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SS mesh costs a lot but you don't use much. If you buy off the mesh company they send another sheet the same size of whatever grade they have laying around. So you always get double.
SS mesh costs a lot but you don't use much. If you buy off the mesh company they send another sheet the same size of whatever grade they have laying around. So you always get double.

Ta, ordered enough for about 11 years...

putting the debit card away now before mrs castrates me!:rolleyes:
Had a day with the Vamo and a protank, RY4 with a drop of apple in and it's been lovely, mods make such a difference!
Charger arrived from Nitecore.co.uk this morning, nice bit of kit (i4 v2) and less than 9 hours between placing the order and receiving it!
Bit of a contrast to the VapourBreak order ;) which also arrived this morning - load of replacement Vivi Nova heads (1.8ohm), 50ml Hangsen Apple 8mg and their nasty charger to replace the one that blew up; which was promptly thrown into the bin.

Hangsen Apple is Ok, great for what I paid (approx £3), but compared to Scope's Apple Tart... :rolleyes: I just wish I had the budget to vape it all day!
Good to hear you've binned the charger. You won't regret the Nitecore i4. Normally I wouldn't do this but I leave batteries on charge overnight which is not something I would dare do with a cheapo charger. (touches wooden desk!)

The Hangsen apple i found was more of a green apple/apple juice flavour. It doesn't taste anything like apple pie but it's not really meant to. If you want apple pie or any other delicious flavour on the cheap, then you have to turn to making your own juices. There are quite a few apple pie concentrates on the market and with DIY you can further tweak the flavours to your liking.
Good to hear you've binned the charger. You won't regret the Nitecore i4. Normally I wouldn't do this but I leave batteries on charge overnight which is not something I would dare do with a cheapo charger. (touches wooden desk!)

The Hangsen apple i found was more of a green apple/apple juice flavour. It doesn't taste anything like apple pie but it's not really meant to. If you want apple pie or any other delicious flavour on the cheap, then you have to turn to making your own juices. There are quite a few apple pie concentrates on the market and with DIY you can further tweak the flavours to your liking.

Nail hit on head right there; basic flavours are simple to represent within a single flavouring; for anything more complex, with multiple flavours, then someone is going to have to take the time to experiment and there's the added expense - time...

We've no idea how much time has been put in to develop Grant's Vanilla Custard, or Scope's incredible Apple Tart - with the necessary steeping (weeks) and that is what we're paying for...

As For making my own, that's going to have to wait until the savings of not smoking show more - then I can argue that we'll save even more if SWMBO (it's on the marriage certificate!)let's me invest in a Dexter's Laboratory setup to brew my own! :D
Pistachio Baklava flavour, anyone? :p
Just been down to the little shop down the road I discovered the other day... can seriously recommend anyone in the Surrey/Hants borders area (Farnborough/Woking/Guildford-ish) pops over to take a look.

They're called Sweet Cloud (http://www.sweetcloud.co.uk/home - although the website is absolutely dire). They stock a huge variety of Liberty Flights and Decadent Vapours liquids (in PG and VG, lots of different strengths), with a massive amount of samplers available for you to quite happily chug on while chatting with the staff. Very knowledgeable, I actually felt a little like a connoisseur when I whipped my Vamo and Protank out but they weren't phased in the slightest.

The owner (didn't catch her name) did give me a helpful tip and got me to try an Evod. The atomizer posts in the Evod are compatible with the Protank, and although they look very similar are a lot smaller - which oddly, seems to result in a much, much smoother draw. I've bought a post for my Protank and slapped it in with some of their Liberty Flights Caramel Apple Pie, and have only had a brief chug but can confirm it tastes one hell of a lot smoother.
Interesting, i keep meaning to try one of my evod heads on the Protank. Will have to give it a go soon.
I been using a CE4 cartomizer for the past 3 weeks and wanted to try a rebuildale atomiser. So I got an AGA-T2 delivered yesterday and have to say I'm a bit disappointed.

They don't seem to produce as much favour as the cartomizers.
I been using a CE4 cartomizer for the past 3 weeks and wanted to try a rebuildale atomiser. So I got an AGA-T2 delivered yesterday and have to say I'm a bit disappointed.

They don't seem to produce as much favour as the cartomizers.

May need a bit if a fiddle to get the best out of it. I still have a soft spot for cartos, but I do love my rsst.
Well after a bit of messing around i just wicked and coiled my own and first atomizer:D Duel coil/U wick
Vapes like a train very happy:D:D
My own atty, battery tube, switch, drip tip and juice:D

My little family of mechanical mods.
Noticed today that the oring holding the centre post on my vapourbreak vamo has cracked already. May have to get adventurous and get the replacement oring and apply the fix myself. Not yet though. I'll wait until problems appear! My RSSt sits quite high right now (maybe 2mm off being flush) so I blame that.
Well, I've had to call it a night on trying to build my Aga T2... 3rd coil seemed to work, but couldn't get it to glow on the Vamo, in order to check for hot spots - so I'm not sure whether to crank up the watts or if it's something else...
It's a very airy inhale though - which I prefer, but have been used to the tighter draw of the Vivi Nova and the incredibly tight draw on the mini cigalike I had to use whilst waiting for the charger.

Checked out Pbusardo, Todd and some other bloke's guides on coiling the Aga - guess it's just a matter of trying again and again until I get it right... May try the PetarK method with a drill bit...

Any other tips? Particularly with the Vamo in the equation?
Took me a few tries to get it working right on my Aga, managed to short my first 2 coils. Then spent at least an hour getting the "lo" error message on my vamo. Think it was my wick causing the short. Once I did get it to fire I kept getting hotspots on my top coil, had to YouTube how to get rid of them.

Not sure what you are doing wrong RedMogg, the coil should glow when you give it a few pulses.
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Well, I've had to call it a night on trying to build my Aga T2... 3rd coil seemed to work, but couldn't get it to glow on the Vamo, in order to check for hot spots - so I'm not sure whether to crank up the watts or if it's something else...
It's a very airy inhale though - which I prefer, but have been used to the tighter draw of the Vivi Nova and the incredibly tight draw on the mini cigalike I had to use whilst waiting for the charger.

Checked out Pbusardo, Todd and some other bloke's guides on coiling the Aga - guess it's just a matter of trying again and again until I get it right... May try the PetarK method with a drill bit...

Any other tips? Particularly with the Vamo in the equation?

PeterK method ftw. Wrap coil, remove drill bit, pulse a few times, insert wick and pulse (twist wick if shorts), done.
Awsome, my frigging tank broke yesterday nd the charger with it! So im looking for a new one any suggestions? I dont wanna somthing super high end like a lot of you use as im not in it for the long run i wanted to ween down and stop, i've got myself down from 24mg to 18mg and tbh not noticed a difference.

I was using the vapouriz tank btw just so no one suggests that pile of thrown together crap lol
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