few orange flavours but have yet to find one I like. Since Capella seem to make a good all round range thought I'd try theirs. Hot Cinnamon I doubt would be an all day vape but I just kind of fancied it. It smells like an aniseed ball kind of but more cinnamony.
i too require to purchase this, where may i buy it? i have got some banana and some peach on the way from simon, should be waiting for me when i get in, can hardly wait. The banana one tastes like mcdonalds banana milkshake some have been saying.

have vaped these as they were waiting for me when i got in, the banana milkshake is very decent at tasting like banana but far too sickly and sort of synthetic to vape for long its more of a clever and unique liquid that tastes like nesquik milkshake powder its very sweet and you couldnt vape it for long. to be honest its not great and i will not be vaping it again

the peach is fantastic and tastes just like peach it is not too heavy and doesnt taste too chemical or fake like the banana does
He's sent me a couple of samples to try out too scorchisio - banana, peach and raspberry.

I can confirm the banana is a bit banana milkshake-y. Still very nice, quite mellow although a little on the 'thin' side. Definitely a possible day-to-day vape, although I was seriously enjoying his Apple Tart the other day too!

i got all 4 of his flavours and he sent me a sample of banana.

only tried the caramel so far - i sort of like it, reminds me of baileys or maybe a bandy - not sure if i could use it all the time.
been vaping now for 3 months and not had one ciggy.

thing is i have tried different voltage batts and tankos some cheap and some expensive and still keep coming back to the one i like and seems to just be a match its just a normal ego batt with a ce4 tanko about as basic as you can get just need to find a flavour i really like

went off tobacco flavour after about 4 weeks and now on candy mint which is nice but id like something thats refreshing like a lemon and lime or a sherbert lol

got one of those new kanger tankos coming to try as the ce4 are great but i go through a fair few as i vape a lot

was smoking 50 a day so im still proud of myself and managed to cut my nicotine down to medium now as started on very high then high now medium
have vaped these as they were waiting for me when i got in, the banana milkshake is very decent at tasting like banana but far too sickly and sort of synthetic to vape for long its more of a clever and unique liquid that tastes like nesquik milkshake powder its very sweet and you couldnt vape it for long. to be honest its not great and i will not be vaping it again

the peach is fantastic and tastes just like peach it is not too heavy and doesnt taste too chemical or fake like the banana does
If you want to pass on the Banananana, I'd like to give it a go :D
Regarding tank-cracking, do you know if any of Scope's juices are likely to do so? Where I've been waiting for a replacement charger to arrive, I've only managed to try them in some old cig-alike cartomisers, rather than in a Nova on my Vamo.
I have a Kanger ProTank on it's way, better to wait for that?

been vaping now for 3 months and not had one ciggy.

thing is i have tried different voltage batts and tankos some cheap and some expensive and still keep coming back to the one i like and seems to just be a match its just a normal ego batt with a ce4 tanko about as basic as you can get just need to find a flavour i really like

went off tobacco flavour after about 4 weeks and now on candy mint which is nice but id like something thats refreshing like a lemon and lime or a sherbert lol

got one of those new kanger tankos coming to try as the ce4 are great but i go through a fair few as i vape a lot

was smoking 50 a day so im still proud of myself and managed to cut my nicotine down to medium now as started on very high then high now medium

Incredible effort buddy! Good for you.
It's situations like yours that make it seem bloody stupid to introduce draconian controls over the import and sales of vaping juice! I doubt you would have been so successful without the higher nicotine juices!
Keep off the stinkies! :)
If you want to pass on the Banananana, I'd like to give it a go :D
Regarding tank-cracking, do you know if any of Scope's juices are likely to do so? Where I've been waiting for a replacement charger to arrive, I've only managed to try them in some old cig-alike cartomisers, rather than in a Nova on my Vamo.
I have a Kanger ProTank on it's way, better to wait for that?

As far as tank cracking goes, I've used Scope's in a chinese-knock-off CE5 clearomizer from Vapeland, a Vivi Nova, and now my Kanger - not had a single problem with any of them. If anything, in the CE5 and Nova, Scope's stuff was less prone to spitting.
I think someone else here recommended taking off the top (flavour) wick on Kanger Protank... thought I'd give it a go and you get much more flavour and it's harder to burn the juice. I guess that's because more juice gets to the coil

Anyway, big thumbs up so far for doing this!

edit: also getting more vapor and warmer
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Right, tax rebate cheque has cleared, so I'm after a Aga T2+, best UK price (including delivery) that's actually in stock! Should also grab some rebuild spares, so some decent Kanthal, and either mesh or ss rope (I'm happy to try either) and some Nova/Kanger wick. As As this will be my first time at rebuilding, I ought to pick up a cheap multimeter too...

Any help with links would be appreciated!

As far as tank cracking goes, I've used Scope's in a chinese-knock-off CE5 clearomizer from Vapeland, a Vivi Nova, and now my Kanger - not had a single problem with any of them. If anything, in the CE5 and Nova, Scope's stuff was less prone to spitting.

Good to hear, thanks!
Just ordered AGA-T2 and Odysseus rebuildable atomizers, costing me just shy of £50.

This vaping business is getting expensive, would have been cheaper if I stayed smoking. I was a light smoker and only went through a small packet of Golden Vigina per week. But now I turned into a heavy vaper.
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been vaping now for 3 months and not had one ciggy.


was smoking 50 a day so im still proud of myself and managed to cut my nicotine down to medium now as started on very high then high now medium
Fair play to you! Really great effort mate. :)

Regarding tank-cracking, do you know if any of Scope's juices are likely to do so? Where I've been waiting for a replacement charger to arrive, I've only managed to try them in some old cig-alike cartomisers, rather than in a Nova on my Vamo. I have a Kanger ProTank on it's way, better to wait for that?
Never had a problem with that here, and his juices are my daily vapes in a selection of KPT's. :)

I think someone else here recommended taking off the top (flavour) wick on Kanger Protank... thought I'd give it a go and you get much more flavour and it's harder to burn the juice. I guess that's because more juice gets to the coil

Anyway, big thumbs up so far for doing this!

edit: also getting more vapor and warmer
Yep that s me, I've been banging on about it for a while now! lol

I was genuinely surprised as to just how much difference it makes. :)

Crowort did say it may make them leak a little so keep an eye on that, though none of mine had leaked as yet.

In other news, I caved in and did a bad thing..... :(

I've got myself a Provari Mini! :D

Had it a couple of days now, and i love it, slightly smaller than the Vamo in 18350 mode, bit heavier, and looks great. I'm sure it gives a better vape than the Vamo too, unless thats my brain trying to justify the purchase! haha

I know they are silly expensive, and have been trying to resist for a week or two now, but i figured sod it! I'll post a pic later.
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madness, they are around 150 quid, fair play if u have the spare cash i would love one but i cant justify it when i have about 5 batteries and a vamo as well. whats it do better than the £15 vamo
I've been vaping with the Innokin SVD for a week now and I much prefer it to the Vamo. It feels nice in the hand, looks better and seems to give less of a burnt taste at high voltages. I think this must be because of a difference in how it does it's PWM to get the different voltages.
I'm using it in 18350 mode most of the time.

My Vamo V2 turned up from Fasttech yesterday but I've not had a chance to collect it from the post office yet. Will report on it when I get it.

Still loving the Butterscotch from http://www.ecigarettedepot.co.uk/ I've ordered 50ml of it now.
does anyone want to swap some e juices? ive got quite a selection now but always keen to try new ones. Has anyone had jack the ripple or bobas bounty?
whats it do better than the £15 vamo

Short answer, Everything. Better vape, amazing build quality, smaller while still using 18350's, looks better, etc.

I had one of my KPT's last night with the vamo and Provari both set to the same volts. Kept swapping the tank between the two. The Provari tasted better everytime.

Am i saying its worth the money? Thats your choice. I do love it though. The Vamo isn't going anywhere by the way, that is still a great bit of kit. :)

I've been vaping with the Innokin SVD for a week now and I much prefer it to the Vamo. It feels nice in the hand, looks better and seems to give less of a burnt taste at high voltages. I think this must be because of a difference in how it does it's PWM to get the different voltages.
I'm using it in 18350 mode most of the time.

My Vamo V2 turned up from Fasttech yesterday but I've not had a chance to collect it from the post office yet. Will report on it when I get it.

Still loving the Butterscotch from http://www.ecigarettedepot.co.uk/ I've ordered 50ml of it now.
Might have to give them a go, Apple pie and custard you say!? Nom!

does anyone want to swap some e juices? ive got quite a selection now but always keen to try new ones. Has anyone had jack the ripple or bobas bounty?
I have some Jack the Ripple, i think.... Wasn't a fan of it either way.
Short answer, Everything. Better vape, amazing build quality, smaller while still using 18350's, looks better, etc.

I had one of my KPT's last night with the vamo and Provari both set to the same volts. Kept swapping the tank between the two. The Provari tasted better everytime.

Am i saying its worth the money? Thats your choice. I do love it though. The Vamo isn't going anywhere by the way, that is still a great bit of kit. :)

Might have to give them a go, Apple pie and custard you say!? Nom!

I have some Jack the Ripple, i think.... Wasn't a fan of it either way.

does tha want to swap it for summat else then pal

Cheers - ordered just now, along with a nice drip tip and 5m of Kanthal A1 0.2mm wire. I thought their prices for an A4 (ish) sheet of SS Mesh (400) was pretty steep and they're out of Silica Wick:mad:

so if anyone has a good value source for SS Mesh and Silica, preferably with cheap/free delivery, I'd be grateful! :confused:

Seems there's so many pop-up companies at the moment, jumping on the Vape-Bandwagon; I'd rather order from a place someone else has taken the risk on :D

Finally, if anyone else has a Stainless Steel Vamo (V2), and would like to swap for a Chrome one, please get in touch - I'm really wishing I'd not mistakenly ordered the chrome version from VapourBreak.
You may have the SS version sat on one side as a backup to another mod, or prefer the Chrome look. I just want my gear to match and with the order of a Aga T2+, SS is what I need!
Mine has a couple of tiny nicks, but is otherwise in excellent condition - :p
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