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30ml to try it. Think I might place another order before he runs out of stock again :)

Been using it in a cheap Vivi Nova replica (came with some other bits and was the only clean one I had) and the flavour is awesome. I'll stick some in my protank and report back :D
Same, I ordered at the same time I posted here that he was open again, it landed on my desk this morning. 100ml of goodness. :cool:

I think thats why he's doing it this way, When i emailed him the other day he said this...

.........sorry for the delay, the website will be open this week on and Off on and off type thing to try and control the shipping..........

Makes sense i guess, it must be a nightmare, he must get 1000's of orders in!
What a load of ****. I really hope it gets annulled. There is no justifiable reason to allow that proposal to be put through.

It literally is like they just did it on a whim with nothing to really back up the whole thing and obviously done because its a completely unregulated and emerging industry with many bucks to be made. The only thing the bucks are not being made by big pharma or Bacco companies.

Totally corrupt
Shocking decision!

on a side note, managed to order some GVC today and ordered some ry4 from vape escape yesterday, but (and i know i've asked this before) i'm after some raspberry type flavours and as i've kinda fallen out with totally wicked's juice, i was wondering if anyone else likes that sort of flavour and which version of it they prefer? theres just so many sites and variations of Raspberry and other fruit flavours i value you's guys opinions on it.

cheers in advance
As others have suggested, I've removed the top wick in my Kanger... initially it seemed fine and doing as people seemed to suggest it would (more flavour and vapor) but now it's gurgling one hell of a lot and seems to be leaking a smidge.

Will stick another head in later and see what happens. Imagine it'll be fine, and I was probably just too heavy handed when plucking the wick.

Typically, got home and investigated... and realised I'd left the silicone gromet/seal which sits above the wicks off. You live and learn!

Modded another head and working beautifully :D
Damn, just went to order some GVC on my break and it's all sold out :(

Anyone know what sort of time scales are usually involved for his site to come back up with more stock?
Well, while it looks like they're going to have a hard time with even their own in-house legal committee, our pals in Brussels have officially revealed what a corrupt bunch of no-hopers they are:


It seems that the person who drafted the bill against ecigs has been forced to resign after allegedly trying to move $100m to the Bahamas.


Wonder where he received the money from? Something not right there.
Damn, just went to order some GVC on my break and it's all sold out :(

Anyone know what sort of time scales are usually involved for his site to come back up with more stock?

I think he's staggering it this time to keep up with shipping demands and only opening up at certain times of the day, i think i saw it mentioned hes opening up orders again at 10am everyday, but i can't remember for sure
I've just been having a browse on AAEC, and discovered a thread which claims on the 14th of this month, Royal Mail will prohibit the postage of e-liquids (Toxic liquid).

I can't seem to find any official info on this? Anyone know anything?
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