The Windows 8 Thread

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Been out the whole Pc hardware / Software loop for years. If say you buy a new Rig with Win 7 say in march would you get a free upgrade to Win 8 or is it best just to wait till the end of the year and get the new computer and OS all in one.

Coming from a six year old AMD with Windows XP……I just hope it would last till next August that’s my main concern. I only found out about Win 8 playing with the new LCD Big TV that runs U-tube....:D

I take it this new OS is another jump in performance from Win 7 and not just a visual progression only? I’ve not even tried that other than a few minutes on a friends PC.
Been out the whole Pc hardware / Software loop for years. If say you buy a new Rig with Win 7 say in march would you get a free upgrade to Win 8 or is it best just to wait till the end of the year and get the new computer and OS all in one.

Someone feel free to correct me, but usually a pre-built one has a sticker or some form of notice that its a free upgrade on it when it comes out, at least the other half had a free upgrade to Windows 7 on hers when she bought it.
What happens with 3 screens on Win8 and the metro stuff? Anyone tested it on here?

Iirc it was on one of the videos. Pretty sure it's two desktop and one metro. But again this is on developer preview and they seem to off suggested they have taken on a lot of the critism so we will have to see whoa the next beta does.
Yup metro currently only supports one screen, so its two explorer and one metro. Tbh I cant imagine many people being interested in multi screen metro, although it would be nice to have anyway.
Someone feel free to correct me, but usually a pre-built one has a sticker or some form of notice that its a free upgrade on it when it comes out, at least the other half had a free upgrade to Windows 7 on hers when she bought it.

Cheers, just don't want to buy a new machine in March to be behind five or six months later on the OS front. :D Think I'll really enjoy something newer from the XP I've enjoyed all these years. First pc had 3.11 oh that seems so long ago.
After watching this it seems that MS are betting quite heavily on tablets replacing laptops, or at least non-touchscreen laptops, in the future.

Not completely, or not even close to wiping out the laptop market I dont think.

They will make a big dent in the mobile computing industry, but certainly not a wipe out, as not everyone likes working on a tablet in the commercial environment unless you want total portability which is pretty much people who are out on the road all the time and want quicker access to information then having to open up a laptop, boot it up etc.

I am not entirely convinced the home users have been taken by "storm" via the tablet market (just yet) anyway.

But there will always be room for laptops, I couldnt imagine me working in the office from a tablet, but certainly can for a while on my laptop.
We're getting iPhones and iPads at work. iPhone's first all 13000 maintenance staff :eek: makes total sense though and their plans are awesome and time saving. They are planning to release an app every 90days.
First app is a gps which will give us the exact mileage & chains and which line we are on.

I think tablets are going to obliterate laptop market. Not completely, but I expect their share to drastically collapse. Especially when w8 gets going. Imagine Asus transformer but with windows8. It'll take a fair few years though.

They already just hook laptop up to monitor and keyboard in the office.
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13,000 iPhones :eek:. Do you work for Apple? :p:D

IMO traditional laptops will be wiped out, replaced by Transformer esque devices, i.e. tablet with keyboard dock. Just look at what's happening to desktops now, many people choosing laptop plus dock and external keyboard, mouse and monitor over a proper desktop.

Oh and I thought Apple, Amazon and Google had been able to remotely delete apps and books for years? So not surprising that Microsoft are following them.

Edit: well maybe not wiped out completely, but will certainly become a very small niche (again like how desktops are going).
13,000 iPhones :eek:. Do you work for Apple? :p:D

Nope, but it shows you what companies are thinking,
why have lots of paperwork, that has to be updated, when with a combination of smart phone and tablet. You can have files electronically. Everyone has the upto date versions. From wiring diagrams to rules or whatever. With the added bonus of camera and gps. Forms and work can be done electronically, which means electronic trail saved centrally so paper work can't be lost/destroyed.
Huge benefits to such a system and finally they are being implemented.
Noob question but does any one know if it makes a difference to install the OS from just going to setup on the disk rather then booting from the DVD and following the standard format/install procedures on the booting screen?

The reason I ask is for the life of me I could not get it work that way, always had an error when formatting (seems quite common) so I just went ahead and booted into Windows 7, selected the Drive it was in and clicked setup and installed fine.

Is there a problem doing it this way?
Just thought I'd bump this thread, as I am ridiculously excited about windows 8 and am now downloading the pre-beta, how exciting!

Do I just burn it do DVD using nero iso thing, then install it on a small partition? Can I create a partition on my HDD from free space? I've only got the one hdd...

I really hope windows 8 works well, my next phone and tablet will most definately be windows, and I'll be getting windows 8 on release, it just looks epic!

Also, OP, that is one hell of a post, nicely done. :)
Just thought I'd bump this thread, as I am ridiculously excited about windows 8 and am now downloading the pre-beta, how exciting!

Do I just burn it do DVD using nero iso thing, then install it on a small partition? Can I create a partition on my HDD from free space? I've only got the one hdd...

I really hope windows 8 works well, my next phone and tablet will most definately be windows, and I'll be getting windows 8 on release, it just looks epic!

Also, OP, that is one hell of a post, nicely done.

Have heard that the server beta edition is out on leak.:D

I just want to know, will Microsoft be doing what they did with Windows 7 - with the pre-launch prices being a steal?

Early days yet, the official beta does not come out until next month.:D
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