US: The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

The biggest issue I have, is the Governors slaughter.

No one did anything, and then he killed the last one, while he had his gun pointed at the Gov. Ridiculous.
By the way, Walking Dead is now the best rated show of all time on US cable. The series 3 mid-season finale attracted 15.5 million viewers (for comparison the finale of Lost got 10.8 million), and it seems this episode will get even higher ratings.

Season 1 finale of House had over 25 million watch it, whereas it's series 8 finale was 8 million, I don't find the Lost's finale numbers relevant, I bet you had more viewers on random episodes than the series finale.
I was 100% convinced there was another part to the finale but nope. I don't think I've ever felt so let down from a TV show.
Then, I recall they removed some writers who were responsible for that, and then the show has lacked since.

The consensus generally is that the season finale disappointed, you just seem far too forgiving.

The show has changed, that's the point, it's not about people wanting something else, they want the show they liked in Season 1 and early Season 3.
I mean really, why have they extended this arc?

But you just seem to dismiss people (Probably because it's got DG being himself, and Arknor being himself, giving their "points" poorly)

In your opinion, not mine :p Yes it hasn't been as fast paced etc. but I think the episodes have been fine and to be fair, there isn't much else that they could do to keep the same level of pace etc. given the conditions.

I enjoy the show for what it is, if the show was crap then I will say it is crap, I found season 2 rather poor from episode 3 till the barn episode and from then on it was superb until the last episode, which just ruined it, silly over the top action imo, still enjoyed the episode but it could have been so much better.

Season 1 was good but I much prefer this season overall and I much prefer the last few episodes of season 2 over it.

And yes that is my point regarding your last part, I don't care if people don't like the episode/show but if they do, at least explain why rather than saying "crap/boring", as to me it just comes across like the only reason they think that, is due to hardly any action.

I don't mind DG though! :p Look forward to hearing what he thinks about the governor still being alive! :D

As to not taking over Woodbury, they do not have the numbers to constantly man the gates and walls, the prison provides a safe environment, with the walkers fenced off, plenty of room to grow stuff on the field outside and a secure inside the prison is the best place to be.

True regarding not having the numbers to watch the walls etc.

- Would the fields still be usable since they mowed all the zombies down? Remember Hershel said something about not killing the walkers on the field at the beginning of season 3 due to contamination
- prison doesn't seem that safe any more with the fence ripped down, gate ripped of, walkers roaming around inside the prison :p

If they did have the numbers, I think woodbury would have been better as it has a nicer environment, is well protected i.e. fences/gates/walls, electricity, water (iirc hot water too?), more supplies and way more room.

I wonder if we will start to see an atmosphere/environment like the game metro 2033?
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Season 1 finale of House had over 25 million watch it, whereas it's series 8 finale was 8 million, I don't find the Lost's finale numbers relevant, I bet you had more viewers on random episodes than the series finale.

House was a network show (Fox), not Cable. As was Lost for that matter (ABC). I was just giving some numbers for comparison. And yes, the series 1 finale of Lost pulled just over 20 million viewers.

Ratings of 1-2 million are not uncommon for cable TV shows - even ones that run for several seasons. Walking dead is somewhat unusual in that (so far) its ratings have picked up dramatically with each half-series. The first series pulled in around 5 million viewers for example - one third the current number of viewers.

...note that I'm not trying to equate audience size with show quality here... if that were true then tripe like American Idol and Jersey Shore would be the cream of modern TV :p
Absolutely shocking, atrocious end to what started so well! Seems that the second half of this season had about 30 minutes of actual plot, and what must be around 4 episodes worth of nothing but time killing filler.

I'd assumed that they had removed the content from the previous 3 or 4 episodes so that they could have an amazing finale, but nope, this was only a little better than the last few, which really isn't saying much. I looked at the time when they all got back to the prison at the end, expecting a final confrontation or something, turns out that was just the end of the show.

Hopefully it picks up again next season :)
Supposedly the governor has been confirmed to be a season regular for the next season!

I don't see how you don't have a problem with this, it's just the Governor and his racially diverse men (All 2 of them)

What exactly are they going to do? Skulk around a little?

What's worse, is these two dim wits stood there while he massacred like 30 ARMED men/women.

I like the show, but, I just don't like what they're doing with it.

EDIT : I'm just so disappointed :(
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I agree with you on that part, it was stupid the way no one took him down when he opened fire on them but this show has so many stupid things that make no sense :p

- surprise zombies
- always going on about lack of ammo (before they raided Morgan's house) yet it never really seemed a problem
- Andrea stupid decisions
- stupid decisions made by other people throughout every season

However, we don't know yet what he is going to do, I doubt that it will just be them 3, for all we know, he might go around "recruiting" more people just like he did with Merle etc. (after all that is why Merle sided with him, he came along, patched him up, give him a safe place to stay and am sure it was more or less the same for all the others like Martinez etc.), if he could make a ton of people do his dirty work then why can't he start again?

I would have liked to see him be killed in order to close the woodbury Vs prison story arc of, however, at the same time, I am curious to see what they can do with his character, how much darker/crazier can he go? How is he going to react once he gets back to woodbury to find out that all/most of his people are gone/staying at the prison etc.
As much as i've grown to despise Andrea through the seasons, I did have a lump in my throat at the end.

However, Rick gives her his revolver, gunshot...then the sound of a shell casing hitting the floor...very sloppy, fairly sure revolvers don't expel casings after each shot?
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I really didn't expect this episode to have such a marmite reaction here! As I've already said, I thought it was great, and really in-line with the style of the show.

I genuinely think that a lot of people seem to have misguided expectations for this show (...not everyone who is criticising it in this thread, for sure, but some). As I've said many times before, the depth of character development is what makes this show, not the number of zombie / human kills, or the number of main characters that are killed off. For me that's the real "meat" of the show. I understand *some* of the criticisms leveled here, but most just seem like a lack of appreciation for what the show aims to be.

Don't get me wrong - I too was lamenting the lack of pace in the first half of the second series, and I too was laughing and shaking my head at Hershel's infinite-ammo shotgun in the series 2 finale (and other similarly ridiculous scenes). Series 2 had a LOT of flaws, but in my mind they have been rectified very nicely in series 3. To me, this series has been among the best of any show in the past few years - just the right balance of action and character development, against a backdrop of despair and uncertainty. I appreciate that many will disagree with me, but that's my 2p.
As much as i've grown to despise Andrea through the seasons, I did have a lump in my throat at the end.

However, Rick gives her his revolver, gunshot...then the sound of a shell casing hitting the floor...very sloppy, fairly sure revolvers don't expel casings after each shot?

Likewise, I didn't hate her as much as other people did but still sad to see her go and again if it weren't for the character development of the show, the death would not have bothered me as much.

Just had to re-watch that scene and yup you're right, I didn't hear the shell casing, only remembered the noise of the gun falling onto the ground.

Still surprised that none of Rick's group got killed, so glad nothing happened to Hershel! :D

Shame that he didn't break out his shotgun and hack, governor's group wouldn't have stood a chance! :D


:D :D :D
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I was glad Andrea died.
She had truly pathetic character development, she became nothing but a jumped up little blonde trollop, then had a few moments of glory (Covered in more stupidity ; "I'm coming with your group" then goes with the Gov)

I'd have rather she was just mutilated when the group got there :p or the Gov turned her into something that resembled one of Michonne's zombies, that way the Gov can still have a crack at her when he can't satisfy himself.

Milton on the other hand, he showed real character development over the series.
and what i hoped for wouldnt happen did they didnt kill the guvnor so they can milk it for another season :rolleyes:

welcome to lost.
The biggest issue I have, is the Governors slaughter.

No one did anything, and then he killed the last one, while he had his gun pointed at the Gov. Ridiculous.

I think when you consider that a lot of the people there weren't comfortable shooting against other human beings then a lot can be said for what happened, they were normal people going into a blind panic when someone opens fire and naturally run for cover...they weren't killers in their own right. (You hear them all saying we're happy to kill walkers etc..)

Also when you actually look at that scene again I think only a handful of those who got off the track were actually armed. The vast majority were unarmed, assuming they left their guns on the truck, so again running to get their gun in some cases again would make sense.

With these elements together the slaughter was certainly conceivable the way it worked out.
Just re watched that scene and could only see one person holding a gun (he was one of the first to die as well)

So the only problem was that guy who stood there aiming his AK at the gov. and the other two guys (although I can see why they didn't do anything)
So the only problem was that guy who stood there aiming his AK at the gov. and the other two guys (although I can see why they didn't do anything)

Again you can go back to the fact this man again hasn't killed other humans...obviously didn't have that in him to do it, comfortable killing walkers but that's it.

I thought it was quite obvious as to why he didn't do anything.
Again you can go back to the fact this man again hasn't killed other humans...obviously didn't have that in him to do it, comfortable killing walkers but that's it.

I thought it was quite obvious as to why he didn't do anything.

That guy was quite volatile.
I guess we can go back and forth with this, but I think in his shoes, even if you hadn't killed another person before, you would kill someone who is obviously evil, given he's murdering people left right and centre.
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