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He's probably steeping a new batch at the moment. Custard flavours take 2-3 weeks but I'm not sure how long Grant normally steeps before he starts stocking for sale.
managed to bag myself 50 mill of the glorious vanilla custard. Cant be running out of that im down to ten mill. Its still my fave vape and has been since january.
Actually, that was going to be my next question.

Can you store these tanks filled and ready to vape or are there issues with leaking, etc? I'd like to have a selection of flavours on the go and swap between them as I see fit.

Perhaps I'm not reading things correctly, but that juice appears to only available in varying strengths of nicotine? Or is there a 'pure' version as well?

Lovely stuff, that'll give me some reading matter!


I often leave juice in my T3 for a few days and had no leaks yet.
Didnt realise u are ofter 0% Nicotine, you still should be able to get some by trying the sites or even emailing and asking them to sell you 0% juice.
Quick question:

I have a Kanger Protank with a couple of Apollo VV batteries. It's great, but I find that it doesn't vape at all when the tank is completely screwed on (i.e. the bit where the coil screws on). Is this normal? I'm slightly concerned about leaks when it's in my pocket at work and it just feels more secure as a unit when it's screwed on firmly.

I get a similar problem from time to time with my Protank, on my Evic it will say 'No Atomizer Found' and i have to sightly loosen or thighten it to get it to work.
Just got my Protank and am very impressed. Much better than the CE5's I have been using. Think I will need a new battery next as it just looks odd with an Ego.
Just got my Protank and am very impressed. Much better than the CE5's I have been using. Think I will need a new battery next as it just looks odd with an Ego.

lol be carefull its a slippery slope :p you can get a case of 'shinyitus' ;):D
The Vamo's are good and cheap especially from Fasttech/Vaporbreak or you see them for sale on the Vaper forums, used for about £20-£25
Or an Evic can be found for about £55.
Or there are Mechanical Mods that are about £30 +
and then there will be rebuilables like the Aga-T2 or even a Kayfun that let you set your own configurations, there is always something newer or shinier :p
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Well guys, I'm down to one battery. My second one refuses to charge or provide any power to my carto so I'm a tad concerned here!

I ordered a replacement ego-v v2 mega from an ocuk competitor today who emailed me at 4pm to tell me they were out of stock. Fantastic!

Can anyone tell me anywhere I can get something similar, preferably with a battery display so I know when the one I'm using is going to run out. I'd rather not spend hundreds on one if possible! (I'd like a 510 fitting)

Just got my Protank and am very impressed. Much better than the CE5's I have been using. Think I will need a new battery next as it just looks odd with an Ego.

This is why i said I think ego users should go with the Evod, or the Protank Mini!


I got a package a few days ago that i ordered about a month ago from Fasttech.... I'd forgotten i'd ordered it. I did have a few drinks that evening.... :o

A Vamo V3! Its not bad, not sure i like the spiral design. Like the removeable ring on top, much easier to clean now. The new screens nice, no more N01/N02 mode, slightly different menu system. Other than that its much the same.

Will post pics later if i'm at home.
Tried re-wicking my Protanks and Evod clearomisers for the first time last night. Surprisingly my first three attempts all worked!! Much easier than I thought it would be.

Maximum resistance I've managed to get so far is 1.9 ohm but I usually vape on 2.5 ohm heads. But I can't seem to get it beyond 1.9. I'm using 2mm ekowool and have tried both 0.2 and 0.3 mm wire. The maximum number of coils I can manage without shorting the head is 5 turns, anything more than that and the coil always touches the metal head.

Anyone here rewick at 2.5 ohm? What setup do you use?
Tried re-wicking my Protanks and Evod clearomisers for the first time last night. Surprisingly my first three attempts all worked!! Much easier than I thought it would be.

Maximum resistance I've managed to get so far is 1.9 ohm but I usually vape on 2.5 ohm heads. But I can't seem to get it beyond 1.9. I'm using 2mm ekowool and have tried both 0.2 and 0.3 mm wire. The maximum number of coils I can manage without shorting the head is 5 turns, anything more than that and the coil always touches the metal head.

Anyone here rewick at 2.5 ohm? What setup do you use?

Try using 0.15 wire, you should easily get it to 2.5 ohms with 3, max 4 turns.
Why would you want such a high resistance?

Its not that high is it? You can buy new heads anywhere between 1.6 and 3.0. Anyway, after a year of vaping its just my preferred resistance. Anything below 2.0 is just about OK on my EVIC, I can just adjust the wattage, but is too harsh on my throat when using my EVOD.
This is why i said I think ego users should go with the Evod, or the Protank Mini!


I got a package a few days ago that i ordered about a month ago from Fasttech.... I'd forgotten i'd ordered it. I did have a few drinks that evening.... :o

A Vamo V3! Its not bad, not sure i like the spiral design. Like the removeable ring on top, much easier to clean now. The new screens nice, no more N01/N02 mode, slightly different menu system. Other than that its much the same.

Will post pics later if i'm at home.

How does the centre post feel? My main concern when it comes to longevity is that oring in the V2 that keeps deforming/breaking and the post eventually gets pushed further and further down.

Also, since we're on the subject of wire. I use .3 ribbon kanthal which gives me 2.2ohms with 3 wraps (oddly, only 2.4ohms with 4). What would I need for a 1.8ohm coil with 4 wraps?
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