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Shocking decision!

on a side note, managed to order some GVC today and ordered some ry4 from vape escape yesterday, but (and i know i've asked this before) i'm after some raspberry type flavours and as i've kinda fallen out with totally wicked's juice, i was wondering if anyone else likes that sort of flavour and which version of it they prefer? theres just so many sites and variations of Raspberry and other fruit flavours i value you's guys opinions on it.

cheers in advance

Get hold of Simon (Scope) and order his Raspberry liquid - he sent me a sample with my Apple Tart order and even though I don't eat/drink red fruit flavours, it really is very good. His prices are the same as GVC for 10ml, 30ml, 50ml and 100ml. Top chap to deal with and very fast delivery.
I've just been having a browse on AAEC, and discovered a thread which claims on the 14th of this month, Royal Mail will prohibit the postage of e-liquids (Toxic liquid).

I can't seem to find any official info on this? Anyone know anything?

Its still a bit up in the air i think, but i just read a thread and a mod on AAEC is saying that eliquid and nic base can still be sent by recorded delivery.
thread here http://allaboute-cigarettes.proboards.com/thread/26211/updated-list-vendors-selling-base?page=1&scrollTo=481451
Get hold of Simon (Scope) and order his Raspberry liquid - he sent me a sample with my Apple Tart order and even though I don't eat/drink red fruit flavours, it really is very good. His prices are the same as GVC for 10ml, 30ml, 50ml and 100ml. Top chap to deal with and very fast delivery.

am i to presume his name is Scope on here?
How are u finding the Kayfun Lite? I am very tempted to get one ;)

Im in love with it lol, built like a tank, finished very well, and it just works, it can be a little tricky getting the coil and wick to wick fully, but with all the advice on 3.1 out there the Lite is exactly the same setup so with a bit looking it works like a train, after using genesis types for a while this is just as good without any of the hassle in my eyes, my AC9 is now being sold :D
Hey guys, I have got £50 available. I want to get a new e-cig as I had one a while back but it is broken and leaks. Best for the money? Would prefer it a bit cheaper to get some nice juices too.

That works out to around £60 which is a bit too much. Any other suggestions? Actually, I have some juice left over from my old one, will it be fine to use it in another type of e-cig or do they make the specific now?
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if money is not too big a factor then fast (slow)tech is to be avoided, they are extremely slow and most uk sites are next day delivery. However there are massive savings to be had, if anyone wants to try scopes raspberry, strawberry, apple tart or peach let me know and ill hook you up. i tried his banana milkshake last week and it was like vaping nesquik lol. He does a caramel as well which is delicious for those with a very sweet tooth.
Shocking decision!

on a side note, managed to order some GVC today and ordered some ry4 from vape escape yesterday, but (and i know i've asked this before) i'm after some raspberry type flavours and as i've kinda fallen out with totally wicked's juice, i was wondering if anyone else likes that sort of flavour and which version of it they prefer? theres just so many sites and variations of Raspberry and other fruit flavours i value you's guys opinions on it.

cheers in advance

Jack the ripple from t-juice is quite popular
if money is not too big a factor then fast (slow)tech is to be avoided, they are extremely slow and most uk sites are next day delivery. However there are massive savings to be had, if anyone wants to try scopes raspberry, strawberry, apple tart or peach let me know and ill hook you up. i tried his banana milkshake last week and it was like vaping nesquik lol. He does a caramel as well which is delicious for those with a very sweet tooth.

I absolutely agree - the extra premium UK sites charge is balanced by the fact you're not going to be waiting more than a couple of days to receive your goods. But the fact that the chap had a £50 budget, which doesn't buy you a lot in terms of quality vaping gear, I thought would be better spent on Fasttech.com, where his money would go much further, but obviously would have to wait longer.
Try putting the same kit together on a UK site would cost almost 3 times as much, particularly considering I specced a Nitecore charger, decent batteries and a SS Vamo. 50ml of Hangsen juice will set you back close to £20 (including postage) if ordered in the UK - Vaporbreak sell the same for $8.70 delivered (about £5.50!)
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's gonna get a little more difficult/expensive to get your juices.

Royal Mail have new restrictions in place from the 14th July. No posting eliquid in the mail.
Reading between the lines, would that only apply to liquids with nicotine in them?
I've skimmed that a few times now and I can't see anything in there that would specifically relate to nicotine in e-liquids, so presumably I'm missing something here?

After all, you can still send tobacco through the post and I can't see anything in that document which intends to prohibit that or even mentions nicotine specifically.

And given that PDF states the 14th of January - where's this July date come from?
I've skimmed that a few times now and I can't see anything in there that would specifically relate to nicotine in e-liquids, so presumably I'm missing something here?

After all, you can still send tobacco through the post and I can't see anything in that document which intends to prohibit that or even mentions nicotine specifically.

And given that PDF states the 14th of January - where's this July date come from?

Yeah I'm not sure if the date has been confused or is just similar. The date came from here. The restriction is toxic/poisonous liquids I assume.

Investigating further now.
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