Ive just been searching aswell, and there appears to be several different versions of the Lavatube, and the 2.1 apparently has a 4amp limit and the little lcd display has features that tells you what ohms your atomizer is etc, but not found a uk stockist yet, also comes in black or chrome/silver - TW and Ecigwizards's offerings look on paper to be the v2 which is a chromed v1 with the same internals.
Infact it appears there is several versions of the LT, ranging from 1 - 3...1 and 2 are the same internally (2.5-amp limit, no resistance checking) but 2 has the chrome, 1.5 has a 3.2amp limit and version 3 has the 4.0amp limit, thats all in the US though and im not sure if they are even available in the UK.
Edit again lol
Fired an email to ecigward and got a nice friendly reply from Jori with the following
LT v1.0 : 2.5Amp (original) | 18650/18350
LT v1.5 : 3.2Amp (2nd maker) | 18650/18350
LT v2.0 : 2.5Amp (original) | 18650/18500/18350
LT v2.0 : 3.2Amp (2nd maker) | 18650/18350
LT v2.0-T : 4Amp (2nd maker) | 18650/18350
(LT v2.1-T is just a different name for the v2.0-T to clearly differ it from the 2nd makers own previous versio v2.0)
One key hint on how-to-pick the 2nd makers LT's : the screen on the LT has battery's charge bar on it, like cell phones, unlike on the original makers LT's
And another edit ..sigh lol
Found a UK site that has v2.1 Chrome Lavatubes, in regular size or the mini variation, These arent the 4amp version but the 3.2amp version, with the battery level indicator on all screens (like mobile phones), and also you can check what Ohm your using aswell as the other normal LT features. Currently on pre-order for the bodys, but full kits say they are instock