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Going mad here. Got into the whole making my own coils (currently have a mini protank 2, EVOD Glass and mini aerotank)

Struggling though to make a decent coil work. I can make the coils, just unsure how many wraps, etc.

Currently using 32 gauge kanthal. Probably doesn't help that I am using a ego battery.

I always bought coils around the 1.2 - 1.6 ohm mark.

Using 32 gauge though I only needs like 3 wraps, seems far too low to hit roughly this region.

If i go into 5/6 coils and into the 2 ohms region it doesn't seem to heat the wire enough to produce a decent throat hit or vapour.

Forgetting the above though. What would you suggest me doing?
You have a couple options.

1. Get thicker wire. Thicker wire = lower resistance. So 0.32 mm Kanthal, 8-10 wraps, should give somewhere in the region you're looking for.

2. Parallel wraps. Double the length of wire, and fold it in half, keeping it tight at the folded end. Make sure you keep the wire tight and parallel as you wrap the coil, and double the number of wraps to make the same resistance. It's basically the same as dual coiling.

32 gauge is too thin. It's only 0.2 mm. It's 28 gauge you really want.
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You have a couple options.

1. Get thicker wire. Thicker wire = lower resistance. So 0.32 mm Kanthal, 8-10 wraps, should give somewhere in the region you're looking for.

2. Parallel wraps. Double the length of wire, and fold it in half, keeping it tight at the folded end. Make sure you keep the wire tight and parallel as you wrap the coil, and double the number of wraps to make the same resistance. It's basically the same as dual coiling.

32 gauge is too thin. It's only 0.2 mm. It's 28 gauge you really want.

Thanks. What resistance do you think I should aim for??

Tbh I should scrap the ego batteries and get a Mvp2 or a Hana mods.

Or maybe a mech.

Or both :D
Well you can't go too low, because of the devices you are using. I usually stick between 1 - 1.3 ohm for tanks. But if you go down to 1 your ego or MVP may not fire it depending on actual resistance, and the limitations of the device (my MVP does fire 1 ohm coils though, my SID doesn't). Should be fine with the Hana though.

But if you are used to around 1.5 ohms, then aim for that. It's all personal preference.
[TW]Sponge;26708893 said:
You were right the first time, I think the one on the right is a newer version. It seems to fit without that long bit, just doesn't seem right? I've had a vape off it and it seems to be working ok? Ahh well guess it was a lot of fuss over nothing sorry chaps!

Still really frustrated over the throat pain though. I've tried all different strength juices, pg/vg and just vg and nothing seems to be working.

Guess I'm just impatient and I want things to work and be ok straight away.

One is dual coil and the other is single coil. get dual coils for PT3
Another question from me (sorry) :)

I am using a liquid from a place called 'Lickwid' at the moment and it seems the perfect balance for me. The one thing I have noticed, is that it has deionised water in the ingredients, and all of my other liquids don't. Does this make for a smoother vape? I have other liquids that I find are too harsh, even though they are the same strength and have the same ratio.

Now this 'Lickwid' place only does a select few flavours. Without me trawling the internet for hours looking for similar vendors, do you guys know of anywhere with the same ingredients? It's a 60/40 mix and 6mg nicotine. Or any of your own personal adv's that are incredibly smooth.

Sorry if I keep banging on about stuff! Thanks guys.
New tank :D


Can I ask where you purchased that tank from please?

[TW]Sponge;26712057 said:
Another question from me (sorry) :)

I am using a liquid from a place called 'Lickwid' at the moment and it seems the perfect balance for me. The one thing I have noticed, is that it has deionised water in the ingredients, and all of my other liquids don't. Does this make for a smoother vape? I have other liquids that I find are too harsh, even though they are the same strength and have the same ratio.

Now this 'Lickwid' place only does a select few flavours. Without me trawling the internet for hours looking for similar vendors, do you guys know of anywhere with the same ingredients? It's a 60/40 mix and 6mg nicotine. Or any of your own personal adv's that are incredibly smooth.

Sorry if I keep banging on about stuff! Thanks guys.

Some people use deionised water to reduce the thickness of the VG, others use vodka, and some don't use anything. I find vodka can be a little harsh. I'm guessing deionised water would be smoother.
[TW]Sponge;26712057 said:
The one thing I have noticed, is that it has deionised water in the ingredients, and all of my other liquids don't. Does this make for a smoother vape? I have other liquids that I find are too harsh, even though they are the same strength and have the same ratio.

Some people use deionised water to reduce the thickness of the VG, others use vodka, and some don't use anything. I find vodka can be a little harsh. I'm guessing deionised water would be smoother.

It should be distilled water being used and not deionised water.
Deionised water is unfit for human consumption iirc.

Ukvapers forum

"I spoke to the Boots Pharmacist today and asked if de-ionised water from hardware/car shops is safe to drink or inhale as vapour?
His answer was a straight NO!
De-ionised water from a car or hardware shop, is not fit for human consumption, by drinking or otherwise consumed.

I asked him what the alternative would be?
He suggested purified water, which is distilled and bottled in a sanitary manner."

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(
Also its used to thin VG which is very gloopy, it just helps higher VG juices to wick better.
It should be distilled water being used and not deionised water.
Deionised water is unfit for human consumption iirc.

Ukvapers forum

"I spoke to the Boots Pharmacist today and asked if de-ionised water from hardware/car shops is safe to drink or inhale as vapour?
His answer was a straight NO!
De-ionised water from a car or hardware shop, is not fit for human consumption, by drinking or otherwise consumed.

I asked him what the alternative would be?
He suggested purified water, which is distilled and bottled in a sanitary manner."

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(
Also its used to thin VG which is very gloopy, it just helps higher VG juices to wick better.

Seriously? How can they put it in there if it isn't safe to consume? Checked a few forums and quite a few people still use it.

Apparently it's safe if it's medical grade and not from Halfords..... Just have to trust the vendor I guess?? Sent them an e-mail to see where they get the water from.
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I got given a dripper ages ago, it's a Chris's Couldron 3 if that means anything, but as I am new to drippers, how to I coil it?

It has 2 post's on the deck and small airholes on the desk to heat it but do I use more wraps, more cotton, or less wraps more cotton.

I usually vape at around 1.4 ohm, which is 4 wraps on 30g wire around those little blue screwdrivers you get with clones.

Will that be too much heat on a dripper?
1.4ohm on a dripper will be fine Josh, most of (if not all) are designed to be handle sub ohm so 1.4 will be fine!

Note: if you decide to go sub ohm, concencus would recommend that you pick up a mech mod and a battery which you know can handle anything you throw at it (outside of EXTREME sub ohming)....Sony VTC5/Efest 35A purple etc

Trying Mrs B's Vanilla Custard (ecigwizard affiliated), smelt lush and potent in the bottle which was suprising as the batch date is only 28/07/14, but sticking it in the fogger and it's almost tasteless :(
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I got given a dripper ages ago, it's a Chris's Couldron 3 if that means anything, but as I am new to drippers, how to I coil it?

It has 2 post's on the deck and small airholes on the desk to heat it but do I use more wraps, more cotton, or less wraps more cotton.

I usually vape at around 1.4 ohm, which is 4 wraps on 30g wire around those little blue screwdrivers you get with clones.

Will that be too much heat on a dripper?

1.4ohm on a dripper will be fine Josh, most of (if not all) are designed to be handle sub ohm so 1.4 will be fine!

Note: if you decide to go sub ohm, concencus would recommend that you pick up a mech mod and a battery which you know can handle anything you throw at it (outside of EXTREME sub ohming)....Sony VTC5/Efest 35A purple etc

Trying Mrs B's Vanilla Custard (ecigwizard affiliated), smelt lush and potent in the bottle which was suprising as the batch date is only 28/07/14, but sticking it in the fogger and it's almost tasteless :(

As Tommy says really, just experiment to find what suits you.

Just be safe and know the limits of your battery's if you are using a mech.

I dont know many experienced vapers that go much below 0.8 Ohms it's unnecessary when you can get the same results with a little experimentation :)
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Cheers for that chaps,

I don't think I will be going sub ohms ever. Think I may try and dual coil it, around 12 wraps per coils should get me around 1.4ohm I think.

I have a couple of different eFest batteries x2 18650 reds and x2 18350 purples.

Tommy the fogger is being sent this am, as soon as I have the tracking number I will ping it over by email. Have boxed it very well so if it arrives knackered let me know!
I am looking to broaden my knowledge of coiling. Just got into the whole building your own coils but only use the smaller attys. Looking to jump up to mechs or VW devices soon along with something like a kayfun Lite plus.

However would like to know what guage wire, ohms, and type of coil you lot use. Some of them look quite ingenious.

Have a play with the numbers on this site, it will give you an idea of what to expect, in fact bookmark it, its quite handy. :)

For me my KFL's I usually go around 1.6 ohms. The general consensus is that they work best around the 1 - 1.8 ohm mark.

If you want to go 1 ohm or less look at a dripper. IMO.

Have a play with the numbers on this site, it will give you an idea of what to expect, in fact bookmark it, its quite handy. :)

For me my KFL's I usually go around 1.6 ohms. The general consensus is that they work best around the 1 - 1.8 ohm mark.

If you want to go 1 ohm or less look at a dripper. IMO.

Star. Spending more on this than I ever did with stinkies ha.

I read about people vaping at extremely high and low resistances? Whats the benefits?

Have a play with the numbers on this site, it will give you an idea of what to expect, in fact bookmark it, its quite handy. :)

For me my KFL's I usually go around 1.6 ohms. The general consensus is that they work best around the 1 - 1.8 ohm mark.

If you want to go 1 ohm or less look at a dripper. IMO.

Thanks for linking that site VR according to that, 10 wraps per coilx 2 with my 30g should net me 1.7Ohms, think I will give that a whirl later.

Is it better to use more cotton with a dripper and soak it?
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