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Dual coils are £1.50 - 1 lasts me a week.
Boge cartos are a quid - 2 lasts me a week.

I could get longer from them, but choose to bin them. They're cheap enough, and taste better over a shorter period.

My mate gets 2-4 weeks out of 1 Boge carto. Christ knows what they taste like by then lol.

So that's £14 a month for quality vaping using cartomisers.

Tank atomisers used to last me a week. Say £8 each with a cart. £32 a month. I also had 3 that died within 3 days.

I find it's cheaper, more reliable and a better experience with cartos. I've not had a dud cartomiser since i began using them 4 months ago.
TT atty only lasts you one week?! Are you vaping more than you breathe or something? :p
I got some of the cartomisiers from TW but I hated them - found they made everything taste weird and dull. Back to manually filling carts which is a bit of a pain :(
Oh dear, my standard and LR atty for my tornado both have a horrible burning taste, or something cant describe it, but its a horrible taste in my throat, i washed them out last night and stood to dry, primed both this morning and both taste like crap, downside i cant buy another atty till next week now :( no funds in bank to allow me to purchase.

I boiled 3 for 30 mins at the weekend, now I'm not really getting any vapour from any of them so I think I've busted them all. They were around 2 months old and one was definitely pretty sick so not the end of the world, but will try to be more careful in future.
TT atty only lasts you one week?! Are you vaping more than you breathe or something? :p


They still worked, but on some the performance dropped right off, and others just started tasting burnt. Way too much hassle for my liking.

That burnt taste is vile, makes you wanna grab a packet of real smokes :eek:

The best vaping method without doubt is direct dripping onto a normal atomiser like a 306, a 510 or a 901 fitted with a driptip, loads of flavour, but way too much faff carrying a bottle of e-liquid around.

Cartos are the best bang for buck at the moment, relatively hassle free, but they're still not perfect.
That burnt taste is vile, makes you wanna grab a packet of real smokes :eek:

Indeed it is, ive got to put up with it untill next week with mine, unless i can figure out how to revive them a little, ive tryed using needle nose pliers to get the spike out to clean the wick but they wont grab it properly :( so im screwed lol..

I suppose at this rate its a case of buying a new Atty every 2 weeks just so i have 1 in hand, so i dont get into this problem again
Dual coils are £1.50 - 1 lasts me a week.
Boge cartos are a quid - 2 lasts me a week.

I could get longer from them, but choose to bin them. They're cheap enough, and taste better over a shorter period.

My mate gets 2-4 weeks out of 1 Boge carto. Christ knows what they taste like by then lol.

So that's £14 a month for quality vaping using cartomisers.

Tank atomisers used to last me a week. Say £8 each with a cart. £32 a month. I also had 3 that died within 3 days.

I find it's cheaper, more reliable and a better experience with cartos. I've not had a dud cartomiser since i began using them 4 months ago.

Fair enough where you getting your £1.50 dual coils please? :)
Aye, I'm think it's the best of everything. Tanks for when out and about, drip tip for when at home.. the cost of a wire when it burns out.

Got the smoktech dual coil cartomisers and I don't really like the heat, I guess this is because they are low resistance.

I find dripping straight onto my normal resistance atomiser is much nicer, however this is not practical, so would I get the same effect from a tank? Also the standard carts are reasonable but still not as nice as dripping.
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Got the smoktech dual coil cartomisers and I don't really like the heat, I guess this is because they are low resistance.

I find dripping straight onto my normal resistance atomiser is much nicer, however this is not practical, so would I get the same effect from a tank? Also the standard carts are reasonable but still not as nice as dripping.

The dual coils do run hotter, the 1.5's are LR, you only need to draw for 2 seconds on those, as opposed to 5-6 seconds on standard resistance.

The tanks are as far away from dripping as you can get, so the effect is not the same.

I'm afraid nothing beats direct dripping, if there was I'd be all over it. But like you say, it's so impractical.
The dual coils do run hotter, the 1.5's are LR, you only need to draw for 2 seconds on those, as opposed to 5-6 seconds on standard resistance.

The tanks are as far away from dripping as you can get, so the effect is not the same.

I'm afraid nothing beats direct dripping, if there was I'd be all over it. But like you say, it's so impractical.

Damn really? I thought they would be pretty similar as they just do the dripping for you don't they?

Oh well I guess I will have to try a few different products to find the one that's right for me, I just don't like how these taste even compared to using cartridges.
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