Oh wow, tried a few of the digby juices now and this Hooligan was is very nice! My favourite so far. "Cherry, lemon, Oranges and Limes combined with a bit of fizz."
Do recommend!
one of my favourites so far! just vaping some snake oil at the moment
I am currently vaping a cool fire 1 to see if it hit the spot and I'm loving it, But I'm now wanting to get a variable mod but struggling to pick one
I do not want a box mod I prefer the tube types
was looking at a Vamo V5 ,sigelei zmax looking to spend no more than £60-70
If the body is cheaper the I will get my first Rebuild-able atomizers tank
what would you lot recommend?
So my Cana took a bath today. I'm drying it out at the moment, and it was in there for literally one second, so maybe it will be alright, but if it's not, what VW box mod is the thing at the moment?
Less than £75ish (preferably less!)
No bigger than a Hana Mod if possible
Onboard charging preferred
But I'm flexible on any of those individual points! I'm going to go and do some research now but any personal recommendations from you guys would be much appreciated. Haven't been keeping up because I've been content with my gear but an excuse for a new shiny always changes everything!
The Eleaf iStick might get a look in too.. only 20w but I mostly use my Kayfun these days anyway.
What's it like? I'm thinking of getting one myself due to the size, all in one build and robust look of it.
Do you have to buy coils for it or am I misunderstanding what it is exactly?