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As promised, at last! :)
Well, isn't that ProVari a handsome thing!

Are there any other, erm, batteries (what should I call them?) that are as well-designed as the PV? It really looks fantastic and sits so nicely with that Protank.

Crikey, the Titanium White version looks utterly gorgeous as well...
My wife has had the Provari for the past couple of weeks and loves it, she uses the Protank with it and now doesn't want to pick up her Ego any longer. I am a non-smoker, but appreciate the fact that my wife has kicked a 20 year habit with the help of this healthier (Don't tell the politicians, they aren't keen on facts) alternative, a device i think is revolutionary.

It's a shame that said politicians want to put the kabosh on it over what is evidently their lost revenue, it's even more of a shame what a corrupt society we live in, a place where they can force people (majority will) back onto cigarettes and any deaths that occur as a result will be for the greater good. Really sucks!

Here are a couple of shots of my wife's Provari taken last week by the in-laws pool (Before anyone mentions it, i wouldn't put a £200+ device by water either. Women.. Pfft!).



*Edit to Add* E-Juice is Banana Cream E-Liquid from Apollo.
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So, yet more rumour and conjecture masquerading as fact.

If Vapeland are to be believed, and that conversation actually has taken place, that's confirmation from Royal Mail that there's no current restriction on liquids containing nicotine, nothing for anyone to worry about and that this has all been a load of fuss over nothing.

Either there are restrictions in place or there aren't - it's as simple, as cut and dried, as black and white as that. Yes or no, that's it.

So, under the assumption that these Royal Mail guidelines that have got everyones knickers in a twist came into effect on the 14th of January, it's probably safe to assume there are no restrictions in place or we'd have already seen prosecutions attempted. Unless of course there's been some sort of 'grace period' which again, there's no evidence of.

Until someone manages to drag out some official Royal Mail documentation that specifically mentions prohibiting the posting of liquids that contain nicotine, all those concerned would probably do well to keep their thoughts to themselves - if anything, contacting RM about this non-issue is more than likely going to bring to their attention that there is a potential issue out there and make them act on it!
Just been doing some research into the Kanger Evod's - and I'm fairly impressed by what I've read so far!

Could anyone recommend the best place where to order the full kit from and ideally for under the £40 mark?

Many thanks :)

You could also go a different route, Evods and a Vamo for example. But them the price goes up what with batt's and a charger.
So i take it that the provari you will need a battery and a charger??

Looking to get into vaping so i can kick my disgusting habit and also stops the missus from moaning lol. In fact she has said if u want one then she will buy me one so am interested in the provari with a kanger protank set up. Just need to know what other bits and bobs i will need, i do know that i need some e liquid as well.
So im currently speccing this e cig below up. Am i missing anything??, i know i need e-juice but i have a few left over from my other rubbish e-cig.

Provari Mini V2.5 Provari Mini V2.5

Provari Type - Black Satin (BLUE LED)

Kanger Protank Kanger Protank

AW IMR Battery Type - 18350 (700mah)

XTAR VP1 battery charger

Comes out to £245 all in which is expensive but if it gets me off the dreaded cigs then im all for it. I do like vaping but like i said the one that i have isnt very good as it leaks no matter how tight i tighten it, doesnt last very long and i dont get a good vapour or hit from it.

So just looking for opinions and whether or not i need to add anything other than e-juice.
Its all good, if your happy spending the ££ on a provari then go for it.

Get another battery, for when one is on charge. :)
Out of interest, what did you use before?

Tbh it doesnt even have a name:p. I got it earlier this year from the ideal home show that was on in Earls court. Its a silver tube with the battery inside then you just plug in the cart after filling it up with liquid.

At first it was fine but now i find it doesnt last me very long and the battery tube gets very hot especially if i do a big pull to get some vapour going.

@Yas786, how about getting an Evic? they are about £60 and the battery stays in the tube and u just plug a usb lead into it and charge it up.
Evic here http://www.vapersjuice.com/product/evic
Then get a couple of Protanks and u are good to go for less than £100

Oooh thats nice, i like the led display. Just a shame its out of stock though :(
So im currently speccing this e cig below up. Am i missing anything??, i know i need e-juice but i have a few left over from my other rubbish e-cig.

Provari Mini V2.5 Provari Mini V2.5

Provari Type - Black Satin (BLUE LED)

Kanger Protank Kanger Protank

AW IMR Battery Type - 18350 (700mah)

XTAR VP1 battery charger

Comes out to £245 all in which is expensive but if it gets me off the dreaded cigs then im all for it. I do like vaping but like i said the one that i have isnt very good as it leaks no matter how tight i tighten it, doesnt last very long and i dont get a good vapour or hit from it.

So just looking for opinions and whether or not i need to add anything other than e-juice.

You seem to have everything covered, like the other poster said it would be prudent to get another battery.
One other thing you may need is a strong arm :p, because if my wife's Provari is anything to go by the thing weighs a ton (that's the full size Provari though), build quality is unbelievable.
Also to add - Wife has had no leakage with the Protank, lots of hit and vapour, and she mentions the flavour being loads better too. Don't think you'll be disappointed with your choice!
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You seem to have everything covered, like the other poster said it would be prudent to get another battery.
One other thing you may need is a strong arm :p, because if my wife's Provari is anything to go by the thing weighs a ton (that's the full size Provari though), build quality is unbelievable.
Also to add - Wife has had no leakage with the Protank, lots of hit and vapour, and she mentions the flavour being loads better too. Don't think you'll be disappointed with your choice!

Cheers mate, was hoping that you would post as i did like your wife's little setup. But im going with the provari mini rather than the big one that i imagine your wife uses??

Been doing my own research and it seems like the people who have one all love it for the quality of the hit and vapour.

Again thanks guys but methinks ill go with what i specced up a page back:p...good thing my missus is paying for this:p

Also the battery charger is like £34 so im not sure if i should be spending that much on a charger if i can get one cheaper and will charge 2 batteries with ease.
Oooh thats nice, i like the led display. Just a shame its out of stock though :(
Its in stock here ;)

Cheers mate, was hoping that you would post as i did like your wife's little setup. But im going with the provari mini rather than the big one that i imagine your wife uses??

Been doing my own research and it seems like the people who have one all love it for the quality of the hit and vapour.

Again thanks guys but methinks ill go with what i specced up a page back:p...good thing my missus is paying for this:p

Also the battery charger is like £34 so im not sure if i should be spending that much on a charger if i can get one cheaper and will charge 2 batteries with ease.

No Probs, :)
the Povari is a nice piece of kit, but to me its overpriced.
Afaik it just does Variable Voltage and not Variable Wattage, while the Evic, Vamo, etc.. can do both.
Its in stock here ;)

No Probs, :)
the Povari is a nice piece of kit, but to me its overpriced.
Afaik it just does Variable Voltage and not Variable Wattage, while the Evic, Vamo, etc.. can do both.

Pardon me for my ignorance but whats the difference between Variable voltage and wattage??. I know with the provari you can adjust the amount of voltage to get a higher amount of vapour from what i understand. But variable wattage?? what does that do??

Thanks for the link, yeh the provari is expensive for what it is but just looks so damn nice:p
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