Liberty flights are an established supplier, and you'd be hard pressed to get a better starter set elsewhere...type ECR69 in the redeem code box to get these prices quoted
Riva 510 SE steel or black £28.89 -
Boge cartomiser 5 pack steel or black - choose 2.0ohm £5.52 -
Translucsent drip tip 510/901 type 1- any colour - £1.49 -
Tobacco e-liquid 5ml - choose a few different types as taste is subjective. I'd get 3x5ml bottles at £2.54 each -
Various other flavours E-liquid - again, try 3 different types, at £2.20 each -
total with shipping comes to £52.74.
Everything you need to get started, that lot should last you at least a month depending on usage.
monthly re-stocks of E-liquid and maybe atomiser/cartomisers.
The batteries from starter set should last between 6months to a year.