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I have a nautilus mini just now, but seem to be going through coils quite regularly.

Are there any alternatives folk would recommend?
Any of the tanks/clero's that use the pre built coils or heads will be quite expensive to run, they just dont last long especially with custardy type juices. Building your own coils with kanthal and cotton is the way forward imo. :)

For that look at something like the Kayfun, Orchid etc. Or a dripper if thats your thing.
Guys, I need to remind you that there's no selling or buying allowed on these boards outside of MM. As we don't allow vaping gear on MM this isn't an excuse to trade elsewhere on the forum.
Took delivery of Fogger v4 clone yesterday. Currently running dual 4 wrap coils at 0.47 ohms and it's awesome. Great flavour and good cloud production. It will replace my Ithaka as the host to Vaping Kings MDV666. Very tempted to get a few more to replace my Russian and Protank 3.

Edit: going to rebuild it to 0.9 ohms later as it runs a bit hot at 0.47.
one of my favourites so far! just vaping some snake oil at the moment

Thats one of my last to try. Nice?

I got my scopes order today and he threw in a free 10ml of boozy bounty to try! God bless you sir scope :)

Also bought myself the clouper T5 for £40 so even if its not that good at least I will get back what I paid for it (had a free efest in it as well)
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Vape mail today. Eleaf istick for the mrs.

2x Samsung-25r's, Nitecore D4 Charger and my first mechanical Mod, a Stingray X Clone.

Stingray was grubby to say the least. Anyway after a full clean, Charge and some vapes everything was great barr one thing the button would constently fire whilst sat down.
More tinkering I placed a battery in and my god it got very warm quick. Took it out immediately and it cooled. Stupid being what stupid does I then placed the other to check lol. Suffice to say the exact same.

Well it would appear I no longer have working batteries and I had just paid £25 to have these delivered today. Do I cheekily chance sending these back to Amazon as faulty:eek: ?

I am currently vaping a cool fire 1 to see if it hit the spot and I'm loving it, But I'm now wanting to get a variable mod but struggling to pick one

I do not want a box mod I prefer the tube types

was looking at a Vamo V5 ,sigelei zmax looking to spend no more than £60-70
If the body is cheaper the I will get my first Rebuild-able atomizers tank

what would you lot recommend?
I am currently vaping a cool fire 1 to see if it hit the spot and I'm loving it, But I'm now wanting to get a variable mod but struggling to pick one

I do not want a box mod I prefer the tube types

was looking at a Vamo V5 ,sigelei zmax looking to spend no more than £60-70
If the body is cheaper the I will get my first Rebuild-able atomizers tank

what would you lot recommend?

If you're prepared to wait a few weeks for delivery, grab a Vamo v5 from Fasttech. Cheap as chips, will last you quite a while, and will leave you more budget room for your RBA.

Just be careful with standing it up on its end... a harsh knock on the table will make it fall over, and can result in cracked tanks. That's probably the only negative thing I can say about it, to be honest.
I only posted in here a few times, but I thought I'd let you guys know, vaping allowed me to give up cigarettes/nicotine completely. A few weeks of replacing cigs with vaping, and only using it when I really needed a hit, was better than anything I've tried in the past.

2 months clean now!
So my Cana took a bath today. I'm drying it out at the moment, and it was in there for literally one second, so maybe it will be alright, but if it's not, what VW box mod is the thing at the moment?

Less than £75ish (preferably less!)
No bigger than a Hana Mod if possible
Onboard charging preferred

But I'm flexible on any of those individual points! I'm going to go and do some research now but any personal recommendations from you guys would be much appreciated. Haven't been keeping up because I've been content with my gear but an excuse for a new shiny always changes everything!

The Eleaf iStick might get a look in too.. only 20w but I mostly use my Kayfun these days anyway.
So my Cana took a bath today. I'm drying it out at the moment, and it was in there for literally one second, so maybe it will be alright, but if it's not, what VW box mod is the thing at the moment?

Less than £75ish (preferably less!)
No bigger than a Hana Mod if possible
Onboard charging preferred

But I'm flexible on any of those individual points! I'm going to go and do some research now but any personal recommendations from you guys would be much appreciated. Haven't been keeping up because I've been content with my gear but an excuse for a new shiny always changes everything!

The Eleaf iStick might get a look in too.. only 20w but I mostly use my Kayfun these days anyway.

IPV v3? not sure if it exceeds the £75 though,
my neighbour has one and its actually quite nice in the flesh so to speak
Best place to get a cloupor DNA30 box mid please chaps.

My Stingary mod is slowly wearing itself out and want a box, but don't want 100w amd 150w things. 30w is fine for me.

Not fussed what colour but want it to be a decent clone.
Do you have to buy coils for it or am I misunderstanding what it is exactly?

yeah, atomisers are unscrewed from the bottom of the tank. Only joyetech atomisers will work in this mod, but their priced at rougly the same as any other atomisers. I'm not sure if its re-buildable yet as the device and atomiser it uses are too new.

There's loads of reviews on it on youtube and they all say good things about it.
Well my mod officially died this morning, RIP Stingray X!

Ordered an IPV2 as after investigating the Cloupours the chip seems to be a little dodgy is some cases.

Roll on tomorrow, using a EVOD atm looks wired with my TOBH dripper on it!
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