QUICK I must order haha.
All his other stuff is out of stock!
Ach.. I only lost about 2-3ml as I never fill the tank above the glass for vacuum purposes and also seeing as it was a trial build too.
Too be honest with all the builds I have done on the lite plus and the 3.1 kayfuns I have always found my crappy but original Smok RSBT far better for flavour and vapour. Its just a PIA to build by comparison.
I have an Orchid V4 hopefully here by early next week which I hope offers a better experience as I really want a tank for work and keep my 3 drippers for blowing clouds at home.
£1 bottles and 50ml mate? Ooft. I would be worried about whether that contains dicetyl or deionised water. Not saying that all premium gourmet liquids don't but in my mind I would think the chances are higher.
Hey guys, any of you guys on Virgin media mind trying to get on vapegeek.co.uk or safercigs.co.uk - for some reason both of those dont work anymore, trying to pinpoint the cause as loads of people on other forums dont see an issue.
Or £25 for the Kayfun 4 clone?
Hey guys, any of you guys on Virgin media mind trying to get on vapegeek.co.uk or safercigs.co.uk - for some reason both of those dont work anymore, trying to pinpoint the cause as loads of people on other forums dont see an issue.
Hey guys, any of you guys on Virgin media mind trying to get on vapegeek.co.uk or safercigs.co.uk - for some reason both of those dont work anymore, trying to pinpoint the cause as loads of people on other forums dont see an issue.
So far there are 3 clones ready, but which one is a 1:1 we will have to wait and see.
Where are kayfun v4 clones available from? I cant find any yet
I know I'll have mine next week.